The Community Committee existed until the end of 1925, when the Autonomy for Jews, also for other minorities, was annulled. At the last meeting of the Committee on December 20, 1925 it was decided to appoint four sub-committees who would care for the community's affairs after the annulment of the official committee:

a) the education sub-committee, its members being T.Shereshevsky, Sh.Volovitzky, and M.Leibovitz,

b) the sub-committee for social help whose members were Sh.Rachmil, M.Shadchanovitz and Sh. Maroz,

c) a sub-committee on religious affairs including ritual slaughter with the same composition as above, and

d) a sub-committee for the liquidation of the Community Committee, its members being Sh.Volovitzky, M.Rabinovitz and M.Leibovitz. This sub-committee had to settle the main Committee's debts and also to apply to the Jewish faction of the Seimas, asking it what to do with the buildings and archives which belonged to the Committee. (see the protocol of this meeting written in Yiddish in Tables 3, 4, 5 below)

Table 3
Table 4
Table 5

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