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Translation of
Dos bukh fun Lublin
Editors: Former Residents of Lublin in Paris
Published in Paris, 1952
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Foreword | 9 | |
Introduction | 13 | |
Lublin in the Framework of Jewish History | ||
A Jewish Metropolis | Yosef Milner | 19 |
Pages from the past (Jewish settlement in Lublin from antiquity to the 18th cent.) | I. Trunk | 25 |
The MAHARSHAL from Lublin | N. Shemen | 59 |
The Bet Hamidrash in the name of the Parnas [leader of the congregation] | B. Byaler | 83 |
The bloodlibel trial in 1636 | Bella MandelsbergSchildkraut | 98 |
From the Lublin Archives economic and judicial situation of the Jews in the 17th cent. | Bella MandelsbergSchildkraut | 101 |
Historic Tombstones in the Old Lublin Cemetery | 105 | |
The Jewish Sejm in its blooming period | 118 | |
Jewish Lublin Between the Two World Wars | ||
From 1914 to 1939 | M. Lerman | 133 |
This was our Hometown (Memories and Images) | ||
Memories from the years of youth | Dr. Shlomo Herschenhorn | 138 |
A walk through the once Jewish Lublin | Yosef Achtman | 141 |
Streets and alleys | H. I. Teig | 143 |
The beloved town of the childhood years | Dina Stamfather | 145 |
Memories from the Twenties | Yitzhak Green | 147 |
The Spoldam Cooperative | Z. FlammFranenberg | 149 |
The Lublin garden and the Jewish children | Hella Marder | 150 |
Remarcable figures | Tzadok Feffer | 153 |
Images from home | Matis Zhelaza | 157 |
Ruska Street | Moshe Katz | 159 |
The sand suburb | Shlomo Stockfisch | 160 |
Tchechiv and Wohlye two Lublin suburbs | M. Schildkraut | 163 |
Jewish Councilmen in the Town Council in 1928 (from Lubliner Togblatt) | 166 | |
The Jewish community 19281929 (excerpts from Lubliner Togblatt) | 169 | |
The religious life | I. L. Hurwitz | 171 |
Additional information about the religious life | A.L. Betman, A. Feuertag, S. Silberberg | 183 |
Political Life | ||
The Bund organization before WWI | L. Lehrer | 185 |
The Bund in Lublin from 1916 to 1939 | Dr. S. Herschenhorn | 187 |
The Zionist Movement | ||
From Hovevei Zion to Hechalutz | N. Korn | 192 |
The youth of the General Zionists | N. Korn | 198 |
The Mizrakhi Organization | Avrom Tsvi Mayzels | 200 |
Po'alei Zion (left) the Jewish Labor Party united with ZS | M. Zukerman | 200 |
Po'alei Zion (left) the Jewish Labor Party | Toibe Lieberman | 203 |
Twelveyears activity of Yungbar in Lublin | D. Stockfisch | 206 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir | M. Lehrman | 211 |
Potchantkovska 22 | Esther Schwartz | 214 |
The Communist Movement | ||
The Communist Organization 19311932 | Teshke TennenbaumForstetter | 215 |
Jewish communists in the twenties | M. Zhekaza | 220 |
The establishment of the proletarian youth movement | P. Lesman | 222 |
The Association of the school young students (Z.M.S.) | M. Sternfinkel | 223 |
The Zamek inhabitants (the life of political prisoners in the Lublin prison) | Dr. L. Wallerstein | 225 |
A Borochov celebration in the Lublin Prison | D. Stockfisch | 232 |
The Professional Movement | ||
Workers' struggle in Lublin in the years 19151920 | I. Stammfather | 234 |
The professional union of the printing workers | I. Reichenstein | 242 |
The Lublin porters | I. Freud | 246 |
The union of the leather workers | M. Roitboim | 248 |
Founding the Textile Workers Union their first struggle | S. Shapira | 249 |
Cultural Life (Cultural Organizations and Schools) | ||
Jewish cultural institutions (Hazamir, Jewish Theater, Cultural League) | I. Trachtenberg, I. Schwarz | 252 |
The Y.L. Peretz Community Center | B. Krempel | 254 |
The Tarbut School | N. Korn | 256 |
The JewishPolish (government) HighSchools in Lublin | Dr. N. Blumenthal | 259 |
Memories of the Jewish Elementary School graduates | Gitel SchildkrautEdelstein | 266 |
The Workers' Evening Courses Society | M. Schildkraut | 270 |
The Association of the Jewish Students in Lublin | M. Sternfinkel | 271 |
The Jewish Press | ||
The Lubliner Togblatt [The Lublin Daily] | M. Raschgold | 273 |
Shliessen di Ghetto | A. Schwartzer | 277 |
Mishl Zshidovska | A. Ts. Mayzels | 278 |
Institutions and Organizations (Health, Banking, Professional) | ||
The Jewish hospital | Rivka ArbuzKoppelman, Dr. A. Kerschman | 280 |
The TOZ Society in Lublin | 282 | |
The Bank | M. Lehrman | 283 |
The FreeofInterest Loan Fund | 284 | |
The Craftsmen's Union | I. Schwartz | 284 |
The split in the Craftsmen's Union | A. L. Wallach | 285 |
The Socialist Craftsmen Union | N. Lepler | 288 |
The Sports Movement | ||
Jewish Sport Clubs in Lublin | I. Reichenstein | 289 |
Shimshon the first Jewish gymnastics and sports Association | I. Freud | 292 |
Maccabi and Yardenia Sports Clubs | A. Rubinstein | 296 |
The Wienijawa Sports Club | Z. I. Koppelman | 298 |
Jewish life as reflected in the Lubliner Togblatt newspaper | 300 | |
Community activists and personalities in Jewish Lublin (biographical notes and data): Moshe Eisenberg, Smuel Eichenboim, Chana Ackerman, Imanuel Binder, Simcha Bromberg, Lipe Bloch, Hadassa Bloch, Yakov Blechman, Pesach Brikman, Leibush Geliebter, Bella Dobzhinska, Dr. Karl Hollenberg, Boleslav Wahrman, Dr. Moshe Seideman, H.I. Silber, Shmuel Jitomirski, ChaimDavid Langfuss, Dr. Gershon Levine, Asher Levinsohn, Azriel Mantelmacher, Eliezer Nissenboim, S.I. Stopnitzki, Yitzhak Slobodkin, MeirYitzhak Serebnik, Avraham Englender, Moshe Ehrlich, Pinchas Edelstein, Dr. Plotkin, Shaul Finkelstein, BenZion Kupperstein, Yakov Kerschman, Yitzhak Rosenberg, Ludwig Rechtschaft, Ovadia Schoenbrunn, Avraham Schieff, YehudaLeib Sper. |
326 | |
The Destruction of Lublin | ||
Introduction to the available material about the destruction of Lublin | The Editorial Board | 341 |
Deportation and annihilation of the Jewish settlements in the Lublin District numbers and data | T. BrustinBernstein | 346 |
Sanitary conditions and deathrate in the Ghetto | I. Trunk | 357 |
Maidanek | ||
DeathCamp Maidanek (report of the PolishSoviet committee for the investigation of German crimes in the deathcamp Maidanek) | 527 | |
The GasChamber in Maidanek | From the Brochure of Constantin Simonov | 537 |
Lublin Jews in the Resistance Movement | ||
Jewish partisans in the LublinBichova Didtrict | Testimony of Motl Sternblitz | 549 |
A group of partisans in Plashovice | Testimony of Alter Rasset | 553 |
Jewish partisans in the Armia Ludowa | Testimony of Michael Lauterstein | 555 |
The soldier and fighter Shlomo Mittelman | M. Schildkraut | 567 |
Lubliner in Israel's War of Independence | M. Roshgold & M. Zukerman | 571 |
A Lubliner in the Spanish battlefields memories about Yehezkel Honigstein | A. Liessner | 573 |
A Lubliner in the Normandy Landing 1944 corporal Moshe Yosef Schweid | 576 | |
The resistance member Dr. Moshe Blumenstock | 577 | |
Three resistance fighters in France: Yosef Burstein, Salek Batt, Henri Peretz | D. Steg | 578 |
The Spain Fighter Gedaliahu Shapira | S. Silberberg | 582 |
The partisan Eliahu Wallach his friendship with Romain Roland | 583 | |
Lubliner Around the World | ||
Lublin after World War Two | Nachman Blumenthal | 593 |
The Liberation of Lublin | M. Schildkraut | 599 |
The Lubliner Landsmanshaft in Poland | I. Reichenstein | 601 |
Reflections on the Jewish Resistance | Yitzhak Greenboim | 638 |
Two poems: Standing in front of the clothes in Maidanek; I saw a mountain | Moshe Schulstein | 640 |
Community activists in Jewish Lublin (biographical notes): Yosef Siegel, A. Lew, Bella MandelsbergSchildkraut, Eliezer Mokotovski, Dr. A. Mesch, Dina Feder, Bracha Katznelenbogen, Israel Katznelenbogen, Yitzhak Sade |
642 | |
Lubliner survivors remember those who have perished | 645 | |
* | ||
Street names mentioned in this book | 665 | |
Prewar localities mentioned in book | 665 | |
Index of Persons | 667 |
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