Kittever Memorial Book
(Kuty, Ukraine)

48°15' / 25°11'

Translation of
Kittever yisker-bukh

Author: Eisig Husen

Published in New York 1958




Our sincere appreciation to Rhoda Kuflik
for donating the translation of her father's book
and permission to place it in the JewishGen Yizkor Book site.

We wish to thank Ala Gamulka for editing the translation
and to Genia Hollander for typing
up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project
and to Sondra Ettlinger for extracting the pictures
from the original book, enabling their addition to the project.

This is a translation of: Kittever yisker-bukh (Kittever memorial book),
Author: Eisig Husen, Kittever Sick and Benevolent Society in New York, Published: New York 1958 (Y 240 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kuty (1958)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
This material is protected by U.S. copyright law. © Rhoda Kuflik, 2022

JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.




Kittever Yizkor Book

In Three Parts:
First Part: The Life and Work of the Kittever Jews
Second Part: The History of the Destruction
Third Part: The Names of the Martyrs


By Eisig Husen

New York, 1958

Published by the Kittever Sick and Benevolent Society in New York
All Rights Reserved

This material is protected by U.S. copyright law. © Rhoda Kuflik, 2022

Translated from the Yiddish by Stanley Scheindlin. D.Sc.


First Part: The History of Kittev
Kittev and Its Landscape 13
The History of Kittev 16
Kittev Between the Two Wars 19
Historic Personalities and Spiritual Leaders 23
Kittever Synagogues and Houses of Study 36
Jewish Livelihoods in Kittev after World War I 39
Jewish Life in Kittev After World War I 43
Sabbaths, Holidays and Life-Style 48
Family Festivities of Kittever Jews 60
Kittever Heroes 63
Kittever Nicknames and Types 67
Polish Jewry Before World War II 73
The German Invasion of Poland 81
Second Part: The Destruction
Kittev Under the Soviet Occupation 89
The Destruction 105
Kittev After the Departure of the Soviet Army 107
The Pogrom in Yablonitse 110
Kittev Under the Romanian and Hungarian Occupation 112
Kittev Under the German Occupation 114
The First Kittever Judenrat 117
The Tragedy of the Jewish Refugees from Hungary 121
The German Tax Bureau 123
The Judenrat 127
The Extermination of the Jewish Intelligentsia in Stanislav 132
The First Juden-Akzion in Kolomei 134
The Juden-Akzion in Kossev 135
Juden-Akzions in the Nearby Cities and Towns 145
The Juden-Aktion in Zablatov 149
The Juden-Akzion in Zshabieh 151
The Final Weeks Before the Juden-Akzion in Kittev 152
The Last Bloody Final Day of Passover (Achron shel Pesach) in Kittev 158
The Death March 163
The Final Road 167
The Dead City Kittev – Without Jews 171
Third Part: The Names of the Martyrs (Holy Ones)
The Names of the Martyrs 177
Final word 204
First Kittever Illness Support Association in New York 206
Tenth Anniversary of the Kittev Ladies Relief Auxiliary 218
A Letter to the Author from the President of the Kittever Assoc. of N.Y. 221
Kittever Pictures Section 222
Afterword by the Author’s Daughter, Rhoda Kuflik
Additional pictures fom Rhoda Kuflik


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Updated 19 Feb 2023 by LA