[Page 21]
18 Pictures of the Streets of Lipkany (cont.)
The street starting from Steinik's perfumery towards Tamozhny
Alter Harris' house (parents of Moshe Zilberman), Choresh's pharmacy, hotels and
Gershonson Hall |
[Page 22]
Commercial District (on the left side of the Golden Mountain) Chimneys of Aharon Greenberg's factory[1]
A general view of the town from the mountain overlooking Yedinizer Way |
[Page 23]
The London Back Alley. Center of cheder children's schools |
[Page 24]
[Page 25]
The Husyatin Synagogue [Kloyz] You can see Baruchl, the assistant caretaker
[shamash] of the synagogue in the early days of Romanian rule. The women's
section was taken over by soldiers |
[Page 26]
Frankel's Hall
Street. The thickest mud in town |
[Page 27]
Golden Mountain
Center of grain business |
[Page 28]
[Page 29]
Part of the Cloth and Linen Street/District |
[Page 30]
The Market. The bridge over the Potiek River |
Translator's Footnote
- Word is malatz in Hebrew, which could really be melet - cement- or maybe it's a slang word for malt. In Yiddish the word, which is not found in Yiddish or Russian is Solodovnya which apparently has the root salt, thus the word may be pickling or salting] factory. [In the Yiddish Aharon is called Aharon Bombastic! Return
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Lipcani, Moldova
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 25 Aug 2012 by LA