Yiddish Lodz; a Yizkor Book
(Łódź, Poland)

51°45' / 19°28'

Translation of
Yiddish Lodz; a Yizkor buch

Published by: Lodzer Center, Melbourne 1974


Our sincere appreciation to Mr. T. Lipson, of the Lodzer Center, Melbourne,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation from: Yiddish Lodz; a Yizkor buch (Yiddish Lodz; a yizkor book),
Published by: Lodzer Center, Melbourne 1974 (H, Y 256 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lodz (1974)

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.




Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Foreword   7
Justification A. Tzikert 9
The Jewish Lodz Y. Kersch 11
My hometown Lodz Y. Aktroni 21
Literary Profiles Y. Aktroni 32
Jewish doctors Dr. H. Rozhaner 47
Lodz - as I remember it S. Rogozhinski 50
A memorial candle for the second High-School in Lodz Rav Dr. Y. Rapaport 65
The Lodz Drama Studio “Hazamir” [the nightingale] M Schlezinger 73
Excerpts from the theater lexicon M. Silberzweig 76
Jewish printers Y. Landsberg 78
The Lodz Jewry A. Zimmerman 81
Do not Ask … (poem) A. Zimmerman 82
The Jewish press in Lodz (based on) C. L. Fuchs 83
Jewish journalists in the Polish press (Stefan Kalos) 86
A chronicle from the Lodz Ghetto M. Eisenbod 89
This is the way we lived A.Tzikert 106
Children in the ghetto Sheva Glass-Wiener 124
The cultural life in the Lodz ghetto M. Byalikover 132
The “radio listeners” in the ghetto M. Byalikover 136
We must not lose our humanity A. Biederman 139
The struggle for life A. Weinberg 140
38 girls from the Lodz ghetto P. Rosenblum-Perelman 143
A Jew in the Lodz ghetto H. Bermitz 146
Remarks Genia Bornstein 148
For the sake of honoring father and mother Y. Einhorn 154
My memories A Wischnyewska 157
Even the ruins went up in flame Y. Rosenberg 159
Two poems Y. Rosenberg 162
My ruined home (poem) W. H. Even 163
The fate of two Ghetto writers Y. Spiegel 164
Two poems Y. Spiegel 167
B. Wiener; Y. Poznanski Exerpts from diaries 168
Rain… rain… rain… (poem); music B. Kalusziner Ch. Rosenfarb 172
David Cholodenko (Neta Isserov) B. Racheson 176
A memorial candle (poem); music B. Kalusziner Mordechai Yolis 177
After the war…. S. Rogozhinski 187
The history of the monument in Lodz Ben-Israel 198
A monument to remember the six million martyrs (Melbourne)   201
Matityahu (Max) Haber z”l   203
R'Shlomo (Baruch) Hirsch z”l   204
Yizkor   207
“El Male Rahamim” [prayer for the dead] A. Tzikert 209

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