51°45' / 19°28'
Translation of
Lodzer yisker-bukh
Published in New York 1943
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lodz (1943)
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner
Cover illustration by Arthur Shik | ||
A Salute to President Roosevelt | 6 | |
A Salute to ex-Governor Lehman | 7 | |
The Lodz Yizkor-Book | Louis Opert | 8 |
Our hometown Lodz | Shmuel Milman | 11 |
The Jewish Lodz | A. Alperin | 47 |
The Lodz Rabbi | Rav Avraham Bick | 65 |
Shmuel Hirschenberg | Yitzhak Lichtenstein | 70 |
Enrike Glitzenstein in Lodz | S. Tennenbaum | 72 |
The secret Evacuation Committee | Dr. Yitzhak Levine | 77 |
Israel Lichtenstein | A. L. Zelmanovitch | 81 |
The Jewish social life in Lodz | Y. Rofski | 84 |
Yiddish Theater in Lodz | Miriam Zilberzweig | 87 |
On the Destruction of Lodz | Regina Feldan | 90 |
Dr. Alexander Margolies | S. Nutkovitch | 92 |
290 years of ORT in Lodz | Dr. David Lwowitch | 95 |
The first greetings from the Ghetto | Regina Feldon | 101 |
In Litzmanstadt | M. Brand | 104 |
Gustav Eisner | Dr. Yakov Schatzki | 107 |
Their names will shine through the generations | A. L. | 110 |
Yeshaya Ungar | Zalman Silberzweig | 113 |
Hershele the Lodz troubadour | Y.H. Rodoschitzki | 119 |
Arie Leib Holanderski | Yakov Kenner | 123 |
The life experiences of a Lodz refugee family | A. L. Zelmanovitch | 127 |
Destruction and suicide | Y. Akrotny | 135 |
What became of the Kosciuszko monument? | 142 | |
A memorial (poem) | David Pfeffer | 144 |
Fascist humor | M. Brodersohn | 145 |
How Lodz has become a Germanized town | Y. Yonosevitch | 147 |
The merciful Hitler | Shaul Hecht | 154 |
Among the Hitler-animals | 157 | |
Lodz (poem) | Y.H. Rodoschitzki | 160 |
The martyrs of the Zionist-socialistic labor movement | 161 | |
The destruction of Lodz | Yakov Kirschbaum | 164 |
The Lodz united rescue committee | 182 | |
The Lodz Society in America | Louis L. Leibovitch | 185 |
Lodz (poem) | A. Leyeles | 213 |
The chimneys of Lodz (poem) | Y. A. Rontch | 214 |
What are they doing now? (poem) | Yitzhak Berliner | 215 |
Days of mourning (poem) | Mirel Erdberg-Shatan | 216 |
Two financial reports | Phillip Lasman | 225 |
The activity of the Joint in Lodz | Alexander Kohn | 230 |
Help for Lodz from the Federation | M. Blumenstock | 232 |
At the wheel (poem) | Yitzhak Katzenelsohn | 235 |
When the storm howled (poem) | P. Goodman | 236 |
Memorial notices | ||
English section/advertising notices/more memorial notices | 152[5] - 1 | |
Name Index from Memorial and Advertising Sections | ||
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Updated 13 May 2011 by LA