Translation of
Pinkas ha-kehilot; entsiklopediya shel ha-yishuvim le-min hivasdam
ve-ad le-aher shoat milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniya: Hungaria
Edited by: Theodore Lavi
Published by Yad Vashem
Published in Jerusalem 1975
Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
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JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner and Judy Petersen
Introduction | g-h | |
The History of the Hungarian Jews By Netanel Katzburg |
The MiddleAges | |
Chapter One: The Settlement of the Jews and their Life in the Kingdom of Hungary 8901526 |
1 | |
Before the settlement of the Magyars | 1 | |
After the arrival of the Magyars | 1 | |
Th judicial and the political status | 2 | |
The Bela IV Declaration of Privileges | 23 | |
The Jewish settlements and the economic life | 3 | |
Spiritual life | 3 | |
Chapter Two: The Era of the Turkish Rule | 3 | |
Under Turkish rule | 34 | |
Under Habsburg rule | 4 | |
The economic life | 4 | |
Transilvania | 45 | |
The Sect of Sabbath Keepers | 5 | |
The Sabbetay Zvi Movement in Hungary | 56 | |
Connections with Eretz Israel | 67 | |
The Beginnings of the New Judaism | ||
Chapter Three: The 18th Century | 7 | |
Development of the settlements | 78 | |
The Jews in Transilvania | 810 | |
Taxes | 10 | |
The Jews and the cities | 1012 | |
The economic life | 1214 | |
The period of Emperor Joseph II | 1415 | |
Communities and their organization (structure; joining the community; leaders; the important communities; Torah and Rabbinate) |
1519 | |
Chapter Four: The Struggle for Equality and Internal Changes | 19 | |
The National Assembly in 179091 and the Jews | 2021 | |
The public discussion about the Jews during the first half of the 19th Century | 2122 | |
PoliticalJudicial status, 18401848 | 22 | |
The Jews and the 18481849 revolution | 2224 | |
The period of the Absolute Rule (18491967) | 24 | |
Granting Equality 1867 | 24 | |
Internal changes in the Jewish community (enlightenment; the Magyarization movement; the ultraorthodox struggle against the new currents; the ultraorthodox and the aspiration for equality; conflicts within the communities; the Assembly of the Rabbis in Paks 1844) |
2428 | |
Rabbi Moshe Sofer; The Yeshiva in Pressburg; the connection with Eretz Israel; Rabbis in the 19th Century; enlightened [maskilim] rabbis; The radical reform; the spread of Chassidism; Chassidism within the ultraorthodox communities; The HibatZion movement and Zionism |
2836 | |
The Era of Equality 18671914 | ||
Chapter Five: The Jews in the Economic Life | 36 | |
The position of the Jews in commerce and agriculture | 38 | |
Chapter Six: AntiSemitism during the Dual Monarchy Era | 38 | |
Reactioms to the appearance of AntiSemitism | 39 | |
AntiSemitic action in the early 1920s | 3940 | |
The problem of Jewish immigration from other countries | 40 | |
The Tisza Eszlar blood libel (the Jewish defense; actions against the libel; apologetic press and literature; echoes in foreign countries; the trial and the verdict) |
4043 | |
The 18821883 pogroms | 4345 | |
The AntiSemitic Party | 4547 | |
Clerical AntiSemitism The People's Party | 4748 | |
The Jews and the People's Party | 48 | |
Hungarians among the ranks of international AntiSemitism | 4849 | |
AntiSemitism during the DualMonarchy Era and its later effects | 49 | |
Chapter Seven: The Struggle for the Recognition of the Jewish Religion | 49 | |
Various positions among the Jews | 50 | |
The standpoint of the Ultraorthodox | 5051 | |
The standpoint of the Catholics | 51 | |
The discussions in the Parliament; the Parliament passed the law | 5152 | |
Chapter Eight: The Jewish Community Divided | 52 | |
Organization of the various groups within the community | 5354 | |
The position of the ultraorthodox | 5455 | |
The preliminary committee | 55 | |
Preparing the Congress | 56 | |
The Congress | 5658 | |
The split | 5859 | |
The Congress achievement or failure? | 59 | |
The position of the ruling authorities | 5960 | |
After the split | 6061 | |
Chapter Nine: Jews Participating in the Spiritual Life | 61 | |
Jews in the liberal professions | 6162 | |
Hungarian Jewish literature; Jewish influence on the Hungarian literature) | 6264 | |
Reaction and Persecutions 1914 1939 | ||
Chapter Ten: The Years of War and Revolutions | 64 | |
The Jews in the War | 64 | |
The Peter Agoston controversy | 6466 | |
The democratic revolution, Communism and Jews | 6667 | |
Chapter Eleven: The White Terror | 67 | |
The awakening Magyars | 6869 | |
Jewish defense | 6971 | |
The echoes of the white terror in foreign countries | 7174 | |
Chapter Twelve: The Hungarian Jews in the 20s and 30s | 74 | |
Demographic changes | 74 | |
Organization of the communities | 7475 | |
Religious life | 75 | |
Economic structure | 75 | |
Political defense | 7576 | |
Numerus clausus (the struggle against the law; the struggle against the numerus clausus in the League of Nations; Hungarian Jews interfere in the League of Nations; the amendment of the law) |
7679 | |
The AntiSemitic Right Wing (foreign relations; the extreme Right members and ideology; the extreme right parties and groups; "the ArrowCross" party) |
The political situation of the Jewish communities | 82 | |
Explanations and Notes | 82 | |
Selected Bibliography | 92 | |
The Holocaust Period By Livia Rotkirchen |
The proNazi politics and the antiJewish legislation in 19381939 | 104 | |
Persecutions and military collaboration with Germany | 106 | |
The Work Service people on the Eastern Front | 108 | |
The period of Kalai as primeminister its effect on the Jewish problem | 109 | |
Occupation of Hungary by the German Army | 110 | |
The Jewish Council and the expulsion from the provincial towns | 112 | |
The efforts to save the Budapest Jews | 113 | |
The seize of power by (15 October 1944)Szalasi | 116 | |
List of Martyrs | 117 | |
Bibliography | 118 | |
Aba | 125 | |
Abádszalók | 125 | |
Abaújszántó | 126 | |
Abony | 127 | |
Ács | 164 | |
Adony | 131 | |
Ajak | 128 | |
Albertirsa | 153 | |
Albertfalva | 155 | |
Álmosd | 155 | |
Alsódabas (Dabas) | 155 | |
Alsónémedi | 156 | |
Alsóság | 156 | |
Alsózsolca | 156 | |
Anarcs | 157 | |
Apagy | 162 | |
Apc | 163 | |
Apostag | 162 | |
Aszód | 160 | |
Babócsa | 166 | |
Bácsalmás | 178 | |
Bagamér | 166 | |
Baja | 168 | |
Baktalórántháza | 182 | |
Balad | 170 | |
Balassagyarmat | 173 | |
Balatonboglár | 171 | |
Balatonfüred | 172 | |
Balatonkiliti | 173 | |
Balatonszemes | 172 | |
Balkány | 176 | |
Balmazújváros | 175 | |
Belsõbõcs | 177 | |
Bánhida | 177 | |
Barabas | 182 | |
Báránd | 184 | |
Barcs | 185 | |
Bátaszék | 166 | |
Battonya | 167 | |
Békésmegyer | 179 | |
Bekecs | 179 | |
Békés | 179 | |
Békéscsaba | 180 | |
Békésszentandrás | 180 | |
Beled | 170 | |
Bercel | 185 | |
Beregsurány | 182 | |
Berekböszörmény | 184 | |
Berettyóújfalu | 183 | |
Bicske | 227 | |
Biharkeresztes | 227 | |
Biharnagybajom | 226 | |
Bodrogkeresztúr | 221 | |
Boldva | 223 | |
Bonyhád | 224 | |
Bököny | 226 | |
Buda | 186 | |
Budafok | 220 | |
Budakalász | ||
Budapest | 191 | |
Bugyi | 186 | |
Buj | 223 | |
Bűdszentmihály | 220 | |
Cece | 459 | |
Cegléd | 454 | |
Celldömölk | 455 | |
Cigánd | 463 | |
Cinkota | 464 | |
Csabrendek | 454 | |
Csákvár | 460 | |
Csány | 456 | |
Csenger | 456 | |
Csepel (Csepelsziget) | 458 | |
Csepreg | 459 | |
Csongrád | 460 | |
Csorna | 462 | |
Csökmő | 461 | |
Csomor | 460 | |
Csurgó | 462 | |
Debrecen | 245 | |
Decs | 254 | |
Demecser | 253 | |
Derecske | 254 | |
Dévaványa | 251 | |
Devecser | 252 | |
Diósgyőr | 261 | |
Dombóvár | 255 | |
Dombrád | 256 | |
Dömsöd | 257 | |
Dunaföldvár | 260 | |
Dunaharaszti | 257 | |
Dunakeszi | 261 | |
Dunapataj | 259 | |
Dunapentele (Dunaújváros) | 259 | |
Dunaszekcső | 259 | |
Dunavecse | 258 | |
Edelény | 131 | |
Eger | 128 | |
Egyek | 128 | |
Emőd | 156 | |
Encs | 158 | |
Encsencs | 159 | |
Endrőd | 157 | |
Enying | 157 | |
Ercsi | 165 | |
Érd | 164 | |
Erdőbénye | 165 | |
Érsekvadkert | ||
Esztergom | 161 | |
Fábiánháza | 422 | |
Farad | 439 | |
Föld | ||
Fegyvernek | 422 | |
Fehérgyarmat | 423 | |
Felsőgalla | 425 | |
Felsőgöd (Göd) | 426 | |
Felsőireg (Iregszemcse) | ||
Felsőzsolca | 426 | |
Fényeslitke | 427 | |
Fertőszentmiklós | 439 | |
Forró | 449 | |
Földes | 446 | |
Fülesd | 445 | |
Fülöpszállás | 447 | |
Füzesabony | 442 | |
Füzesgyarmat | 443 | |
Gacsaj | 230 | |
Gáva | 229 | |
Gebe | 228 | |
Gégény | 228 | |
Gemzse | 230 | |
Gergelyiugornya | 231 | |
Gesztely | 230 | |
Gödöllő | 231 | |
Gönc | 238 | |
Göncruszka | 239 | |
Gorbopincehely | 244 | |
Gulács | 234 | |
Gyoma | 234 | |
Gyón | 236 | |
Gyömöre | 235 | |
Gyömrő | 235 | |
Gyöngyös | 236 | |
Gyönk | 239 | |
Győr | 240 | |
Győrasszonyfa | 243 | |
Győrszentmárton (Pannonhalma) | 244 | |
Gyula | 232 | |
Gyulaháza | 233 | |
Gyüre | 243 | |
Hahót | 262 | |
Hajdúbagos | 264 | |
Hajdúböszörmény | 264 | |
Hajdúdorog | 266 | |
Hajdúhadház | 267 | |
Hajdúnánás | 268 | |
Hajdúsámson | 270 | |
Hajdúszoboszló | 269 | |
Hajdúszovát | 269 | |
Halmaj | 272 | |
Harsány | 274 | |
Hatvan | 263 | |
Hejőcsaba | 271 | |
Hencida | 272 | |
Hernádnémeti | 273 | |
Hernádvécse | 273 | |
Heves | 262 | |
Hodász | 275 | |
Hódmezővásárhely | 275 | |
Hőgyész | 274 | |
Hosszúpályi | 278 | |
Ibrány | 150 | |
Ilk | 152 | |
Iregszemcse | 152 | |
Isaszeg | 152 | |
Izsák | 151 | |
Jánk (Jánkmajtis) | 327 | |
Jánoshalma | 326 | |
Jánosháza | 325 | |
Jármi | 334 | |
Jászalsószentgyörgy | 327 | |
Jászapáti | 328 | |
Jászárokszállás | 329 | |
Jászberény | 329 | |
Jászfényszaru | 332 | |
Jászkarajenő | 332 | |
Jászkisér | 333 | |
Jászladány | 331 | |
Kaba | 464 | |
Kadarkút | 464 | |
Kál | 465 | |
Kálló | 465 | |
Kállósemjén | 467 | |
Kalocsa | 466 | |
Kántorjánosi | 469 | |
Kápolnásnyék | 472 | |
Kaposvár | 472 | |
Kapuvár | 471 | |
Karád | 479 | |
Karcag | 479 | |
Kecel | 474 | |
Kecskemét | 475 | |
Kemecse | 468 | |
Keszthely | 469 | |
Kéthely | 465 | |
Kisbér | 495 | |
Kiskőrös | 506 | |
Kiskunfélegyháza | 505 | |
Kiskunhalas | 501 | |
Kiskunlacháza | 504 | |
Kiskunmajsa | 504 | |
Kisléta | 500 | |
Kismarja | ||
Kispest | 500 | |
Kistarcsa | 499 | |
Kistelek | 498 | |
Kisterenye | 499 | |
Kisújszállás | 495 | |
Kisvárda | 496 | |
Kisvarsány | 498 | |
Kocsord | 493 | |
Kóka | 493 | |
Komádi | 483 | |
Komárom | 484 | |
Konyár | 486 | |
Kopócsapáti (Aranyosapáti) | ||
Kótaj | 482 | |
Körmend | 494 | |
Kőbánya (Budapest X) | 481 | |
Körösladány | 493 | |
Kőszeg | 490 | |
Kővágóörs | 481 | |
Kunágota | 486 | |
Kunhegyes | 487 | |
Kunmadaras | 487 | |
Kunszentmárton | 488 | |
Kunszentmiklós | 489 | |
Láca (Lácacséke) | 336 | |
Lajosmizse | 335 | |
Laskod | 336 | |
Legyesbénye | 334 | |
Letenye | 335 | |
Levelek | 335 | |
Lovasberény | 336 | |
Lőrinci | 338 | |
Mad | 340 | |
Maglód | 340 | |
Mágocs | 339 | |
Magyarbánhegyes | 339 | |
Magyaróvár | ||
Makó | 350 | |
Mándok | 349 | |
Marcali | 352 | |
Máriapócs | 352 | |
Martonvásár | 352 | |
Mátészalka | 348 | |
Medgyesegyháza | 342 | |
Megyaszó | 338 | |
Mélykút | 349 | |
Mérk | 353 | |
Mezőberény | 342 | |
Mezőcsát | 345 | |
Mezőkeresztes | 346 | |
Mezőkovácsháza | 346 | |
Mezőkövesd | 347 | |
Mezőladány | 344 | |
Mezőszilas | 344 | |
Mezőtúr | 343 | |
Mindszent | 359 | |
Miskolc | 359 | |
Mohács | 353 | |
Monok | 355 | |
Monor | 355 | |
Mór | 357 | |
Mosonmagyaróvár | 358 | |
Nádudvar | 376 | |
Nagyatád | 365 | |
Nagybajom | 367 | |
Nagybaracska | 367 | |
Nagdobos | 367 | |
Nagydorog | 368 | |
Nagyecsed | 366 | |
Nagyhalász | 368 | |
Nagykálló | 371 | |
Nagykanizsa | 372 | |
Nagykáta | 371 | |
Nagykőrös | 374 | |
Nagyléta (Létavértes) | 370 | |
Nagyoroszi | 365 | |
Nagyrábé | 375 | |
Nagysimonyi | 376 | |
Nagytétény | 369 | |
Nagyvázsony | 369 | |
Napkor | 378 | |
Nemesdéd | 377 | |
Nemesszalók | 377 | |
Nyékládháza | 378 | |
Nyírábrány | 379 | |
Nyíracsád | 382 | |
Nyiradony | 381 | |
Nyírbátor | 383 | |
Nyírbéltek | 384 | |
Nyírbogát | 385 | |
Nyírbogdány | 386 | |
Nyircsaholy | 391 | |
Nyirderzs | 387 | |
Nyíregyháza | 379 | |
Nyirgelse | 386 | |
Nyirgyulaj | 386 | |
Nyírjákó | 388 | |
Nyírkarász | 392 | |
Nyirlugos | 388 | |
Nyirmada | 389 | |
Nyírmártonfalva | 390 | |
Nyirmeggyes | 349 | |
Nyírmihálydi | 391 | |
Nyirtass | 387 | |
Óbuda | 132 | |
Ócsa | 145 | |
Ófehértó | 144 | |
Okány | 146 | |
Olaszliszka | 142 | |
Onga | 143 | |
Ónod | 143 | |
Ópályi | 145 | |
Oros | 147 | |
Orosháza | 148 | |
Oroszvár | 147 | |
Ózd | 136 | |
Ozora | 137 | |
Öcsöd | 146 | |
Őr | 146 | |
Örkény | 149 | |
Pácin | 437 | |
Pacsa | 435 | |
Paks | 437 | |
Pápa | 428 | |
Pásztó | 427 | |
Pátroha | 425 | |
Pécel | 436 | |
Pécs | 432 | |
Pécsvárad | 437 | |
Penészlek | 427 | |
Pestszenterzsébet | 440 | |
Pestszentimre | ||
Pestszentlőrinc | 441 | |
Pestújhely | 439 | |
Pétervására | 424 | |
Petneháza | 425 | |
Pilis | 452 | |
Pilisvörösvár | 452 | |
Piricse | 453 | |
Pocsaj | 449 | |
Pócspetri | ||
Polgár | 445 | |
Polgárdi | 446 | |
Pomáz | 448 | |
Porcsalma | 450 | |
Poroszló | 450 | |
Pusztadobos | 448 | |
Putnok | 443 | |
Püspökladány | 451 | |
Rácalmás | 507 | |
Ráckeve | 508 | |
Rajka | 507 | |
Rakamaz | 508 | |
Rákoscsaba | 511 | |
Rákoskeresztúr | 512 | |
Rákosliget | 509 | |
Rákospalota | 510 | |
Rákosszentmihály | 509 | |
Ricse | 512 | |
Sajókaza | ||
Sajókazinc (Kazincbarcika) | 518 | |
Sajószentpéter | 516 | |
Salgótarján | 518 | |
Sály | 515 | |
Sárbogárd | 521 | |
Sarkad | 523 | |
Sárospatak | 523 | |
Sárrétudvari | 520 | |
Sárvár | 522 | |
Sásd | 524 | |
Sashalom | 525 | |
Sátoraljaújhely | 513 | |
Sellye | 516 | |
Seregélyes | 520 | |
Siklós | 534 | |
Simontornya | 533 | |
Siófok | 532 | |
Solt | 525 | |
Soltvadkert | 526 | |
Somogyszil | 527 | |
Sopron | 528 | |
Soroksár | 532 | |
Sümeg | 527 | |
Söjtör | 525 | |
Szabadszállás | 392 | |
Szabolcsbáka | 393 | |
Szakoly | 411 | |
Szamossályi | 402 | |
Szamosszeg | 402 | |
Szany | 402 | |
Szarvas | 414 | |
Szatmárcseke | 401 | |
Szatmárököritó (Ököritófülpös) | 400 | |
Szécsény | 406 | |
Szedres | 400 | |
Szeged | 393 | |
Szeghalom | 399 | |
Szegilong | ||
Szegvár | 400 | |
Székesfehérvár | 408 | |
Szekszárd | 411 | |
Szendrő | 403 | |
Szentendre | 404 | |
Szentes | 405 | |
Szentgál | 405 | |
Szentgotthárd | 406 | |
Szentlőrinc | 406 | |
Szerencs | 413 | |
Szigetvár | 419 | |
Szikszó | 420 | |
Szil | 420 | |
Szilasbalhás (Mezőszilas) | ||
Szob | 415 | |
Szolnok | 415 | |
Szombathely | 417 | |
Tab | 295 | |
Taktaharkány | 304 | |
Tállya | 299 | |
Tamási | 301 | |
Tápióbicske | 302 | |
Tápiógyörgye | 303 | |
Tápiósüly (Sülysáp) | 304 | |
Tápiószele | 303 | |
Tapolca | 301 | |
Tarcal | 305 | |
Tarpa | 305 | |
Tatabánya | ||
Tatatóváros (Tata) | 297 | |
Téglás | 296 | |
Tét | 297 | |
Tetétlen | 299 | |
Tibolddaróc | 316 | |
Tinnye | 316 | |
Tiszabercel | 317 | |
Tiszabezdéd | 317 | |
Tiszabő | 318 | |
Tiszabűd (Tiszavasvári) | 318 | |
Tiszacsege | 324 | |
Tiszadada | 319 | |
Tiszadob | 319 | |
Tiszadorogma | 320 | |
Tiszaeszlár | 316 | |
Tiszaföldvár | 323 | |
Tiszafüred | 323 | |
Tiszalök | 321 | |
Tiszalúc | 320 | |
Tiszaroff | 325 | |
Tiszaszalka | 321 | |
Tiszaszentimre | 322 | |
Tiszaszentmárton | 323 | |
Tokaj | 310 | |
Tolscva | 308 | |
Tolna | 307 | |
Tornyospálca | 314 | |
Tótkomlós | 306 | |
Tököl | 312 | |
Törökbálint | 313 | |
Törökszentmiklós | 313 | |
Tunyog (Tunyogmatolcs) | 309 | |
Tura | 312 | |
Túrkeve | 315 | |
Tuzsér | 306 | |
Tyukod | 311 | |
Újfehértó | 138 | |
Újkécske (Tiszakécske) | 141 | |
Újpest | 139 | |
Vác | 284 | |
Vaja | 278 | |
Vajdácska | 279 | |
Vámosmikola | 279 | |
Vámospércs | 280 | |
Várpalota | 287 | |
Vásárosnamény | 288 | |
Vasvár | 288 | |
Vecsés | 285 | |
Vencsellő (Gávavencsellő) | 281 | |
Veresegyház | ||
Verpelét | 286 | |
Vértes | 285 | |
Veszprém | 282 | |
Vésztő | 281 | |
Villány | 290 | |
Vitka (Vásárosnamény) | 289 | |
Vizsoly | 289 | |
Záhony | 290 | |
Zákány | 295 | |
Zalaegerszeg | 290 | |
Zalalövő | 292 | |
Zalaszentgrót | 293 | |
Zemplénagárd | 294 | |
Zirc | 295 | |
Zsáka | 295 | |
Zsámbék | 294 | |
Index of people | 535 |
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