Voice of Kremenets Emigrants
in Israel and the Diaspora
Booklet 18

(Kremenets', Ukraine)

50°06' / 25°43'

Translation of
Kol yotsei Kremenits beYisrael ve'batfutsot
, Booklet 18

Edited by: M. Goldenberg, Y. Rokhel, Y. Golberg, Ts. Berenshteyn,
Sh. Skolski, Sh. Vaysman, A. Mordish, and Y. Sobol

Published in Tel Aviv, August 1982



Project Editor

Ellen Garshick


Sara Mages, Jack Horbal and Theodore Steinberg


This is a translation of: Kol yotsei Kremenits beYisrael ve'batfutsot, Voice of Kremenets Emigrants in Israel and the Diaspora, Booklet 18,
ed. M. Goldenberg, Y. Rokhel, Y. Golberg, Ts. Berenshteyn, Sh. Skolski, Sh. Vaysman, A. Mordish, and Y. Sobol,
Tel Aviv, August 1982, Organization of Kremenets Emigrants (84 pp, H Y)

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Voice of Kremenets Emigrants in Israel and the Diaspora, Booklet 18

List of Illustrations  
Name Index  
[Page i]
A Word from the Editorial Board [Hebrew] 1
From the Editors [Yiddish] 4
Jacob Schaefer – M. Goldenberg 6
Figures from the Past – Manus Goldenberg 11
Mama – B. Goren 13
Letter from Leyb Biberman 17
Shumsk, Kremenets District, Volin Region – Mordekhay Gurvits 19
My Wonderful Town of Pochayev – Yitschak Sobol 22
Marc Chagall – Manus Goldenberg 26
Marc Chagall – Manus 27
Miscellaneous – Manus Goldenberg 29
With Them (Poem) – Hadasa Rubin 35
At an Organization Hanukkah Party in Tel Aviv 36
In Search of Relatives – Cornbleet 37
In Memoriam  
Yitschak Vakman, of Blessed Memory – Manus Goldenberg, Duvid Rapaport 38
Meir Shvartsapel, of Blessed Memory – M. Goldenberg 44
Avraham Shafir, of Blessed Memory – the Family 45
Moshe Charash, of Blessed Memory – Manus 47
In Memory of Avraham Biberman – Y. Avidar 48
Yosef Shvartsapel (Sharon), of Blessed Memory – Y. Sharon 50
Brayne Kotliar (Beznoski), of Blessed Memory – S. Valberg 52
Sara Bernshteyn-Fiks, of Blessed Memory – M. Gurevits 53
Yehoshue Fiks, of Blessed Memory – M. Gurevits 55
Leya, of Blessed Memory – Arye Mordish 57
Zhenya Brustin (Berman), of Blessed Memory – Y. Golberg 58
Avraham Yardenski (Shikhman), of Blessed Memory – Manus Goldenberg 59
In Memory of Bronya Karpel (Barshap) – Daughters Tamar and Nitsa 61
Dov Manusovits, of Blessed Memory – the Family 62
Yitschak Gintsburg, of Blessed Memory – Naomi Gintsburg 63
Boris (Berel) Shtern, of Blessed Memory – M. Ot-Yakar 64
Arye Kotler, of Blessed Memory, 10th Anniversary of His Death – M. Goldenberg 65
Beaupré, of Blessed Memory, Mayor of Kremenets – Y. Golberg 66
[Page ii]
Congratulations 67
Condolences 70
Argentina Section 72
Financial Report 77
Editorial Board: M. Goldenberg, Y. Rokhel, Y. Golberg, Ts. Berenshteyn, M. Ot-Yakar, Sh. Skolski, Sh. Vaysman, A. Mordish, Y. Sobol
Graphic design: A. Argaman
Booklet price, including membership – 50 shekels; abroad – $15
Editorial address: Organization of Kremenets and Shumsk Emigrants, 67 La Guardia St., Tel Aviv, zip code: 672213 telephone: 03-399062
Representatives abroad: William Kogan, 6828 Juno St., Forest Hills, N.Y. 113375 USA
Cecilia Katz, Pasteur 235, 3e, A Buenos Aires, Argentina
Max Desser, 158 Anderson Ave., Winnipeg 4, Manitoba, Canada
Original booklet
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Contact person for this translation Ellen Garshick
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