Lodzer Yiskor Book
(Łódź, Poland)

51°45' / 19°28'

Translation of
Lodzer yisker-bukh

Published in New York 1943


This is a translation from: Lodzer yisker-bukh (Lodzer yiskor book),
United Emergency Relief Committee for the City of Lodz, New York 1943 (H, Y 460 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lodz (1943)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Cover illustration by Arthur Shik    
A Salute to President Roosevelt   6
A Salute to ex-Governor Lehman   7
The Lodz Yizkor-Book Louis Opert 8
Our hometown Lodz Shmuel Milman 11
The Jewish Lodz A. Alperin 47
The Lodz Rabbi Rav Avraham Bick 65
Shmuel Hirschenberg Yitzhak Lichtenstein 70
Enrike Glitzenstein in Lodz S. Tennenbaum 72
The secret Evacuation Committee Dr. Yitzhak Levine 77
Israel Lichtenstein A. L. Zelmanovitch 81
The Jewish social life in Lodz Y. Rofski 84
Yiddish Theater in Lodz Miriam Zilberzweig 87
On the Destruction of Lodz Regina Feldan 90
Dr. Alexander Margolies S. Nutkovitch 92
290 years of “ORT” in Lodz Dr. David Lwowitch 95
The first greetings from the Ghetto Regina Feldon 101
In Litzmanstadt M. Brand 104
Gustav Eisner Dr. Yakov Schatzki 107
Their names will shine through the generations A. L. 110
Yeshaya Ungar Zalman Silberzweig 113
“Hershele” the Lodz troubadour Y.H. Rodoschitzki 119
Arie Leib Holanderski Yakov Kenner 123
The life experiences of a Lodz refugee family A. L. Zelmanovitch 127
Destruction and suicide Y. Akrotny 135
What became of the Kosciuszko monument?   142
A memorial (poem) David Pfeffer 144
Fascist “humor“ M. Brodersohn 145
How Lodz has become a “Germanized” town Y. Yonosevitch 147
The merciful Hitler Shaul Hecht 154
Among the Hitler-animals   157
Lodz (poem) Y.H. Rodoschitzki 160
The martyrs of the Zionist-socialistic labor movement   161
The destruction of Lodz Yakov Kirschbaum 164
The Lodz united rescue committee   182
The Lodz Society in America Louis L. Leibovitch 185
Lodz (poem) A. Leyeles 213
The chimneys of Lodz (poem) Y. A. Rontch 214
What are they doing now? (poem) Yitzhak Berliner 215
Days of mourning (poem) Mirel Erdberg-Shatan 216
Two financial reports Phillip Lasman 225
The activity of the “Joint” in Lodz Alexander Kohn 230
Help for Lodz from the “Federation“ M. Blumenstock 232
At the wheel (poem) Yitzhak Katzenelsohn 235
When the storm howled (poem) P. Goodman 236
Memorial notices I[4] - LXIV
English section/advertising notices/more memorial notices  152[5] - 1
Name Index from Memorial and Advertising Sections

  1. Pages 122-123 are interchanged
  2. The page numbering from 219 to 224 has been omitted, by mistake
  3. In several cases the order of the Lodz Societies is not given exactly according to the time of their establishment
  4. Corresponds to page 237
  5. Begins from the back of the book and thus page 152 follows LXIV

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 13 May 2011 by LA

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