The Jews in Latvia

Edited by: Mendel Bobe

Published in Tel Aviv 1971



Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander and Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for typing up the text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is from “The Jews in Latvia”,
Editor: Mendel Bobe, Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel,
Published Tel Aviv 1971 (E 384 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Latvia (1971)

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Foreword 9
IntroductionDr. S. Levenberg 11
I. Political, Social and Cultural Life
  Four hundred years of the Jews in Latvia (A Historical Survey) – M. Bobe 21
  Thee Communal Image of Latvian JewryI.Maor 78
  The Jews and the Latvian Parliament – Prof. M. Laserson 94
  Jewish Cultural Autonomy & Jewish School SystemsZ. Michaeli 186
  Jewish Traditional and Religious Life in the Latvian communitiesA.Godin 217
  Jews in the Economic Life of LatviaDr.B. Sieff 230
II. Towns and People
  RigaM. Bobe 243
  DvinskM. Amir 262
  Jewish Communities in KurlandDr. S.Lipshitz 276
  Men and DeedsM.Beth 285
  Estonian Jewry – E. Amitan-Wilensky 336
III. Ruin and Annihilation
  The War Years in Latvia RevisitedM. Kaufmann 351
  Afterword 369
IV. Bibliography 371
V. Index 375

Note: The following essays have been translated with minor changes from the Hebrew Memorial Volume “Yahdut Latvia” (Latvian Jewry):

The Communal Image of Latvian Jewry: by Isaac Maor (Meirson).
The Jews and the Latvian Parliament: by Prof. Max Matatyhau Laserson.
Jewish Cultural Autonomy and the Jewish School Systems: by Z. Michaeli (Michelson).
Jews in the Economic Life of Latvia: by Dr. Benjamin Sieff.


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