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During those Days (cont.)

The month of Tishrei was nearing and he really wished to spend Rosh Hashanah with his family in the US so he started taking care of arrangements to leave. After much trouble he received from the commissar permission to go from Kurenets to Vilna, but all the people who owned horses and carriages feared to go such a dangerous route, endangering their horses and carriages. This left him no choice but to buy a horse and carriage of his own, and he paid a large amount of money for them. That person he bought it from endangered his soul and traveled with him to Vilna. The entire town gathered to follow him on the way out of town and they blessed him with love and wishes of peace. When he arrived at Vilna he gave the genius Rabbi Chaim Ozer $102,000 for Kurenets, designated to establish a small yeshiva of Talmud Torah, Bikur Cholim, and a bank. For the Jews of Kurenets his visit was an extraordinary event and for many days it was the main topic of conversation in Kurenets as well as in the neighboring towns.

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Eli Zimerman of Kurenets

Amongst the Kurenetsers in America they also thanked him and wrote him a letter that they gave him as he returned.

A thankful letter:

If you see him naked, cover him
Do not deny one who is in your own image.
And then your splendor will be awaken with dawn
And your repast will swiftly grew

To our beloved, honored and precious brother, Moshe Eliezer Kramer!

Dear Brother!

Receive from us our blessing, The consecration of your brothers, It is awarded upon you for the magnanimous relief that you secured for our devastated brothers, our beloved who were inflicted by war in our hometown of Kurenets. You speared no money or toil, you endangered your soul and went by water. We will say to you with all of our brothers: May you be blessed You solved with your puissance the destitution of our kinsmen and you became their achi-ezer and achi-semech

And we pray that our brothers will be spared of any adversity and flourish and you will be rewarded for you righteousness. May G-D requite you with lengthy life span and you will harvest in splendid old age filled with blissfulness and affluence, and you will receive enjoyment from your sons and all your family members

Your brothers who Signed
Max Alberts (nee Alperovitz)
Elyhu Avraham Albert (nee Alperovitz)
Shimon, son of rev Yehuda Leib Bengis
Yaakov, son of rev Aba Dinerstein
Avraham Binyamin Dimenstein
Aharon, son of rev Shlomo Gordon
Baruch Kopilovitz
Pesach, son of rev Eliezer Luria
Kelman, son of rev Eliezer Luria
Mendel son of rev Yehuda Luria
Chaim Peykin
Noach Rubin
Moshe Ze'ev Sapir
Pesach Shafer
Moshe Weiss
Yosef, son of rev Avraham Aharon Weiss
Baruch Zukerman (nee Chait)
Aryo son of rev Yitzhak Zimerman
Eliyau Gershon, son of Yisrael Eisar

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Jacob Shulman of Kurenets with his family in Pittston, Pennsylvania
Picture taken during a visit of his two surviving nieces who came from Israel

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