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of Y.Sh.A. [Yiddish School Organization] in the year 1928 From right to left, standing in the rear: 1. Yaakov Pupko 2. Engineer Melech Pupko 3. Unidentified 4. Chaim Stolitzki 5. Hirsh Dov Kovski |
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Levin, Rivka Pupko, Feivke Levin, Leahvka Poltzek. Moshe Levin, the photographer, a beloved veteran of the Jewish theatre, also joined the youth.
Groups of the Charedim[207] in the city saw with sorrow the proliferation of secular education, whether right-wing Yiddishist or traditional Zionist, and the decline of traditional Torah education and asked themselves: What will happen to Torah? Settlement in Lida stopped from the time of the departure of Rabbi Reines' Yeshiva from the city before the entry of the Germans to the city. The rabbi of the place, Rabbi Reb Aharon Rabinovitz, may his memory be for a blessing, with the help of a few of the landlords from Shomrei HaChomot[208] went out to fence the breach and to return the crown to its former glory. In the year 5684 [1924] a yeshiva was established in Lida, under the spiritual leadership of the Yeshiva Council in Vilna (which stood under the auspices of the Chofetz Chaim,[209] the Rabbi Reb Yisrael Meir HaCohain, may his memory be for a blessing, from Radon, and the Rabbi Reb Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, may his memory be for a blessing, from Vilna. This was not a continuation of the Reines Yeshiva, rather, it returned to the old type of Lithuanian yeshivas. Not because the heads of the Yeshiva opposed studies that were outside of Gemara, Law Codes and Tanakh and secular learning (the daughters of one of the heads of the yeshiva attended the kindergarten of Tarbut and spoke Hebrew in their home), but rather that this permitted the students themselves, from outside the yeshiva. The first head of the Metivta[210] was Rabbi Reb Yisrael Halpern, may his memory be for a blessing (he died a few years ago in Tel Aviv), and when he left Lida, the Rabbi Reb Neiman, may he be distinguished for long life, was sent in his place by order of the Council of Yeshivot. (Today he is the head of the Light of Israel yeshiva in Petach Tikvah.) He directed the yeshiva (until he departed the city on his way to the land of Israel) over the course of twelve years, together with his friend, Reb Mordechai Smukler, may God avenge his blood. He perished in Lida by decree of the Nazis with the rest of the holy men of the city. This group was enriched by the strength of a new youth, who was none other than the young son-in-law of the Rabbi Reb Aharon, Rabbi Avigdor Tziperstein, may his light shine (today he is a lecturer in Talmud at Yeshiva University in New York), who also came up with new ideas to strengthen traditional education in the city, by means of turning the local Talmud Torah into an elementary school of the Yavneh[211] school type, the establishment of a Jewish school
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for commerce in the traditional spirit, and the like. The head of the yeshiva, Reb Yaakov, tells us about the greats of Torah whose beginnings were in the yeshiva in Lida, and at their head, the Rabbi Reb Mordechai Savitzky, today a rabbi in Boston, one of the great Orthodox rabbis in the United States.[212] One of the students of this yeshiva was also the Rabbi Reb Shlomo Podolsky, may his memory be for a blessing, one of the founders of the Organization of Lida Emigres in Israel.[213]
And when we stand at the chapter of Jewish education in Lida, it is appropriate to also mention the governmental school for the children of Israel (according to the common nickname Shabsovka, which is to say that on Shabbat learning stopped in it. So to speak this alone separates it from the other government schools…). In this school all the learning was conducted in Polish, except for a small allotment of Jewish studies. The Director of the institution, Habar, may his memory be for a blessing, who came from Galitzia, was a veteran teacher and educator with comprehensive general and Jewish knowledge, and a talented and smart organizer. He succeeded in assembling a group of teachers of an adequate level, most of them Galitzianers[214] (we will mention Lichtman, Hirshovski, Fruchtman, may God avenge his blood, and may he be distinguished for long life, Arna Bargvork (today, Steinberg, in Haifa). And, locally born, Zertzin and Tziglenitzki, may God avenge their blood. The Hebrew studies he turned over to a devoted Hebrew teacher with a national spirit, from Lida, Reb Moshe Genuzavitz, may his memory be for a blessing, who did the best of his ability to impart to his pupils in the limited framework that was allocated to him, the most Hebrew knowledge and national Jewish spirit. The teachers Chaikel Vishnevsky and Yerushalimski also appear in pictures of the school at a later time. If we add to this that the students of this school were exempt from payment of tuition fees,
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being that the budget was promised from government funds, we will understand how it succeeded in drawing a large number of the children of Israel from Lida, especially from among the underprivileged (according to what they say, even above the number in the Tarbut school).
We will not fulfill our obligation if we don't mention the oldest educational institution in Lida the Talmud Torah, which, despite its age, still remained the center of education for a large number of the children of Israel, especially for the poor of the people, who remained devout in the ancestral tradition. Many of the Jews of Lida from previous generations (from the beginning of the present century and before), still remember the lessons of Reb Avraham Yehuda Tzigelnitzky (and also his strap…), and the lesson of Reb Moshe Bar Vismonski (later, a teacher of Gemara in preparatory class A in the Reines Yeshiva). The Lida community dedicated a large part of its budget (the greatest part of which came from the income of Chevrat HaMit'askim, which was governed by rule without Egypt, the treasurer of the Chevrah, Yehoshua the tinsmith, Yeshia der Blecher), for the maintenance of the institution. After the burning a nice building was put up, furnished according to the style of the modern schools of that time. The new era forced the gabbaim to also bring some secular studies into the Talmud Torah, Hebrew and general, in the modern spirit. We will mention the teachers Nizvodsky and Tzigelnitzky as representatives of the new era in the Talmud Torah, the former for Hebrew studies and the latter for general studies. In the last time, an attempt was made, with the participation of the initiative of Rabbi Tziperstein (the young son-in-law of the rabbi of the place), to elevate the institution of the Talmud Torah to the level of the religious Yavne schools in Poland, as we have mentioned.
Reb Moshe Kalmanovitz (Mottel der Mashgiach), a craftsman in his youth, a son of Torah, with an imposing appearance and good manners, who was appointed as mashgiach, which refers to supervision of the children and also taking care of matters of the institution, collecting donations, and the like, also belongs to the general picture of the Talmud Torah. He made aliyah to the land of Israel and fulfilled, in practice, the mitzvah of settling the land, as a farmer. He died in Herzliya.
Also in the new era, cheders of various types did not stop in Lida. The ears of one who passed through the synagogue courtyard caught the sound of schoolchildren emerging from the windows of the house of the teacher Melzeuka, and in his moving further forward in the direction of Sudova Street, a similar sound from the yard of the house of Reb Itche Berdovski. Farther on from there, the teaching of the language of Ever was taught at a higher level, Hebrew in Hebrew, by Reb Yosef Epstein (Der Trikeler Melamed, or for short, der Trikeler), may his memory be for a blessing, who established generations of Hebrew speakers in Lida.
In summary, an extensive network of many faces and shades of elementary educational institutions, in which thousands of Jewish children were educated.
Communal and Cultural Activity
Personages of Torah and culture of all types and groups, rabbis and preachers, writers, artists, party flag-bearers, all found fruitful ground in Lida and a community that recognized good.
Remembered by the religious groups are the visits of Reb Yisrael Meir [Kagan], may his memory be for a blessing, the Chofetz Chaim, genius of religious Judaism, who desired for his seat[215] the small town of Radin, adjacent to Lida, and from here his springs gushed forth[216] all throughout Israel, and who became famous not only for his teaching, but also, and perhaps mainly, for his great modesty and his endearing folksiness. Legends circulated in the area about the admiration that even the gentile farmers in the area had for him, who, when he occasionally went out to wander outside of the town, would try to fence the way so that he would be forced to pass by way of their fields.[217] Indeed, a great rabbi dwelt in Lida, the Rabbi Reb Yitzchak Yaakov Reines, to whose light the learned of the city and the educated ones were drawn. In any case, popular and learned groups of the old version streamed to Lida to be warmed by the warm embers of Reb Yisrael Meir.
We have already mentioned that at the end of the previous century, the Maggid from Kelm, Reb Moshe Yitzchak Darshan, whose renown went far outside of the area of Jewish settlement in Russia, settled in Lida, and by virtue of his sermons which excelled in their strength of unusual expression, and their supple descriptive strength, in their denunciation of the sins between a person and their friend (dishonest negotiations, the sin of a remnant[218] that a tailor kept for himself, shopkeepers' deceptive scales, abusing the poor in favor of the rich, and the like), and between a person and God, especially desecrating Shabbat, and more especially, addiction to education and abandonment of the Torah. An offense is an offense, and the punishment expected for the sinner in the future to come, was described in bold and frightening colors. The educated too, who were opposed to the spirit of his sermons,[219] (and in many cases they even tried before the authorities to prevent his appearances), were unable to find fault with the purity of his intentions or his qualities, in which he undoubtedly surpassed many of his opponents. In Lida, in which he settled in the evening of his days, he did not gain significant influence, maybe due to the presence of Rabbi Reines in the city, which neutralized other influences. He remained the Maggid from Kelm and not from Lida. His two sons, who established families in Lida, were Reb Ben Tzion and Reb Avraham Shammai Darshan, may their memories be for a blessing. His daughter was married to the son of Nachman from Leipnitze, Reb Moshe Spielkovski, may his memory be for a blessing.
Generation, generation, and its demands.[220] Preachers of a new type began to visit in Lida. The preacher from Saloneski knew how to take the heart of the old generation and the heart of the young generation as one with the talent of his speech, Torah and enlightenment bound together. In 1902, a young Russian-speaking lecturer visited in Lida for the first time, and his name was Vladimir Jabotinsky, who had not yet acquired renown at that time[221]
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but immediately conquered the Lida community. From then he returned and visited Lida, before the First World War and after it. Alexander Goldstein was also one of the head speakers of the Zionist movement in Russia, and was one of the regular visitors in Lida.[222] The visit of Chaim Tzvi Greenberg was a festival for the members of the young generation, lovers of the Hebrew language in Lida, and especially for the students of the Reines Yeshiva, to whom he delivered a lecture, in the DZTz synagogue, in pure Hebrew with Sephardic pronunciation.
of the Shomer HaTzair Branch in Lida (5688) [1928] At center: The guest, to his right: Chaim Kivelevitz, may his memory be for a blessing; To his left: Shlomo Muller (Milayt) |
In 1912 (or 1913?) Lida merited a visit from the first Hebrew Theatre! The Tzemach Troupe, with the participation of Yehoshua Bartonov, which presented The Eternal Wanderer, by Osip Dimov.[224] This was the festival of the Association of Lovers of the Hebrew Stage (established by Yisrael Aharon Shlovski and the teacher Chaikl Vishnevsky), and, apparently, by their invitation.
Of the Jewish writers, Lida merited the visits of Dovid Pinsky in his time in evenings of reading, and, a short time before the First World War, Sholom Aleichem and Sholom Asch.[225]
The increase of communal and cultural activity after the First World War brought Lida into closer contact with the cities of the metropolis. Emissaries of HeChalutz and the labor movement frequently visited here. The visits of the emissaries of the national funds were not only a matter of raising funds but also arousing and spirit-lifting social events. Remembered are the visits of Leib Yaffe,[226] Druyanov,[227] Mrs. L. Vidrovitz, Ezrachi, and especially Natan Bistritzki (Agmon),[228] who stirred up the audience, young and old as one, with his lectures and parties. Yosef Heftman[229] was principally the guest of HaNoar HaIvri.[230] Daniel Persky[231] brought peace from the Hebrew group in the United States, and lectured in the hall of the Hebrew gymnasia about the new Hebrew. At about the same time, the writer Yitzchak Katznelson[232] visited his relatives in Lida (the wood merchant Horovitz), and at this opportunity, he read his new writings in Yiddish before the audience in Lida, also in the hall of the Hebrew gymnasia,
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from his manuscript (a poem by the name of A Wonderful World). In the year 1932 Jabotinsky again visited Lida, this time mainly as a guest of the HaTzohar[233] movement. The Jews of Lida heard impressions from the land of Israel and about the situation in aliyah from the mouth of the Sejm delegate Shifar, and from the great Zionist leader Yitzchak Grinboim.
At this opportunity, we will mention visitors from another group: the writer Yoel Mestboim[234] and the actor Avraham Morevski,[235] not in the role of actor but as a lecturer, on the topic of Anti-semitism.
The well-known writer and researcher Sh. Niger visited Lida at the beginning of the 1930s as a guest of the Yiddishists' group in Lida on the occasion of the opening of the special library for Yiddish books. Of the Yiddish writers, there also visited in Lida Moshe Nadir,[236] Moshe Kulbak,[237] and others of the young Jewish poets of Vilna would visit here frequently and read from their compositions.
the writer Sh. Niger |
The Eve of the Second World War
The Jews of Lida defended themselves with courage and stubbornness against the defacing of their Jewish image and the trend towards Polonization. In a count from the year 1931, 4760 responded out of 6335 Jews who were asked (members of the Jewish religion), that their language was Yiddish and another 1540 Hebrew. The remaining 35 did not specify. And even if we have statistical numbers in our hands regarding the votes of the Jews of Lida[238] for the Polish Sejm, (the House of Representatives), we can say with almost complete certainty that most of the numbers of the Jews of Lida voted for the Jewish lists. In the middle of the 1920s, at the time of Pilsudski's rule, the authorities attempted to influence the Jews of Lida to vote for the Sanatzia[239] party. The turning came by means of the merchants' group, amidst hope to make use of the influence of the Jewish delegate Vishlitzki, who belonged to the mentioned government group, but the Jews of Lida were not much influenced by these solicitations.[240]
By combining various territories, the authorities succeed in reducing the number of Jews in the city, and turning them into a relative minority, so that it would not enter their minds, God forbid, to demand for themselves the right to a Jewish head of city. Nevertheless, they kept the right to the position of deputy head of the city. The first one who was appointed to this role was Shmuel Vinitzki. He revealed himself to be a talented and energetic administrator. Yet, together with this, he acquired more than a few opponents. The dispute between his supporters and his rivals (and at their head the merchant and public activist Gedaliah Tchertok) made waves in the city at the time of the municipal elections at the end of the 1920s, and concluded with Vinitzki's resignation and the election of the engineer Pupko, (Meilech Leizerovitz), a person who was comfortable for the people and involved in the local Jewish public. The last Jew that served was Mark Kretchmer, may his memory be for a blessing,[241] who was swept out by the storm of the raging war of Lida, together with his family, to Soviet Russia, and with hundred of exiles to Soviet Russia, and from there to England.
To our sorrow, we do not have in hand reliable statistics on the number of Jews in Lida on the eve of the outbreak of the Second World War, and the percentage of them in the population of the city. In any case, it may be permitted to us to analyze a few facts from the sources that we have.
From right to left: Ze'ev Sokolovski, Baron, Moshe Berkovitz, Moshe Poltzek, Moshe Konopko, Elchanan Ilotovitz, Yehoshua Vismonski, Leib Margolis, Krupski, Dr. Kaplan, Mark Kretzmer, Shmuel Viniatzki, the Secretary (Ruchtza) |
According to the official count that was conducted in the year 1931, which we already mentioned above, 6355 souls were registered in Lida as members of the Jewish faith, out of a general population of 19,326 souls (compared to 5419 Jews)
This Drop, What Will Happen To It
I will write about love making between a young woman and a young man,
Or I will write the history of the Maggid from Kelm
enlightening our eyes with intelligent sermons?
[Drawn from the Babylonian Talmud Sotah 16b:12 And that angel takes the drop of semen from which a person will be formed and presents it before the Holy One, Blessed be He, and says before Him: Master of the Universe, what will be of this drop? Will the person fashioned from it be mighty or weak? Will he be clever or stupid? Will he be wealthy or poor?]" Return
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