Lomza Yizkor Book
(Łomża, Poland)

53°11' / 22°05'

Translation of
Sefer Zikaron Le-Kehilat Lomza

Edited by: Lewinski, Y. T.

Published in Tel Aviv, Israel, 1952



Project Coordinator

Yigal M. Rechtman


This is a translation from: Sefer Zikaron Le-Kehilat Lomza,
ed. Lewinski, Y. T. Lomza Memorial Book, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1952

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lomza (1952)

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Translated by Sara Mages

Chapters of History   3-60
Outline to the history of Łomża's Jews Yom-Tov Levinski 5
The Destruction of the City   61-100
The Holocaust period   63
Hostel of Torah and Culture   101-168
Each generation and its Rabbis Yom-Tov Levinski 103
Cantors in Łomża   121
“Talmud Torah”   123
The Great Yeshiva in Łomża   127
Care for the orphans   137
Jewish students in non Jewish schools   143
The fruits of the Hebrew School   145
“Torah Vodaath” School   150
The Jewish-Polish High-School   153
Schools, evening classes, and preschools   154
The history of the Jewish Theatre in Łomża Avraham Neimovitz 159
Łomża's authors in the press at the end of the 19th century   164
Synagogues, Associations and Institutions   169-212
Synagogues and associations on the threshold of the 20th century   171
The Hassidic assembly in Łomża Moshe Goldman 181
Lawyers in Łomża   184
“Piyquah Nefesh” [saving of human life]   185
Medical Doctors   191
The Fire Brigade   199
“Maccabi” Sports Association in Łomża   202
Clubs   208
Commerce and Industry in Łomża on the threshold of the 20th century   209
Parties   212-262
“Hibbat Zion”   215
Thirty years to the Zionist Federation “HaTehiya” Avraham Damovitz 218
From the activities of “Mizrachi”, the Revisionists and “Agudat Yisrael” in Łomża   226
The “Bund” Movement in Łomża Hanoch Sovotka 231
“Poalei Zion” Movements in Łomża   243
“Tzeirei Zion”   246
“Hashomer Hatzair“ in Łomża   250
“HeHalutz” Movement in Łomża   253
The Communist Movement in Łomża   259
Personalities and Figures   263-314
Wise men and city guardians   265
Public Activists Yisrael Levinski 278
Personalities 290
Friends   297
Characters and figures   302
Reflections Avraham Ribes 308
Records   315-342
At the edge of the city A Neimovitz (Ribes) 330
Łomża Menuha Alperin 335
Piątnica   337
Nowogród   340
Marshal Stalin order to occupy Łomża   342
Łomża's former residents in the Diaspora   343-361
Łomża's former residents in the United States   346
Łomża's former residents in Mexico City   352
Former residents of Łomża and the vicinity in Argentina   353
Łomża's former residents in France   356
Łomża's former residents in Australia   356
Łomża's former residents in Israel   357
Set up road signs, make guideposts (Jeremiah 31:21)   362
Yizkor   363-377
Łomża's sons who gave their lives for the liberation of Israel   364
A monument to precious souls   366-377
Łomża Yizkor Book Index    

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Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Yigal M. Rechtman
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