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[Pages 891-892]

Index to Places Mentioned

Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ
ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת

Town name Page numbers
א return  
Abel [Obeliai] 131, 840
Odessa 413, 727
Utyan [Utena] 152, 621
Ungarine 282, 469
Auschwitz 661
Ottawa 816
Iwye [Belarus] 395
Ariogala 834
Eshishok [Eišiškės} 779
Ingalina 395
Alabama 857
Alite [Alytus] 61, 462, 627, 666
Antakalnis 617
Anikst [Anykščiai] 112, 825
Akmeyan [Akmene] 627
Ashmene 395, 709
ב return  
Bazilyan [Bazilionai] 624
Botvila 617
Baltimore 807
Bonn 718, 719
Boston 625
Baranovich [Baranavichy] 395
Buby 627
Budovitz [Budvietis] 817
Busk 181
Buenos Aires 162
Bucharest 487
Bialystok 112, 128, 538
Bizrani 664
Birobidzhan 407
Birzh [Biržai] 60, 414
Beit-Zera 67, 100
Ben-Shemem 95
Binyamina 98
Berlin 71, 153, 154, 161, 282, 323, 340, 355, 409, 473, 493, 530, 658, 681, 712, 716, 724
Brod 751
Brighton Beach 51
Brin 363
Brisk 60
Breslau 658
Bat Galim 100
Bat Yam 363
ג return  
Goldingen (Kuldīga) 604
Golingen 362
Gorzd 60, 340, 415, 417
Givat Brenner 66
Getingen 719
Grodna 127-128, 167, 387, 679
ד return  
Dotnuva 243
Dachau 661
Danzig [Gdańsk] 96, 134, 323, 688
Darbian 825, 829
Darpat 153, 154, 408
Dvinsk 49, 112
Duniloviche [Dunilavichi] 394-396
Dusiat [Dusetos] 415
Dūkštas 395-396
Dafna 66
Drancy 136
ה return  
Hamburg 684
Hamilton 60
Homel [Gomel] 113
Hosolovich 743
Horodicz 395
Haiduciszak 395
Hikel 415
Helsingfors (Helsinki) 80
ו return  
Vabalnik [Vabalninkas] 412
Valozhyn [Vaŀožyn] 733
Volyn [Volhynia] 851
Vorna 152, 416
Warsaw 108, 110, 129, 158, 162, 387, 539, 658, 710
Washington 309, 820
Vyborg 791
Vidzy 395, 415
Vizhun 60
Vitebsk 73
Vaiguva 244
Vilna 37, 57, 59, 62, 69, 102, 104, 120, 124, 160, 293, 323, 378, 393, 406, 408, 441, 506, 511, 535, 568, 603, 743, 803, 849, 851
Vilkovishk [Vilkaviškis] 67, 106, 109, 110, 112, 119, 125, 146, 153, 160, 281, 314, 489, 491, 495, 818, 825
Vilkomir [Ukmergė] 67, 118, 181, 277, 281, 316, 327, 341, 491, 615, 622, 761, 846
Vilki 146, 236, 407
Vienna 129, 458, 755, 853
Virbaln (Verzhbelov [Virbalis]) 35, 92, 105, 109, 299, 358, 412, 491, 613
Vishtinets [Vištytis] 109, 196, 211
Vichy 787
Vekshne [Viekšniai] 411, 416, 627
Versailles 296
ז return  
Zhager [Žagarė] 60, 104, 111, 118, 152, 492, 624, 825
Zlataust (Ural) 114
Zudiki [Židikai] 627
Zhytomyr 112, 387
Zezmer [Žiežmariai] 406, 852
ח return  
Hadera 100
Holon 68
Haifa 82, 99, 100, 610
ט return  
Tavrik [Tauragė ] 299, 709
Tambov 73
Toronto 361, 450, 826
Tiberias 751
Tirkshla [Tirkšliai] 624, 627
Telz [Telšiai] 58, 60, 152, 277, 281, 294, 356, 359, 799, 825, 849
Transvaal 847
Trok [Trakai] (Viln. District) 60, 626
Trishki [Tryškiai] 624
Chiplishki 129-130
Chernigov [Chernihiv] 73, 109
י return  
Johannesburg 407, 450, 845, 847, 849
Joniskis [Šiauliai] 60, 111, 492, 801
Yaneve [Jonava] 101, 111, 119, 181, 358, 411, 492, 657, 825
Yakutsk (Kirov) 118
Yavne 607

[Pages 893-894]

Yurburg [Jurbarkas] 235, 489, 491
Yelok [Ylakiai] 627
Jaffa 749
Jerusalem 82, 303, 314, 356, 363, 746, 748, 755, 758
כ return  
Harbin 470-471
Khartoum 412
Kfar No'ar 95
Kfar Masaryk 100
ל return  
Ladzey [Lazdijai] 559
London 78, 81, 378, 487, 712, 751
Landvarova [Tyškievič] 395
Landsberg (Bavaria) 598
Lancaster 816
Libave [Liepāja] 112
Lida 354, 395
Laizuva [Laižuva] 627
Leipun [Leipalingis] 244
Leipzig 106, 109
Lingmian [Linkmenys] 740
מ return  
Mohilev [Mohyliv] 73
Mozheik [Mažeikiai] 627
Malas 825
Malarite (Viln. district) 400
Montevideo 450
Montreal 123, 450, 816
Moscow 92, 471, 513
Mariampol [Marijampolė] 106, 116, 119, 127, 281, 407, 491
Marcikanc 702
Mitava [Jelgava] 519, 733
Munich 366
Minsk 73, 128, 133, 410, 866
Mitzpe HaSharon 100
Meron 751
Mstitslaw [Mstislavi] 743
Mezerich [Mezhyrichi] 119, 211
Melbourne 355, 407
Memel [Klaipėda] 89, 154, 157, 323, 377, 462, 492, 646
Ma'anit 100
Mexico 307, 450
Meretch [Merkinė] 666
Merhavia 608
Mishmarot 67
נ return  
Narva 660
New York 51, 103, 106, 162, 329, 340, 407, 462, 519, 733, 854
Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) 846
Nei Vileike 395, 398
Nei Žagarė 411, 413
Nayshtot [Nowe Miasto] 106, 109, 131, 146, 149, 154, 530, 845, 855
Nesvizh 731
Netanya 99
ס return  
Salant [Salantai] 181, 412, 445, 743
San Remo 91, 296
Sokolnik 514
Saratav 413
Suwalki 36, 92, 101, 106, 123, 160, 323, 859
Sventsian [Švenčionys] 395
Stalingrad 658
Syad [Seda] 244, 627
Sinai 851
Sirokiv 856
Slutznik 732
Smilovitch [Smilavičy] 526
ע return  
Amir 100
פ return  
Podbordz [Pabradė] 123
Pazelve [Pazelvė] 825
Palanga 60, 365, 414-415
Ponar [Paneriai ] 627
Ponevezsh [Panevėžys] 106, 110, 113, 117, 119, 146, 168, 151, 277, 281, 317, 324, 361, 407, 416, 462, 491, 495, 640, 743, 846, 849
Panemunelis 631
Panemunek [Panemunelis] 416
Posvol [Pasvalys] 60, 181, 624, 849
Postov 395
Pokroy [Pakruojus] 623-624
Popelyan [Papilė] 356
Portsmouth 169, 170
Paris 78, 136, 309, 324, 462, 467, 507, 515, 520, 526, 717, 748, 795
Pumbedita 607
Pumpian [Pumpėnai] 60, 412, 414
Pivona [Pivonija] 621-622
Pilodnagi 93
Philadelphia 339, 412
Pilveshok [Pilviškiai] 104, 407
Pinsk 820
Plotl [Platelial] 634
Florence 531
Plunge 60, 633
Pskov 624
Petersburg (Leningrad) 169, 406, 471, 487, 508, 611, 621, 736, 746, 787
Petroszun [Petrošiunai] 417
Prague 489
Frankfurt (Main) 658
Pren [Prienai] 611-612
Petah Tikvah 99, 100
צ return  
Zurich 102, 104, 719
ק return  
Kovno [Kaunas] 49, 57, 67, 92, 101, 160, 407, 453, 495, 519, 535, 603, 613, 627, 629, 637, 641, 673, 710, 725, 732, 735, 738, 747
Kozlove Rude [Kazlų Rūda] 640
Katowice 713
Kalautova 365
Kalvarija 106, 111, 112, 116, 128
Kalinova 282, 469
Constantinople 487
Koshedar [Kaišiadorys] 640
Quebec 815, 831
Kuzie [Kuziai] 627
Kupischki [Kupiškis] 111, 112, 358, 642, 807
Kurshan [Kuršėnai] 624
Kibart [Kybartai] 358, 491, 511
Keidan [Kėdainiai] 60, 111, 119, 131, 141, 153, 244, 358, 413,489, 495, 640, 759, 849
Cape Town 845
Kingston 828
Kiev [Kyiv] 127, 395
Kishinev [Chişinău] 166, 538, 784
Klage 660
Klaipėda see Memel  
Kelm {Kelmė] 60, 111, 353, 356, 627
Cologne 720, 722
K"nigsberg [Kaliningrad] 715, 718-719
Krakow 90
Kraki 846
Kreve 743-745
ר return  
Raguve 181, 807
Radin [Radun] 739, 743
Radzivilshok [Radviliškis] 235, 624
Rostov 73
Rasein [Raseiniai] 58, 113, 294, 663
Rakishok [Rokiškis] 278, 642
Royter Heyf 640
Rome 507
Riga 146, 152, 161, 297, 323, 363, 475, 519, 627, 658
Riteve [Rietavas] 412
Ramat HaShofet 100
Revel [Tallinn] 153
Ra'anana 100
ש return  
Shadova [Šeduva] 111, 113
Shavel [Šiauliai] 58, 67, 104, 118, 131, 167, 277, 281, 317, 379, 407, 462, 495, 519, 613, 622, 637, 656, 747, 825, 857
Shat 119, 414
Shanghai 449, 470
Shaki [Šakiai] 131, 857
Shukian [Šaukėnai] 624
Stutthof 368, 661
Strausbourg 719
Chicago 625, 856
Shirvint [Širvintos] 393
Schleswig-Holstein 661
Shadeve [Šeduva] 413, 846
Shkod [Skuadas] 415, 642, 825
Shklov [Shklow] 743
ת return  
Tel Aviv 21, 49, 82, 162, 357, 407, 643


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