Family name | First name | Parents' names | Submitted by |
MAHLER married GRUBER return | Mina | Szymon | Emilia Midow, New York |
MAHLER married WIESELBERG | Regina | Berish and Masha | Olga and Moshe Mikam, Haifa |
MAJBLUM | Sala | Shlomo | Israel Aleksander, Ramat Aviv |
MAJBLUM | Miriam | Bernhard | Israel Aleksander, Ramat Aviv |
MANDEL | Feige | Chaim Israel and Rivka | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
MANDEL | Oswald | Leon and Feige | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
MANDEL | Herman | Leon and Feige | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
MANDEL | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah | |
MANDEL | Tonka | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL - LAUTERSTEIN | Ester | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL married APISDORF | Pesia | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL married GLEICHER | Miriam | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL married GRUND | Klara | Abraham and Amalia Grund, Beer Sheba | |
MANDEL married GUTERMAN | Chana | Leon and Feige | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
MANDEL married MUND | Rivka | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL married SCHWARZWALD | Malka | Aliza Bar nee Schwarzwald, Kiron | |
MANDEL married TEICHER | Golda | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MANDEL married ZEBRASKA(?) | Zila | Leon and Feige | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
MANDEL nee AGID | Regina | Salomon and Mina | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
MANTEL | Marein Withold | Elizabetha | Rita Mantel, Haifa |
MANTEL- WINTER | Dvorah | Leib | Matilda Sternherz, Petach Tikva |
MASCHLER | Josef | David and Chava | Lidia Bertler- Schatzpnik(?), Ramat Gan |
MASCHLER | Peppa | Shimon and Sofia | Lidia Bertler- Schatzpnik(?), Ramat Gan |
MASCHLER | Julius | Adolf and Chana | Lidia Bertler- Schatzpnik(?), Ramat Gan |
MASCHLER | Jakob | Adolf and Chana | Lidia Bertler- Schatzpnik(?), Ramat Gan |
MASCHLER married FRAENKEL | Blanka | Josef and Peppa | Lidia Bertler-Schatzpnik(?), Ramat Gan |
MASS | Leon | Samuel and Amalia | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
MASS | Herman | Samuel and Amalia | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
MASS | Ignacy | Samuel and Amalia | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
MASS | Adolf | Zahava Zelner, Haifa | |
MASS | Gustav | Adolf and Klara | Zahava Zelner, Haifa |
MASS | Klara | Samuel and Gittel | Zahava Zelner, Haifa |
MASS nee RIESS | Rosa | Reuven | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
MASS nee SICHER(?) | Amalia | Iser Mordechai and Beile Miriam | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
MAUTNER(?) | Chaim | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv | |
MAUTNER(?) | Samuel | Chaim and Lea | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
MAUTNER(?) nee REISER | Lea | Moshe Lippa and Sara | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
MEHR | Abraham | Jehuda and Scheindel | Josef Teichman, New York |
MEHR | Moshe | David and Pesi | Oskar and Lusia Mehr, Tel Aviv |
MEHR | David Herman | Moshe and Miriam | Oskar and Lusia Mehr, Tel Aviv |
MEHR | Samuel | Moshe and Miriam | Oskar and Lusia Mehr, Tel Aviv |
MEHR | Miriam Sara | Jakob and Beile | Oskar and Lusia Mehr, Tel Aviv |
MEILER(?)-IDELSHEIM | Bracha | Fatushia(?) and Malka | Charlotta Kristianpoller, Haifa |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Leser | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon | |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Regina | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Polek | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Ester | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Shaje | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Moshe Momo | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon | |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Berek | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) | Franka | Leser and Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon |
MEIRSDORF(?) nee INSFELD | Hind'che | Henryk Zvi Tiberg, Ramat Hasharon | |
MELL(?) married ECKSTEIN | Sofi | Moshe and Etel | Beatrix Kashpitzki(?), Ramat Gan |
MELL(?) married SHAPIRA | Fanny | Moshe and Etel | Beatrix Kashpitzki(?), Ramat Gan |
MELLER | Fred | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv | |
MELLER | Jerzy | Fred and Blanka | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv |
MELLER married HABINGER(?) | Chana Rosa | Rafael and Malka | Jula Optowski, Kiryat Bialik |
MELLER nee DORFMAN | Elizabeta | David and Amalia | Rita Mantel, Haifa |
MELLER nee LOEW | Blanka | Mechel and Peppi | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv |
MENCZER | Yitzchak Izo | Uri Gasthalter, Haifa | |
MENKES | Efraim | Benjamin Zeev and Miriam Lippa, Holon | |
MENKES | Natan | Abraham and Sara | Ada Ravid, Ramat Hasharon |
MENKES | Samuel | Natan and Genia | Ada Ravid, Ramat Hasharon |
MENKES | Bronia | Natan and Genia | Ada Ravid, Ramat Hasharon |
MENKES | Bezalel | Isar and Eidel | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Hersch | Bezalel and Rivka | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Eidel | Bezalel and Rivka | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Manes | Isar and Eidel | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Moshe | Manes and Ceryl | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Bina | Manes and Ceryl | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES | Rivka | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam | |
MENKES married KARPF | Hermina | Bezalel and Rivka | Benjamin Menkes, Bat Yam |
MENKES married SCHIFF | Sabrina | Efraim and Scheindel Golda | Benjamin Zeev and Miriam Lippa, Holon |
MENKES nee TUERKISCH | Genia | Jecheskel and Gitel | Ada Ravid, Ramat Hasharon |
MENSCH | Abraham | Chaim and Chana | Anda Ilenberg(?), Haifa |
MENSCH | Henia | Tovia and Rachel | Anda Ilenberg(?), Haifa |
MENSCH-KLAR | Gizela | Abraham and Genia | Anda Ilenberg(?), Haifa |
MERFELD(?) | Shlomo | Moshe Shmuel and Chaja | Shulamit Gottlieb, Givatayim |
MERFELD(?) | Mordechai | Shlomo and Peppi | Shulamit Gottlieb, Givatayim |
MERFELD(?) nee ZELTZER(?) | Peppi | Abraham and Sara | Shulamit Gottlieb, Givatayim |
MERKEL | Franciszka | Bernhard and Paula | Teresa Pressler, Jerusalem |
MERKEL | Rita | Wilhelm and Francziska | Teresa Pressler, Jerusalem |
MERMELSTEIN married KASTENBERG | Toni Taube | Zeev | Efraim Moram-Mermelstein, Ramat Gan |
MESSING | Michael | Israel Nitzan-Messing, Kibbutz Mizra | |
MESSING | Ester | Israel Nitzan-Messing, Kibbutz Mizra | |
MESSING nee HANDELMAN | Zina | Gedalia and Miriam | Sima Dvir, Givatayim |
MEZERYCKI | Leib Ber | Varda Richter, Even Jehuda | |
MEZERYCKI | Adolph Wilhelm | Leib Ber | Varda Richter, Even Jehuda |
MEZERYCKI | Elchanan | Leib Ber | Varda Richter, Even Jehuda |
MEZERYCKI nee ANTMAN(?) | Sara | Pessach | Varda Richter, Even Jehuda |
MILDWURM | Wolf | David | Abraham Kitz, Givatayim |
MILDWURM | David | Hersch | Abraham Kitz, Givatayim |
MILDWURM nee KITZ | Pia | Benjamin Zeev | Abraham Kitz, Givatayim |
MILGROM | Golda | Eli and Frieda | Rosia Kipper-Guterman, Givatayim |
MILGROM | Jehuda | Rosia Kipper-Guterman, Givatayim | |
MILLER married ZUCKERKANDEL | Greta | Josef Ben Nissan and Zvi HaLevi Zuriel, Tel Aviv | |
MILLET | Berl | Shalom and Sara | Asher Allweil, Tel Aviv |
MILLET | Benjamin | Shalom and Sara | Asher Allweil, Tel Aviv |
MINZELES(?) | Akiva | Israel | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
MISCHEL-KLINGHOFER | David | Leiser Mischel and Hodel Klinghofer | Natanel Fischler, Tel Aviv |
MISCHEL-KLINGHOFER nee KLIGER | Chava | Benjamin and Zivia | Natanel Fischler, Tel Aviv |
MORECKI | Rudolf | Jakob and Adele | Jehudit Morecki, Tel Aviv |
MORGEN | Bronislawa | Feivel | Marceli Morgen, Haifa and Zvi Winneles(?), Tel Aviv |
MORGENSTERN-REISER | Malka | Josef Eisenbruch, Tel Aviv | |
MORGENSTERN | Jehushua | Josef | Josef Eisenbruch, Tel Aviv |
MORGENSTERN married FENDRICH | Jaffa | Josef Eisenbruch, Tel Aviv | |
MOSKOWSKA(?) | Ewa | Simon and Henryka | Antonia Bachner, Nof Yam |
MUENZER | Leopold | Bolder, Laufer and Gurbati, New York | |
MUENZER | Shlomo Salomon | Joel and Ester | Aharon Muenzer, Kibbutz Mizra |
MUENZER | Herman | Ira | Klara Kampf, Haifa |
MUENZER | Lola | Herman and Dora | Klara Kampf, Haifa |
MUENZER nee GASTHALTER | Sima | Elijakim and Shewa | Uri Gasthalter, Haifa |
MUENZER nee KIRSCHENBAUM | Dora | Berl and Rosa | Klara Kampf, Haifa |
MUND | Ire | Heschel | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
MUND nee MANDEL | Rivka | Moshe | Peretz Zohar, Herzliyah |
NACHTIGAL married SCHIEBER-PISTYNER return | Adela | Israel Charag | |
NACHTWACHTER | Rivka | Yehushua and Miriam | Pinchas Adam, Haifa |
NACHTWACHTER | Jakob | Pinchas Adam, Haifa | |
NACHTWACHTER | Paula | Jakob and Rivka | Pinchas Adam, Haifa |
NAMLICH(?)/NEMLICH(?) | Hertz | Michael Bleiberg, Haifa | |
NASS nee ERENPREIS | Sabina | Ida Nass, Canada | |
NEU | Hilel | Jecheskel and Sara | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEU | Leon | Hilel and Charlotta | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEU | Marian | Leon and Rosa | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEU | Jecheskel | Hilel and Charlotta | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEU married KERTZER | Berta | Hilel and Charlotta | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEU nee DOMB | Rosalia | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam | |
NEU nee ZIEGEL | Charlotta | Leon and Berta Beile | Eliezer Neu, Bat Yam |
NEUMAN married EPSTEIN | Rosia | Elimelech | Chana Lieberman, ramat Gan |
NEUWALD | Malwina | Mark Wollisch and Mark Neuwald | |
NEUWALD | Herman | Mark Wollisch and Mark Neuwald | |
NICK | Josef | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Malka | Josef and Lina | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Moshe | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Berta | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan | |
NICK | Shlomo | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Toni | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan | |
NICK | Jakob | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Jetti | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan | |
NICK | Bernhard | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Gershon | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Yitzchak | Shalom Mordechai and Rivka | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NICK | Lina | Yechiel and Etel | Julia Sandowski, Ramat Gan |
NOSZKES | Josef | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv | |
NOSZKES | Anna | Josef and Blima | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv |
NOSZKES | Norbert | Josef and Blima | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv |
NOSZKES | Jakob | Josef and Blima | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv |
NOSZKES | Shlomo | Josef and Blima | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv |
NOSZKES | Berta | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv | |
NOSZKES nee WITMAN | Blima | Moshe Noszkes, Tel Aviv | |
OBLAS return | Alouise?) | Samuel and Fanny | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
OBLAS | Ryszard | Aluisi and Charloota | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
OBLAS | Renata | Isidor and Sabina | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
OBLAS-ROLLER | Charlotta | Baruch and Mina | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
OSTER | Jehushua | Chaim Shmuel and Czerna | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTER | Max | Jehushua and Jetti | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTER | Zigo | Jehushua and Jetti | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTER | Czerna | Jehushua and Jetti | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTER | Sara | Jehushua and Jetti | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTER | Jetti | Chaim and Breine | Zalman Oster, Tirat Carmel |
OSTERMAN married WERKER | Jetti | Markus and Sabina | Jehudit Morecki, Tel Aviv |
OSTERMAN nee SCHWEITZER | Sabina | Arie and Dina | Jehudit Morecki, Tel Aviv |
OSTMAN(?) | Sala | Markus and Sabina | Jehudit Morecki, Tel Aviv |
PADUA return | Dvora | Moshe and Etel | Menachem Kuehn, Haifa |
PARDES(?) | Yeshayahu | Arie and Perl | Jekutiel Charag, Rechivot |
PARDES(?) | Israel | Yeshayahu and Fruma | Jekutiel Charag, Rechivot |
PARDES(?) nee CHARAG(?) | Fruma | Israel and Rachel | Jekutiel Charag, Rechivot |
PASTERNAK | Selig | Yitzchak and Sara | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PASTERNAK | Bina | Selig and Gitel | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PASTERNAK | Jakob | Selig and Gitel | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PASTERNAK | Shlomo | Selig and Gitel | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PASTERNAK | Sara | Zalman and Beile | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PASTERNAK | Gitel | Shmuel Josef and Beile | Issaschar Pasternak, Jaffo |
PERLMUTTER | Mendel Efraim | Miriam | Bronislawa Schwarz, Kiryat Motzkin |
PERLMUTTER nee BAUER | Berta | Mechel and Shewa | Bronislawa Schwarz, Kiryat Motzkin |
PERLSTEIN | Shaul | Leib and Czerna | Sara Michaeli, Misgav-Dov |
PERLSTEIN married WEBER | Chana | Shaul and Chaja | Sara Michaeli, Misgav-Dov |
PERLSTEIN nee FRIEDHOFER | Chaja | Mordechai and Dvorah | Sara Michaeli, Misgav-Dov |
PFEFFER | Pinkas | Philip Pfeffer, Natanya | |
PFEFFER | Pinkas | Miriam Pfeffer, Tel Aviv | |
PFEFFER | Emanuel | Pinkas and Mona | Miriam Pfeffer, Tel Aviv |
PFEFFER | Mona | Elijahu | Miriam Pfeffer, Tel Aviv |
PFEFFER nee HALPERIN | Nina | Philip Pfeffer, Natanya | |
PFEPPER married ZUCKERKANDEL | Chana | Josef Ben Nissan and Zvi HaLevi Zuriel, Tel Aviv | |
PICK(?) | Jerechmiel | Baruch and Scheindel | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Ida | Jerechmiel and Peppi | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Baruch | Jerechmiel and Peppi | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Markus | Jerechmiel and Peppi | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Baruch | Sisha(?) and Malka | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Yitzchak | Sisha(?) and Malka | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Perla | Sisha(?) and Malka | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) | Dora | Sisha(?) and Malka | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) married SCHRANZ | Sabina | Jerechmiel and Peppi | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PICK(?) nee ZIEGLER | Peppi | Meir and Miriam | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
PILPEL(?) | Sabina | Leon | Baruch and Roma Doron, Zvi Doron, Tel Aviv |
PILPEL(?) married DREIKURS | Cecilia | Leon | Baruch and Roma Doron, Zvi Doron, Tel Aviv |
PISTYNER-KRUMHOLZ | Malka Malwina | Lieber | Canaan Chaviv, Tel Aviv |
PISTYNER nee RAPPAPORT | Siwta(?) | Max and Lisa | Dov Weissberg, Rehovot |
POMPAK(?) | Rosa | Abraham and Beile | Benjamin Zeev and Miriam Lippa, Holon |
PONIM(?) nee SILBERSTEIN | Sara Zlata | Simcha Jehuda and Gitel | Zeev Shmuel Silberstein, Tel Aviv |
POPPERS(?) married BREITMAN | Fela | Ajzik and Jentel Reisel | Tirza Yaakovi, Haifa |
POPPERS(?) married COHEN | Chaja Eidel | Ajzik and Jentel Reisel | Tirza Yaakovi, Haifa |
POSAMENT | Sigmund | Ludwig Schneck, Jerusalem | |
POSAMENT | Klara | Ludwig Schneck, Jerusalem | |
POSAMENT - LIN | Rosalia | Aviva Ziv, Kiryat Ata | |
PRESSLER(?) | Edward | Ignacy and Karolina | Teresa Pressler, Jerusalem |
PRISANT(?) married SCHALIT(?) | Kreindel | Moshe Shalit, Haifa | |
PROBST(?) | Akiva | Shlomo and Chava | Meir Probst, Petach Tikva |
PROBST(?) | Natan | Akiva and Rachel | Meir Probst, Petach Tikva |
PROBST(?) | Rosa | Akiva and Rachel | Meir Probst, Petach Tikva |
PROBST(?) | Rachel | Simon and Chana | Meir Probst, Petach Tikva |
PROBSTEIN | Ryszard | Markus and Rosa | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
PROJEKT | Scheindel | Miriam Friedman, Ramat Gan | |
PROJEKT | Sala | Scheindel | Miriam Friedman, Ramat Gan |
PROJEKT married GROSSMAN | Dora | Scheindel | Miriam Friedman, Ramat Gan |
PROJEKT married PICKSEL(?) | Anda | Scheindel | Miriam Friedman, Ramat Gan |
PROJEKT married SCHWEITZER | Klara | Scheindel | Miriam Friedman, Ramat Gan |
PROPST | Samek Sabrin | Jehuda Leib and Zelda | Klara Cohen and Ester Propst, Haifa |
PROPST | Jakob Kuba | Jehuda Leib and Zelda | Klara Cohen and Ester Propst, Haifa |
PROPST nee ELEFANT(?) | Genia | Klara Cohen and Ester Propst, Haifa | |
PROPST nee WEBER | Anna Nusia | Klara Cohen and Ester Propst, Haifa | |
PUDER | Moshe | Israel and Brendel | Chanoch Puder, Holon |
PUDER | Bina | Moshe and Rosa | Chanoch Puder, Holon |
PUDER | Rosa | Israel and Brendel | Chanoch Puder,Holon |
PUTTER | Samuel | Josef and Feige | Josef Putter, Haifa |
PUTTER | Jehushua | Samuel and Chaja | Josef Putter, Haifa |
PUTTER | Sonia | Jehushua and Miriam | Josef Putter, Haifa |
PUTTER | Erwin | Jehushua and Miriam | Josef Putter, Haifa |
PUTTER | Josef | Samuel and Chaja | Josef Putter, Haifa |
PUTTER nee GOLDBOJM | Chaja | Josef Putter, Haifa | |
PUTTER nee LURIA | Miriam | Josef Putter, Haifa | |
QUAL(?) return | Norbert | Leon and Rivka | Marceli Qual(?), Haifa |
QUAL(?) | Adolf | Norbert and Rosa | Marceli Qual(?), Haifa |
QUAL(?) | Anna | Marceli Qual(?), Haifa | |
QUAL(?) | Rosa | Adolf and Antonina | Marceli Qual(?), Haifa |
QUELLER | Moses | Eli and Rosa | Aharon Mayam, Tel Aviv |
QUELLER | Feige | Jakob and Miriam | Aharon Mayam, Tel Aviv |
QUELLER | Jakob | Moshe and Feige | Aharon Mayam, Tel Aviv |
QUELLER married WECHSELBAUM | Lusia | Moshe and Feige | Aharon Mayam, Tel Aviv |
RACK return | Rachel | Jerachmiel and Rachel | Mordechai and Arie Rack, Tel Aviv |
RACK | Zvi | Abraham | Mordechai and Arie Rack, Tel Aviv |
RACK | Leora | Zvi and Rachel | Mordechai and Arie Rack, Tel Aviv |
RACK married DIENER | Dvorah | Zvi and Rachel | Mordechai and Arie Rack, Tel Aviv |
RACK married KANNER | Frieda | Zvi and Rachel | Mordechai and Arie Rack, Tel Aviv |
RAPP | Berta | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv | |
RAPP | Zygmunt | Herman and Berta | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv |
RAPP | Chaja | Arie Lunek Rapp, Holon | |
RAPPAPORT | Szmelke | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv | |
RAPPAPORT | (family) | L. Elson-Eisenbruch, New York | |
RAPPAPORT | Samuel | Shlomo and Chaja Ita | Jehudit Liton, Tel Aviv |
RAPPAPORT | Leo | Samuel and Bluma Luba | Jehudit Liton, Tel Aviv |
RAPPAPORT-KREMMER | Gisela | Bernhard Dov | Jehudit Liton, Tel Aviv |
RAPPAPORT married PISTYNER | Siwta(?) | Max and Lisa | Dov Weissberg, Rehovot |
RAPPAPORT married WEISSBERG | Feige | Menucha | Dov Weissberg, Rehovot |
RAPPAPORT nee KARDIMAN(?) | Feige Lea | Benjamin and Scheindel Rivka | Uri Gasthalter, Haifa |
RAPPAPORT nee KATZINSKI | Bluma Luba | Wolf and Pesia | Jehudit Liton, Tel Aviv |
RAPPAPORT nee STERNSCHUSS | Lisa | Dov Weissberg, Rehovot | |
RAPPAPORT nee WIENER | Toiba | Yitzchak and Scheindel | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv |
RAPS | Natan | Adam Livne, Gisela Nuss,Ronit Rotter,Haifa;Anita Marimski,Bat Yam | |
RAPS | Jozef | Fanny | Sofia Lonstein, Neot Afeka |
RAPS | Ada | Josef and Klara | Sofia Lonstein, Neot Afeka |
RAPS | Klara | Anna | Sofia Lonstein, Neot Afeka |
RAPS -ZIMMERMAN | Nella | Jecheskel | Baruch Zimmerman, Kfar Saba |
RAPS nee GRUENBAUM | Stella | Rudolf and Zila | Adam Livne, Gisela Nuss,Ronit Rotter,Haifa;Anita Marimski,Bat Yam |
RATH | Peppi | Leopold Zimmerman, Haifa | |
RATTNER | Emil | Baruch and Roma Doron, Zvi Doron, Tel Aviv | |
RATTNER | Victor | Emil and Anna | Baruch and Roma Doron, Zvi Doron, Tel Aviv |
RATTNER nee WESTLER | Anna | Wilhelm and Jona | Baruch and Roma Doron, Zvi Doron, Tel Aviv |
RAUCH | Gedalia | Dov and Hodia | Sala Israeli-Rauch, Kibbutz Mizra |
RAUCH | Ernestina Ester | Israel | Sala Israeli-Rauch, Kibbutz Mizra |
RAUCH | Margola | Gedalia and Ernestina Ester | Sala Israeli-Rauch, Kibbutz Mizra |
RAUCH married VERSTANDIG | Frieda | Israel and Rivka | Adam and Wilma Frost, Tel Aviv |
REDNER married BARTSPIESS(?) | Bronislawa | Elijahu and Rachel | Aliza Miron, Ashkelon |
REICH | Abraham | Moshe | Moshe Reich, Jerusalem |
REICH | Shlomo | Moshe | Moshe Reich, Jerusalem |
REICH- DISCHE(?) | Serafina | Zachrysz Dische(?), New York | |
REICH | Elazar Jakob | Jehuda | Moshe Reich, Jerusalem |
REICH | Bronislaw | Berish and Lorka | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REICH -FEDERBUSCH | Lea | Zvi | Moshe Reich, Jerusalem |
REICH nee REISER | Stefania | Josef and Hindcha | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REICH(?) | Abraham | Moshe | Zvi Baumrin, Tel Aviv |
REICH(?) | Slova | Zvi Baumrin, Tel Aviv | |
REICHENSTEIN nee KALMUS | Ada | Josef and Antonia | Olga and Moshe Mikam, Haifa |
REICHER | Naftali | Chaim and Reisel | Yair Reicher, Kibbutz Mizra |
REICHER | Jona | Naftali and Frieda | Yair Reicher, Kibbutz Mizra |
REICHER | Chana | Naftali and Frieda | Yair Reicher, Kibbutz Mizra |
REICHER | Miriam | Naftali and Frieda | Yair Reicher, Kibbutz Mizra |
REICHMAN | Sigmund Suesskind | Moshe | Dorothy Reichman, New York |
REICHSTEIN | Mina | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben- Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN | Regina | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben- Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN | Sabina | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben- Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married APISDORF | Zila | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married ECKSTEIN | Krysia | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married GEPPEL(?) | Sonia | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married KARTEN | Perla | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married KARTEN | Paula | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married TUCHMAN | Sylvia | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN married WINKLER | Chava | Efraim Arie and Reisel | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REICHSTEIN nee KRONBERG | Reisel | Menachem Mendel and Tova | Lea Ben-Dov, Haifa |
REIF | Josef | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv | |
REIF nee WIENER | Rachel | Yitzchak and Scheindel | Miriam Eskreis, Tel Aviv |
REISEL nee JAWER | Misha | Leib | Jehudit Zohar-Jawer, Jerusalem |
REISER | Hindcha | Markus and Rosa | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Jehushko | Chaim and Malka | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Lazar | Moshe Lippa and Sara | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Pozrina(?) | Asher | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Hersch Elias | Asher | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Chaim | Moshe Lippa and Sara | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER | Malka | Mendel | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER married ENGEL | Machzie | Moshe Lippa and Sara | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER married MAUTNER | Lea | Moshe Lippa and Sara | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISER married REICH | Stefania | Josef and Hindcha | Josef Reiser, Tel Aviv |
REISES(?) nee LEISTYNA | Teresa | Sofia Schmurk, Jerusalem | |
REISLER | Elijahu Jona | Kalman Strummer, Messuot Yitzchak | |
REISLER | Miriam | Aharon and Sara | Kalman Strummer, Messuot Yitzchak |
REISLER | Kalman | Elijahu Jona and Miriam | Kalman Strummer, Messuot Yitzchak |
REISLER | Zippora | Elijahu Jona and Miriam | Kalman Strummer, Messuot Yitzchak |
REISLER | Zvi | Tobias and Zippora | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Sara | Josef and Lea | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Salomon | Zvi and Sara | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Natan | Zvi and Sara | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Moshe | Zvi and Sara | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Tula | Natan and Nusia | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam |
REISLER | Bronia | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam | |
REISLER | Nusia | Abraham Reisler, Bat Yam | |
REISLER married KLEIN | Peppi | Sofia Schmurk, Jerusalem | |
REISS | Yitzchak | Natan | A. Schweitzer, Antwerpen |
REISS | Fela | Yitzchak and Frieda | A. Schweitzer, Antwerpen |
REISS | Sigmund | Yitzchak and Frieda | A. Schweitzer, Antwerpen |
REISS | Frieda | Scheindel | A. Schweitzer, Antwerpen |
REISS married ECKER | Antonina | Nachum and Chaja | Josef Hausman, Tel Aviv |
REITER | Sofia Zelda | Leon and Berta | Berta Karsutzka- Schmuss, Benjamina |
REITER | Leon | Berta Karsutzka-Schmuss, Benjamina | |
REITER- ZELNIK | Zila | Jakob and Rachel | Baruch Lavi, Tel Yitzchak |
REITER married ZIEGLER | Gusta | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv | |
REITER nee WINTER | Peppa | Jehushua and Blima | Rele Winter Grubler, Tel Aviv |
RENNER | Meir | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa | |
RENNER | Eugenia | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa | |
RENNER | Etel | Meir and Eugenia | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RENNER | Wolf Bolek | Meir and Eugenia | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RENNER married BOTWICZ | Lucia | Meir and Eugenia | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RETTER married DORFMAN | Lea | Moshe and Rachel | Jakob Dorfman, Kiryat Eliezer |
RICHTER | Julius | Baruch and Golda | Ester Richter, Tel Aviv |
RICHTER | Markus | Julius and Ester | Ester Richter, Tel Aviv |
RICHTER | Herman | Ester Richter, Tel Aviv | |
RICHTER | Meir | Ester Richter, Tel Aviv | |
RIESS married MASS | Rosa | Reuven | Rosa Kornblit, Ramat Aviv |
RINGLER | Yeshayahu | Zvi and Malka | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RINGLER | Mottio | Yeshayahu and Rivka | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RINGLER | Elijahu | Yeshayahu and Rivka | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RINGLER | Anja | Yeshayahu and Rivka | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RINGLER | Salomon | Galina Dubnow, Petach Tikva | |
RINGLER | Rivka | Zvi and Le(?) | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RINGLER-KESSLER | Luna | Galina Dubnow, Petach Tikva | |
RINGLER married WALLACH | Lola | Yeshayahu and Rivka | Ada Baras nee Ringler,Tel Aviv |
RITTER | Arie Leon | Michael and Karola | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Olenka | Michael and Karola | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Michael | Arie and Ester | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Ester Edna | Baruch | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Anita | Michael and Karola | Moris and Bracha Wein , New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Jecheskel Karol | Arie and Ester | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Zvi Henryk | Arie and Ester | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto |
RITTER | Chaim | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa | |
RITTER | Mundek | Chaim and Mala | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RITTER | Regina | Chaim and Mala | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RITTER nee SCHNEID | Karola | Moris and Bracha Wein, New York and Barbara Berger, Toronto | |
RODER | Zila | Rosia Kipper-Guterman, Givatayim | |
ROHATYN | Salomon | Shmuel Rohatyn, Jerusalem | |
ROHATYN | Henrietta | Shmuel Rohatyn, Jerusalem | |
ROHATYN | Lea | Hilda Laufer, Jerusalem | |
ROLLER | Roman | Isidor and Sabina | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
ROLLER-OBLAS | Sabina | Samuel and Fanny | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
ROLLER nee WIESEL | Ester | Kalman and Lea | Chana Wiesel Schneid, Haifa |
ROSEN | Julius Wilhelm | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN | Rita | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN | Seweryn | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN | Arnold | Max and Siri(?) | Leon Mandel, Tel Aviv |
ROSEN | Eliezer David | Meir and Sara | Chaim Rosen, PetachTikva |
ROSEN | Jehushua | Eliezer and Batia | Chaim Rosen, PetachTikva |
ROSEN | Klara | Eliezer and Batia | Chaim Rosen, PetachTikva |
ROSEN | Klara | Miriam | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
ROSEN | Batia | Abraham and Chaja | Chaim Rosen, PetachTikva |
ROSEN married SINGER | Antonia | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN nee SINGER | Sabina | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN nee WOLF | Paulina | Varda Sabotz-Fried nee Rosen, Holon | |
ROSEN nee ZIEGLER | Miriam | David and Gusta | Miriam Katz - Pick, Tel Aviv |
ROSENBAUM married ROTENSTREICH | Frieda | Zvi and Batia | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv |
ROSENBUSCH | Abraham | Giza Rosenbusch-Vardina, Nir David | |
ROSENBUSCH | Sabina | Giza Rosenbusch-Vardina, Nir David | |
ROSENBUSCH | Chana | Abraham and Sabina | Giza Rosenbusch-Vardina, Nir David |
ROSENBUSCH married HAUSMAN | Salomea | Herman and Rosa | Josef Hausman, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD | Moshe | Sara Rosenblatt, Haifa | |
ROSENFELD | Adela | Moshe and Ida | Sara Rosenblatt, Haifa |
ROSENFELD | Meir | Israel Chaim and Blima Tauba | Ester Weissbrat-Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD | Lea | Ester Weissbrat-Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv | |
ROSENFELD | Rachel | Meir and Lea | Ester Weissbrat- Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD | Sara | Meir and Lea | Ester Weissbrat- Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD | Chana | Meir and Lea | Ester Weissbrat- Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD | Mordechai | Meir and Lea | Ester Weissbrat- Rosenfeld, Tel Aviv |
ROSENFELD nee SEIDEN | Ida | Sara Rosenblatt, Haifa | |
ROSENKRANZ | Leon | Moritz and Ernestine | Sofia Rosenbaum-Rosenkranz, Haifa |
ROSENKRANZ nee COHEN | Ela | Shlomo and Elinor | Sofia Rosenbaum-Rosenkranz, Haifa |
ROSENSTRAUCH | Jakob | Herman | David Rosen- Rosenstrauch,Tel Aviv |
ROSENSTRAUCH | Chana | David Rosen-Rosenstrauch,Tel Aviv | |
ROSENSTRAUCH | Ignatz Yitzchak | Jakob and Chana | David Rosen-Rosenstrauch,Tel Aviv |
ROSENSTRAUCH | Susia | Jakob and Chana | David Rosen- Rosenstrauch,Tel Aviv |
ROSENZWEIG | Leonia | Arie and Rivka | Tonia Wallerstein, Ramat Gan |
ROSNER | Friedrich | Ignacz and Helena | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
ROSNER | Siegfried | Ignacz and Helena | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar |
ROSNER-ATLAS | Helena | Tuska Josefsohn nee Roller, Ginnosar | |
ROTENSTREICH | Levi | David and Chana Hinda | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv |
ROTENSTREICH nee ROSENBAUM | Frieda | Zvi and Batia | Chava Meroz Rosenbaum, Tel Aviv |
ROTH | Beile | Fischel and Rachel | Shmuel Griner, Rehovot |
ROTH | Mania | Israel and Beile | Shmuel Griner, Rehovot |
ROTH | Israel | Shmuel Griner, Rehovot | |
ROTH | Sara | Israel and Beile | Shmuel Griner, Rehovot |
ROTH | Shalom | Pnina Kessler, Bnei Atarot | |
ROTH | Fridka | Shalom and Klara | Pnina Kessler, Bnei Atarot |
ROTH | Mundek | Shalom and Klara | Pnina Kessler, Bnei Atarot |
ROTH | David | Tamara Bleiberg-Enis, Haifa | |
ROTH | Jona | Elimelech and Cecilia | Emil Rot, Tel Aviv |
ROTH | Karol | Jona and Margit | Emil Rot, Tel Aviv |
ROTH | Margit | Benzion and Helena | Emil Rot, Tel Aviv |
ROTH | Janina Felicia | David and Lea | Tamara Bleiberg- Enis, Haifa |
ROTH married EISENBRUCH | Gitel | Josef Eisenbruch, Tel Aviv | |
ROTH nee GOLDSCHLAG | Lea | Baruch and Shewa | Tamara Bleiberg-Enis, Haifa |
ROTH nee KLEIN | Luisa | Sofia Schmurk, Jerusalem | |
ROTH nee STANISLAWITZKER | Klara | Berl and Chava | Pnina Kessler, Bnei Atarot |
ROTSTEIN | Jehuda Dov | Shimon HaLevi | Isidor Rotstein, New York |
ROTSTEIN | Moshe | Jehuda Dov and Rosa | Isidor Rotstein, New York |
ROTSTEIN | Taube | Jehuda Dov and Rosa | Isidor Rotstein, New York |
ROTSTEIN | Rosa | (Klot?) | Isidor Rotstein, New York |
ROTTER - BORITZ | Mala | Leib | Mina Lerner nee Levi, Haifa |
RUBIN - STUMMER | Moshe | Yehushua and Miriam | Pinchas Adam, Haifa |
RUBINSTEIN | Max | Ben Binstok, New York | |
RUBINSTEIN | Yechiel | Zalman and Malka | Rene Rabinowitz, Tel Aviv |
RUBINSTEIN | Frieda | Yechiel and Klara | Rene Rabinowitz, Tel Aviv |
RUBINSTEIN | Malka | Yechiel and Klara | Rene Rabinowitz, Tel Aviv |
RUBINSTEIN | Klara | Dov and Shoshana | Rene Rabinowitz, Tel Aviv |
RUBINSTEIN nee BINSTOK | Dora | Mendel and Rachele | Ben Binstok, New York |
RUHR | Leon | Adele Gold, Jerusalem | |
RUHR | Klara | Etel | Adele Gold, Jerusalem |
RUHR | Salomea | Leon and Klara | Adele Gold, Jerusalem |
RUHR | Martin | Leon and Klara | Adele Gold, Jerusalem |
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