[Columns 1073-1074]
[ ] translator's remarks
In eternal pain for
My unforgettable husband, our dear father
My dear son, our beloved brother
We will always keep their memory holy!
Chana Weide; Yosel Weide; Benny Weide, Frieda (Weide) Janowski,
In eternal sorrow we remember our dear ones and close ones:
Our father Yakov Yitzchok Weinman, son of Simcha Meir;
Simcha Meir Weinman and family, Ramat Gan |
We cry bitterly for our children, brothers and sisters, who were killed by the evil murderers among us.
Yankel Wachman, his wife and children;
May G-d avenge their blood.
Parents: Hershel and Chana Yenta Wachman (Israel)
I am in perpetual sadness for:
My father Feivel Yoshe's and my mother Toba Levinson; Bina Zilbering, Los Angeles.
With anguish and pain, I remember my dear brother:
Beirech son of Yosel Levin, his wife Baile Dina and their child,
We will never forget them.
His brother Bertshe, wife and children (Tel Aviv).
[Columns 1075-1076]
With awe of Heaven, we remember our beloved father and my husband:
Izzie Vart, of blessed memory
We will always remember you, and through good deeds we will consecrate your hallowed memory.
Esther Vart; Jay Egornik; Mr. amd Mrs. Brodt; |
We will never forget our dear and close ones:
Our father Moshe Shtern, died in Kurow; All killed by the Nazi murderers' hands, simply for the sin of being Jewish. May their blood be avenged.
Avrohom Aharon and Laya'le Shtern and their children, Bogata, Colombia |
[Columns 1077-1078]
With great pain, I remember my father Shimon Leib son of Itche Taigmen, from Demblyn, died in Kurow in the year 1939;
My mother Yutke daughter of Shmuel Rozenson, gassed to death in Sobibor; Sarah Tzukerman-Taigman (born in Demblyn) Montreal.
With great anguish and pain, trembling, and awe, we remember here in eternal memory:
Our beloved father Moshe Tuvia Kava, his wife, daughters and son our dear sisters and brother:
We will never forget them!
Nechemia Kava and family, Detroit;
We will never forget our dear ones and close ones,
Laya'le Federbush- Shtern;
We will always mourn and remember
Our father Yosel Wasserman, son of Chaim Shaul and Chama;
Our brother Yehuda and wife Chaine and children;
Our sister Rivka and her husband Nachman Beigelman and child;
Chaim, Sholom and Fraide Wasserman
I will always mourn:
My wife Soroh Rivka;
Pinchas Liberman, Los Angeles.
[Columns 1079-1080]
In eternal pain for
My father Yisroel Moshe (Lederkremer) Nudelman, died in the Lublin hospital in the year 1908;
My sister Faige Pomerantz, and her husband Shaul and their five children, deported and killed along with all the other Kurow Jews. Sarah and Avrohom Lerman (Nudelman) Montreal, Canada.
In eternal sorrow for
My father Shmuel Mordechai Lerman, perished in Kurow in World War One, year 1915;
My sister Chaya Brzitef, nee Lerman, her husband Yeshiye and their three children, perished in Majdanek in the year 1943. Avrohom and Sarah Lerman, Montreal, Canada.
With deep anguish and pain, we remember our dear parents: Berel Hopenheim (Katzav) and Chaya;
Our dear brother Mottel and his wife Fraidel (Strasburg) and their children, who were killed by the Nazis in a merciless manner;
With the giving of charity, we consecrate your memory.
Meir and his family;
With anguish and pain, I remember:
My father Zalman Loberboim, died in Kurow;
Mechel Loberboim, Los Angeles.
[Columns 1081-1082]
In eternal memory of our dear deceased parents: Shloime and Baila Rozenboim
Who did much good for the Kurow compatriots, were loved by all. The mourning children, in Detroit
In deep sorrow for my deceased family:
My father Avrohom Yitzchok; Yosef Shildkraut, Montreal, Canada
In deep sorrow and eternal memory of our beloved parents: Yosel and Chana Lieba Zeidenworm (Yosel Blakharz)
In his last years he was honorary president of our landsmannschaft [association of compatriots] in Detroit, died in the year 1949. Shaindel Liberman, Teme Baar, Detroit
In eternal sorrow, we will always remember: Our father Bertche, our mother Toba;
Sister Hinde and her husband Mordechai Buchweiser and children;
Yankel Kotlarz, wife and children;
With great sorrow, I remember my father:
Yosel Zissel's and my mother Chana Blukrot;
Rechel Borenstein, Los Angeles.
[Columns 1083-1084]
Motel and Sarah Etinger;
In eternal sorrow for My father Efraim Klimensberg, may he rest in peace,
My mother, sisters and brothers, may they rest in peace, killed by the German murderers, may their names be erase, in the year 1942. I will always mourn and honor their holy memory. The son, Elia Klimensberg, Montreal, Canada |
We mourn for our beloved husband and father
Chaim Weide
Died in the year 1930. Ida Weida and children, Detroit |
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