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R' Nachum Grinberg, of Blessed Memory
Y. Golberg
R' Nachum Grinberg, an old and honorable Kremenetser, has passed away. Since my early childhood, I had known the departed as a man of vision, initiative, and action.
In Kremenets, he was known as Grinberg the Contractor, a man who carried out productive work. He dealt with public and government jobs, such as building the barracks for the 12th Polish Cavalry Regiment in Kremenets' Bialokrinitse[16] suburb as well as roads and assorted buildings for the district government (Seymik Poviatovi) in Pochayev and other places in the municipal district.
In the Land in spite of his advanced age he worked for the Tel Aviv municipality building roads in Yad Eliyahu and Shekhunat Hatikva and contributed much of his vast knowledge to those who worked with him.
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He himself planned and built his splendid house in Tivoli Garden, and no one who came to him in need left empty-handed. He always contributed generously to the synagogue, the orphanage, the town hospital, and funds such as the Jewish National Fund and United Israel Appeal. In 1925, he purchased a plot of land in Afula.
He was a pleasant-mannered man with a smile on his face, a proud Jew of upright bearing. His attitude toward the people who worked for him was always humane. Jews as well as non-Jews who knew him always treated him with honor and admiration.
With his death, the rest of us Kremenetsers have lost an outstanding person from the period before the Holocaust.
We grieve for the lost ones, but they are not forgotten.
May his memory be blessed!
Hela Bezpoysnik
Shmuel was born in Kremenets in 1905 to Chava and Ben-Tsion Bezpoysnik, of blessed memory. He grew up, was educated, and worked in Kremenets. In 1939, when World War II began, he joined the Red Army and fought against the Nazis until victory day in 1945.
After the war, he returned to Russia with the army. After much effort, he managed to reach Germany via Poland on his way to his destination in the Land of Israel. He gathered a few unemployed friends and acquaintances, and, as a group, they enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces when the War of Independence began. After the war, he settled in Haifa, got married, and moved to the town of Givatayim.
Shmuel passed away after a long bout with illness. He left his wife, Hela; a married son and daughter; and five grandchildren.
May his memory be blessed!
Chaya and Eliezer Gluzman
A gentle soul has left us, a pioneer from the third wave of immigration, with all the good that symbolizes that wave.
Manya arrived in Afula from our town in 1925 in the third immigration wave with her late husband, Shmuel Bat. Shmuel worked in the hospital there from the first day of its existence. They had no children. Manya's home was an open one where most of the workers visited; they always found a warm welcome and a readiness to help, and her home was full of visitors until late in the evening. Everyone loved her. Manya's readiness to volunteer for any public task was a given. Many remember her activities for the Young Worker, Pioneer Women, Yael, etc., to which she devoted many hours.
She passed away in the Afula home for the aged, where she had resided for nearly a year. On Independence Day, she was still with us. Many accompanied her on her last journey, with feelings of love and admiration.
May her memory be blessed!
Tsila Shteynberg
Barukh Shteynberg, of blessed memory, was born on December 20, 1915, in Kiev (Russia) and died on February 15, 1977. In 1923, as a boy, he arrived in the Land of Israel with his parents. He went to Netsach Yisrael School; he was a good student and always came to the aid of his fellow students.
In 1936, he married Tsila Gintsberg, and they had two daughters. Barukh was a diligent worker, loved his work, and was pleasant and cheerful company. He established the Eytan factory in Haifa bay, where he worked until his last day. His death came suddenly, as he had never been sick before.
May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life.
Tsipora passed away in February 1978 after a fatal illness.
The space here is too small to tell even briefly about all of skinny little Tsipora's deeds. The woman's good heart and wisdom conquered the hearts of everyone from the moment they met.
In her work as a registered nurse in the pediatric clinic for many years, and later as a representative of Social Security, helping and giving advice to the poor and sick elderly, she was in touch with a large portion of the community, and in turn, the community greatly valued and admired her. The thought and time she put into her work prevented her from thinking about starting a family in time; she married Tsvi Bar-Tana, of blessed memory, a very lively man (his obituary was printed in booklet 14), with whom she built a very pleasant family home.
Her father's home in Kremenets was traditional and nationalistic.
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Her intellectual father took care to educate his children in the Jewish and national spirit, and the result was that they were rich in deeds. This was reflected in the lifestyle of Tsipora and her brother Pesach, of blessed memory, and of their large family, which took part in that fine chapter of the Land of Israel's history, the third immigration.
We were made particularly aware of her strong personality during her illness; as a veteran nurse, she knew that death was nesting within her, but if you didn't know it, you couldn't see it when in her company. She greeted visitors to her home with warmth and was a pleasant conversationalist. She had many visitors, as well as many topics of conversation, in which she took an active part. Not once did her visitors hear her complaining about her health or her pains, which she managed to hide by exercising her strong will.
Tsipora was very devoted to our organization. With her husband, she attended each annual memorial and other functions of the organization. She was interested in everything that took place there and participated generously in each memorial we initiated.
She will be sorely missed.
May her memory be blessed.
Pinchas Leviton, of Blessed Memory
Pinchas came to the Land in 1932.
For many years, he worked in the Nesher factory. In his final years, he lived in the town of Petach Tikva, where he passed away after a grave illness on March 28, 1977, at the age of 71.
Pinchas left behind his wife, Ester; their two sons; his brother; Lionya; and his sisters, Dora and Ester in Haifa, and Munya in Yagur.
May his memory be blessed!
M. G.
Chava, of blessed memory, passed away suddenly on January 16, 1978; she had spent the previous evening in a happy mood in the company of her relatives, a family that had recently immigrated.
Chava and her brother Milek (may he live long) are the children of Sara and Aba Taytelman, of blessed memory. I remember Aba from my childhood as a tall, handsome young gentleman. He prayed with my father and grandfather in the Hasidic Synagogue and was one of the Enlightened who read Hashiloach and Hatsefira[16]. At prayer times, I loved listening to his discussions with my father on the topics discussed in those papers. His tie to Hebrew culture continued throughout his years, mainly through activities for the Tarbut School in our town.
Chava arrived in Israel from Lodz with the Gordonia training kibbutz in 1948. Among the people of that group were some who attained very important positions in various public institutions in the Land.
During her first years in the country, Chava worked in the city of Lod, first as a clerk in the employment office and then as a teacher in the local school. She received her teaching certificate from the Tarbut High School and various qualifications in the Land. She was a very successful teacher in the Lod elementary school and later in Jaffa. In the March 3, 1978, issue of Hed Hachinuch[17], the principal of the elementary school in Jaffa where Chava taught wrote, Chava captured the hearts of us all with her sprightliness and pleasantness. She endeavored to instill rich national values in her students, and for that purpose, she organized spectacular ceremonies. These are some of the fine qualities that helped her overcome hard times
She left a daughter in England and two grandchildren.
May her memory be blessed!
M. Goldenberg
On Friday, 9 Tamuz 5738, July 14, 1978, we accompanied Yakov Shafir on his way to his eternal rest. When they hear this sad news, many remnants will descend into deep thought and longing; in their mind's eye, they will see our town in those fine, early days of the Russian revolution and of the changes of the ancient orders, when waves of joy and excitement flooded the Jewish neighborhood.
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Shafir then arrived from the German front, where he had fought for three years. Still wearing his uniform, he began to give fiery speeches at public gatherings with Bozye Landsberg, Goldring, Verthaym, Gorngut, Kornits, Frits Eydis, and others.
In his pathos and flowery speech, Yakov seemed to me like a true tribune. He impassioned his listeners and drew them toward him. One could say that he played an important role in bringing much of the Jewish population into the Zionist camp.
Many of us undoubtedly remember the great historical events in our nation's life that Kremenets was celebrating, and our homes were filled with happiness. Those were the days of the Balfour Declaration, the days when the League of Nations handed Britain the mandate on Israel, and the days of laying the foundation for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. We remember the parades and public gatherings that marked those occasions, led by Shafir and the others I mentioned.
In one of those gatherings, held in Sheftin Hall, which was decked with white and blue flags and filled to capacity, Shafir so electrified his audiences that many of the women removed their jewelry and threw it into the donation hats.
After the Polish regime was established in town and life resumed its regular daily activities, Shafir, with his energy and organizational ability, worked to promote Hebrew education in town. A Tarbut elementary school was established, with Shafir as its principal. Having been an excellent educator since his youth, he brought the school up to a high standard of learning. At the same time, hand in hand with his educational work, he and others had to devote much time and energy to combat the Polish authorities' plots to close the Hebrew school.
His talent and rich educational experience helped him integrate rapidly in Israel, and he was privileged to witness the fact that his efforts and those of his friends, most of whom were murdered, were not in vain and their hopes not wasted.
The first uncleared news on what had happened in Kremenets affected his sensitive personality very strongly. When the horrible truth became known, he assembled a few of our townspeople in his home, among them Riva Bernshteyn, of blessed memory. This was like a miniature memorial to our martyrs, the first. In that place, the foundation for the Organization of Kremenets Emigrants was laid. Shafir's speeches during the first annual memorials to our martyrs, rich in emotion and expression, were strongly reminiscent of his speeches there and evoked many of the same feelings.
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His prolonged illness, which was aggravated by his being housebound, kept him away from his activities in the organization, but he followed it with interest and was glad about each of our projects.
From time to time, I would visit his and Chanulya's (may she live long) warm home. Each visit was a deeply felt experience for me. In booklet 12, I published an interview with him. In it, you can see Shafir against the background of the events I talked about at the beginning of this article.
In one of those visits, he hesitantly handed me a poem he had written in Yiddish, called K'benk, which we printed in booklet 13. The poem reflects his very warm attitude toward his birthplace and his love of its people.
I recently received a New York Jewish newspaper from Yitschak Vakman in which this poem was prominently printed. Shafir was not fortunate enough to see it. He left behind a family that embraced him with much warmth and caring: his wife, Chanulya; a daughter and son; a sister-in-law, Adalya, and a brother-in-law, Shlome Poltorek; four grandsons; three great-grandsons; and one great-granddaughter born two days after his death. He was 88 years old when he died.
May his memory be blessed!
M. G.
Bunim Spektor died suddenly on March 23, 1978, while taking care of business at Bank Hapoalim in Petach Tikva.
Talking about Bunim, I envision his father, the merchant Hershel Spektor, of blessed memory, an enlightened, God-fearing Jew and a devoted Zionist who brought up his sons in the Jewish and secular traditions.
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Their home was under the rule of his grandfather, Y. Kitay, of blessed memory. He was a great influence on the family, which was tied to him by love and respect. This was one of the Jewish families in town that had been the foundation of the community for generations. Its way of life was breached when the Bolshevik Revolution began.
Bunim was born in 1902. First he studied at a yeshiva, and then he transferred to the High School of Commerce. He was active member of the youth movement, particularly Young Worker[18]. Bunim immigrated to Israel in 1924. Two friends who immigrated with him, Yosef Gintsburg and Bunim Bakimer, could not withstand the hardships and returned to Kremenets, where they perished in the Holocaust.
In the Land, Bunim's first job was helping to build the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. From Jerusalem, he moved to Emek Yizrael, where he did agricultural work at different farms. When the town of Afula was built he was one of the builders, as many Kremenetsers were, as well as being the first settlers there he started working at the post office.
A year after Bunim immigrated, Naomi joined him. They were married and built their home in Afula. In 1931, the Mandate government put him in charge of the Petach Tikva post office, and he moved there with his family. He was a dedicated, diligent worker and was known for his honesty and modesty. Their home in Petach Tikva was an open one.
Among those welcomed there were local Labor leaders and activists of the Working Women's Council, of which Naomi was a member.
Bunim left his wife Naomi (née Fridel), a son, a daughter who is a member of Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra, and six grandchildren.
We grieve for the loss, but we will not forget him.
Dr. Mikhael Litev (son of Pesach Litev, of blessed memory, a Kremenetser who was very active in our organization) is gone. He died before his time, at age 54, on June 10, 1978. He left a mother, a wife, and two children.
Mikhael was born in Warsaw and grew up in a family of merit and Zionist spirit. When he was five years old, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Jerusalem. In that city, he finished his elementary school and high school studies. He spent most of his life in that city, and he was deeply attached to it. He volunteered for the War of Independence and contributed his share to the nation of Israel's struggle.
His love of nature particularly mountainous areas since he was very young directed most of the activities in his life. After the War of Independence, he enrolled in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to study botany. In 1954, after graduating with a master of science, he taught for a while at the Oranim Teachers' College and later worked at the forestry division in Ilanot. In 1957, he returned to the university to work toward a PhD in ecology. After receiving his degree, he went to England in 1964-1965 for advanced studies at two famous ecology centers on a scholarship from the British Council. He was on the university's academic staff in the botany division, where he taught and did research, until 1970.
In 1971, he transferred to the ecology division as a senior lecturer, taught in the botany and geography divisions, continued his research, and guided a few students toward their master's and doctoral degrees. Before his death, he was a candidate for a tenured professorship.
Mikhael was alert to the Land's water shortage and the dangers of pollution. During his last years, he worked on and guided students in projects related to the effect of sewage on different plants. He published many articles in Israeli and international professional publications and participated in international conferences. He was an active member of the Botanical Society of Israel and the Ecology Journal of Holland, and he participated actively in planning a new middle school nature studies curriculum. He wrote new botanical entries for the Hebrew Encyclopedia and participated in the publication of a book on shore plants in Israel. In some of his free time, he volunteered as a tour guide for the Society for the Protection of Nature.
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Mikhael's many-faceted activities were nurtured and inspired by his deep love of nature and his concern about the destruction of the Israeli landscape and its beauty through trash, pollution, and unplanned development. He wrote for the newspapers, talked with people, and explained to different agents at every opportunity the danger of destruction that threatens our landscape and our few waterways if we do not protect them in time. This love helped him overcome his great physical suffering in the last months of his life and gave him the strength to be active until his last day.
His fellows and his colleagues loved him, not only as a superior scientist but also as a modest person, an idealist, and a person with high ethical values.
His untimely death is a great loss to his family, his friends and pupils, and all those who love fairness and the beauty of the Land.
Leon (Liova) Goldenberg, of Blessed Memory
M. G.
July 24 of this year was the 20th anniversary of my 45-year-old brother Liova's sudden death. It happened when he and his wife (may she live long) were on vacation near Washington.
Liova arrived in Chicago in 1956 from Belgium, where he had studied economics after graduating from the High School of Commerce in 1922. In Chicago, he finished his studies in economics, received a PhD, and joined the university's academic staff as a lecturer in economics and a teacher of European languages.
In 1941, he was invited by the American government to work in the Foreign Service. When the USA entered World War II, he was appointed to the Economic War Council against the Nazi enemy and its allies. In a letter from that period, Liova wrote to us that he was very happy that this assignment gave him the ability to actively plan the Nazis' downfall.
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After the war, he was sent to Paris as an economics attaché to the American embassy, and from the beginning of 1949 he was in charge of executing the Marshall Plan in France and then in Bonn, Germany. At his spacious villa in the Bois de Boulogne, which was assigned to him by the embassy, his visitors included members of the French government, people from the American embassy, and important members of the French Jewish community. Thanks to his many connections to important institutions in France, he was able to help some of our townspeople in Paris during times of shortage with provisions and recommendations.
Liova received the same patriotic and general education that all the children in our home did. When he was very young, he studied with me at the first Hebrew school in Kremenets (Burshteyn and Sirayski's) and then at the high school mentioned above.
On the day my father, of blessed memory, died, also at age 54, they found a letter from Liova near his bed in which he thanked him for the patriotic upbringing he had given him. Family members said that my father read this letter many times.
In his youth, Liova was active in the Zionist and pioneer youth groups. In the study circle under the leadership of Chana Gurvits (now Goldenberg), he excelled in deep, encompassing lectures. (E. Gluzman wrote about the circle in booklet 14.)
Liova visited the Land a few times.
His first visit was with his wife in 1935. At the same time, my mother, of blessed memory, arrived in the Land for a family reunion as a tourist. On his second visit, in 1952, our organization prepared a well-attended reception in his honor in the Milo Club garden in Tel Aviv. The assembled were most surprised when he replied to the words of welcome in perfect, fluent Hebrew. Throughout the years, he remained very aware of everything going on in Israel by reading newspapers and various publications sent to him from here.
Liova was a very dedicated son, remaining concerned about his family all through the years, and he kept in close touch with them through frequent, warm letters. He was very attached to his old home; this was reflected in all his letters, in which he reminisced about his childhood and youth there. He was very happy when received our book Pinkas Kremenets,[19] which he read many times. With his pleasant ways and personal charm, he accumulated many friends in the USA and France. Among the closest to him and his wife was Arthur Goldberg, with whom he studied and worked for a time in the Foreign Service. In a letter to us a few days after Liova's passing, Goldberg's wife, Dorothy, wrote, among other things, Leon just liked people. And he loved life so much He was a natural-born statesman and a wonderful host
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I have in my possession quite a few cuttings from prominent U.S. newspapers that include his photograph, announcements of his death, as well as some biographical information about him and his many roles in the Foreign Service.
Liova left behind his wife, a son and daughter, and two sisters and a brother, may they live long.
May his memory be blessed!
Annual Memorial Service
Due to certain circumstances, the annual memorial service for our martyrs in 5737 was delayed for a week.
This caused some difficulty and misunderstanding among some of our members. We feared that the delay would lower the number of members at the service.
To our surprise, this time people came from every corner of the country in almost the same numbers. The meeting was as moving as usual. This encouraged our further efforts. But we do say that we want to make no more errors.
First Arrival Direct from Kremenets
A few months ago, a woman immigrated to Israel directly from Kremenets. We met with her, and we will relate what we heard from her in Hebrew and Yiddish.
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A Visit with a Guest from Argentina
Our only guest, much valued, from abroad this year was Mr. Apter from Argentina. Mr. Apter, the husband of Riva Tshudnovski, of blessed memory, was the former president of Chirot in Argentina. At his own expense, he published M. Begin's book, The Rebellion, in Yiddish in Buenos Aires. He is a major donor, and although he himself is not a Kremenetser, he generously supports our organization.
Apter visited our room in the Kibbutzim College and also our Levinzon Library at Tel Aviv University, taking interest in every aspect.
On April 3, in Leyvik House in Tel Aviv there was a joyous evening dedicated to the publication of two volumes of songs and poems by the well-known poet Duvid Hofshteyn, who was murdered by Stalin's henchmen. Chairing the evening was Mordekhay Tsanin, the editor of Letste Noyes and chair of the Yiddish Writers Union in Israel.
The evening opened to a hall full of journalists, writers, and lovers of Yiddish, with Nechame Lifshits delivering a moving song by Hofshteyn. Tsanin, in his speech, correctly cited Hofshteyn as one of the greatest Yiddish poets of our century. The well-known Yiddish writer Shlome Roytman provided a well-rounded and deep appreciation of Hofshteyn's work.
With great interest and attention, those present heard the reminiscences of Hofshteyn's widow, Feyge Hofshteyn-Biberman, about Hofshteyn's productive literary activities in Israel during his short stay here. She also described the very moving meeting between Hofshteyn and Uri-Tsvi Grinberg.
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The two volumes were published by Israel Books in beautiful editions and have had great success in Israel and abroad.
We, friends of Feyge Hofshteyn, know how much effort, energy, and time, but even more love Feyge has dedicated to these books.
Over the course of years, our hall in the Kibbutzim College has required a fundamental renovation. This was done by the College in such a way that the hall now looks far better. We must share some of what this cost the college. Members are asked to visit the hall at the time of the memorial service and at other opportunities to see for themselves.
We hope our landsmen will respond when we come to them for help in order to cover what is for us the large expense of renovation.
To Moshe and Batya Leviten on the birth of their granddaughter, Hila, to Ilana and Moti, of Kibbutz Tzeelim.
To Batsheva Kantor (Levitin) on the birth of her granddaughter, Roni, to her son, Dr. Ehud Kantor, and his wife, Rachel.
To Fishel and Chana Teper on the birth of their granddaughter, Dana, to their daughter, Chana, and her husband, Lihu Ikhilov.
To Mira and Yehoshue Golberg and the in-laws, Karmela and David Holinski, of Haifa, on the birth of their grandson, Oren, to their children, Mira and Yakov Gal.
To Bela and Munya Mandelblat on the birth of their grandson Tal-Or, to their daughter, Shoshana, and her husband, Ilan.
To Kitsya Goldberg on the birth of his seventh great-granddaughter, Mira, granddaughter of his daughter, Hela, and her husband, Yakov Kozlovski.
To Tsipora Osovski (Galperin), of Haifa, on the marriage of her son, Chanokh, to Galila.
To Sima and Yizhar Yaron (Kremenchutski), of Ein Hashofet, on the marriage of their daughter, Merav, to Ayal Eini.
To Moshe and Batya Leviten, of Jerusalem, on the marriage of their son, Yehuda, to Irit.
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To Yosef and Yehudit Stoler, of Haifa, on the marriage of their son, Barukh, to Nechama.
To Leybush and Yehudit Kucher, of Ein Hashofet, on the marriage of their son, Yoav, to Aliza, and on the birth of their granddaughter to their daughter, Nechama Berenboym.
To Fayvel and Ela Rayzman on the birth of their granddaughter to their daughter, Ilana.
To Sara and Moshe Shteynberg, of Yad Mordekhay, on the marriage of their daughter, Nechama, to Yonatan Man.
To Gedalyahu and Shulya Kindzior, of Haifa, on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Eli, son of Dina and her husband, Chayim Lantsitski.
To Bunya (Koyler) and Aharon Gotvirts on the birth of their grandson to their son, Moshe.
To Chanulya Shafir on the birth of a great-granddaughter to her daughter Tsivya's granddaughter.
Tsipe Roytberg-Katz
As I read booklet 14 of Kol Yotsei Kremenets, I was drawn to two pictures that showed Leyzer Gluzman with a group of young people, all of whom I knew. I looked at Leyzer, my former neighbor, my teacher, with nostalgia and love. He had prepared me for the examination in the Aleksina Gymnasium. Leyzer was one of the young people who sought the way to a fine life. They dreamed dreams that became real, without wandering onto strange paths or planting strange gardens ….
They sought and fought for a solution to the national question.
These pictures preserve a certain stage in the life of long ago and give us the key to seeing parallels in current life. I remember when, being in Youth Guard [Hashomer HaTsair], I used to go to the Zionist Organization library to get a book (Yisrael Biberman was the librarian). Many times I encountered Chana Gurvits (Manus Goldenberg's wife) at a table surrounded by a group of young women who were known as the Communistas, according to Misha Rabinovitsh's sense of humor. They were always discussing books they had read.
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Standing there and looking in the catalog, I would quietly listen to their conversations, taking part in my mind in what they were saying about the then-popular Soviet writers.
A large number of Jewish young people were captivated by the literature and its direction, which many of them believed in wholeheartedly. Thus they were awakened to the right path for reading about the national Jewish question, the State of Israel, which is now celebrating its 30th Independence Day, and it is appropriate to shout, May your hands be strengthened! to all those who had and have the merit to be among the builders of the State of Israel!
I take this opportunity to publish my congratulations for the untiring work of the Kol Yotsei Kremenets editors, who bind us together, in Israel and in exile, as one large family.
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Buenos Aires (Argentina): We heartily congratulate our board members Moshe and Freyde Peker and also parents Chayke and Duvid Lokakh on the wedding of their first grandchild and beloved son Mario Lokakh to Miss Graciela, and we wish them much nachas and joy.
Buenos Aires (Argentina): The Board and the Women's Committee offer hearty congratulations to our active committee members Chayim and Chana Fayer on their newly arrived grandchild Hinda-Etil and wish them much nachas and joy, and to the parents Enrico and Mari we hope that they will conduct her to the wedding canopy with good fortune.
Buenos Aires (Argentina): Hearty congratulations to our board member Yitschak Shpak and his wife, Ester, on the Women's Committee, on the birth of their first great-grandchild, Natalya, and also to grandmother Chayke Shpak, nee Sapozhnik.
We hope she may grow up as a healthy and proud Jew in a peaceful world.
Hearty congratulations to our board member Nuta Kiperman and his wife, Chayke, on the birth of their new grandchild Duvid Yechezkel (Ayzekel).
We wish you much nachas and joy.
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The Board and Women's Committee heartily congratulate our board members Avraham and Freyde Vargas on the bar mitzvah of their beloved grandson Moshe, and we wish them and their daughter Adeyla and son-in-law Isak Feldman much nachas. May they be able to conduct him to the wedding canopy.
The Board and Women's Committee extend sympathy to the mourning family of Yisrael Roykh, of blessed memory: sons (Luta) Zeylik and (Adolf) Avraham and daughter Neli, to daughters-in-law Gladys and Flora, son-in-law Kotsha Aronson and grandchildren, brother Gershon, sister-in-law Zlate, sister-in-law Ester, and brother-in-law Yitschak Shpak and children. May you find consolation in his good name and know no more sorrow.the Board
Taye Shnayder, May She Rest in Peace
The Board sends its sympathy to Miss Tsipe, daughters Sara and Malke, son-in-law and Dr. George Yanovski, brother Yenkel, sisters-in-law Yente Barushek, Gute (Israel), and grandchildren on the loss of their beloved husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, uncle, and brother-in-law Taye.
May you all be consoled.
The Board of the Landsmen's Union in Buenos Aires (Argentina) extends its deep sympathy to our ex-vice-president Moshe Pak and his wife, Miryam, on the loss of their sister and sister-in-law Brantsye (Berta), nee Zelyane.
May you all be consoled.
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Yisrael Roykh, of Blessed Memory
On January 27, our former vice-president's life ended after a long illness that had confined him to bed for a period of years.
Yisrael Roykh was also active in our institutionsa longtime board member and supporter of the welcoming committee, the old-age home, and the orphan's home. Overall he was a person with a Jewish heart and sympathy for those in need. He left behind in sorrow two sons: Luta and Adolf (Avraham), a daughter, Neli, and many family members and friends, who will always remember him.
Honor to his memory.
Duvid Sher
May 13 is the ninth anniversary of the passing of that fine man, friend, and landsman Duvid Sher, may he rest in peace, who was a longtime member of the Kremenets Union board. He was among the first pioneers and founders and a faithful supporter, always with a smile. He did his work quietly, modestly, and efficiently.
His distinguished wife, Reyzel, may she live long, who was an active member of the Women's Committee and is an honored member of the Union, has ensured that Duvid Sher's name will be memorialized in the memorial album in Israel.
Chayim Fayer | 12 sold | 2,000,600 pesos |
Tsipa Katz | 12 sold | 2,005,000 pesos |
Nuta Kiperman | 9 sold | 750,000 pesos |
Chayim Fayer | Yankel Lubman |
Moshe Libman | Shimon Apter |
Yisrael Takar | Yisrael Laybel |
Reyzel Sher | Mordekhay Katz |
Ester Sher | Sender Epelboym |
Avraham Shpargel | Moshe Fink |
Katye Tshudnovski | Yukel Benderski |
Gitil Kotkovnik | Moshe Peker |
Yente Barushek | Velvel Laks |
Ilye Goldsher | Yitschak Shpak |
Eli Libman | Meir Peker |
Manya Fishman | Chayim Nudel |
Manya Royt-Shikhman | Nute Kiperman |
Chana Shikhman | David Shvartsman |
Yesha Yadeshliver | Avraham Vargus |
Fanya Garber | Beylke Segal |
Bumek Berenshteyn |
Yehoshue Golberg
We present the following list of funds donated in the current year by Kremenitzers abroad. The previous list is in Booklet 14, page 69.
For Voice of Kremenets Emigrants | |||
20 Sep 1977 | Volf Shnayder, America | $ 5.00 | |
25 Sep 1977 | Shmuel Belohuz, America | 20.00 | |
23 Oct 1977 | Tsuni Brodski, America | 25.00 | |
23 Oct 1977 | Chayim Taytsher, America | 25.00 | |
28 Oct 1977 | Morris Medler, America | 25.00 | |
15 Jan 1978 | Volf Kagan, America | 40.00 | |
15 Jan 1978 | Sam Fuks, America | 10.00 | |
30 Mar 1978 | Norman Desser, America | 25.00 | |
30 Mar 1978 | Fred Byk, America | 100.00 | |
14 Apr 1977 | Max Desser, Canada | 20.00 | |
14 Apr 1977 | Marcos Tesler, Canada | 10.00 | |
6 Jun 1977 | Mark Desser, Canada | 20.00 | |
26 Jun 1977 | Mrs. Lili Golbert, Winnipeg | 20.00 | |
2 Feb 1976 | Mark Desser, omitted from Booklet 14 | 20.00 | |
2 Dec 1978 | Mordekhay Katz, Argentina | 50.00 | |
Total | $ 415.00 | ||
For the Organization of Kremenets Emigrants | |||
15 Jan 1978 | Yitschak Vakman, America | 100.00 | |
For Emergency PurposesCharity Fund | |||
30 Mar 1978 | Norman Desser | 25.00 | |
15 May 1978 | Yitschak Vakman, America | 100.00 | |
Donations for a Special Purpose | |||
1 Oct 1978 | Sh. Apter, Argentina, by Tsvi Bernshteyn, to perpetuate the name of his deceased wife, of blessed memory, in the memorial album |
200.00 | |
2 Dec 1978 | Velvel Oks, Argentina, to perpetuate the name of his deceased wife, of blessed memory, in the memorial album |
70.00 | |
30 Mar 1978 | Mr. Apter, contribution to the renovation of Kremenetser Hall in the Kibbutzim College |
100.00 | |
Total | $1,010.00 |
8/30/78 | Mr. Oser, in memory of the departed Dora Yakobson-Ayzenshteyn, of blessed memory, from Shumsk | I£200 |
8/30/78 | Mrs. Hokhberg, in memory of her departed husband, Leon Hokhberg, of blessed memory | 200 |
1/30/78 | Mrs. Tsirel Gintsburg-Shteynberg, in memory of her departed husband, Barukh Shteynberg, of blessed memory | 500 |
1/21/78 | Relatives in the Land of Dr. Max Vishnier and his wife, Neti, who died in the USA | 300 |
1/21/78 | Ben-Hari Tsvi, in memory of his departed wife, Bina (née Blit), of blessed memory | 250 |
1/21/78 | itka Shtern-Rozental, in memory of Berel Kremen, of blessed memory, who passed away in Odessa | 60 |
7/20/78 | Manus Goldenberg, in memory of his brother, Leon-Liova, of blessed memory, who died in the USA in 1958 | 200 |
1/20/78 | Mrs. Tsipora Litvak-Bar-Tana, in memory of her departed husband, Tsvi, of blessed memory | 200 |
Total | i£1,910 |
4/4/78 | Yitschak Rokhel, for the renovation of our hall at the Kibbutzim College | I£1,000 |
Moshe Kremintsutski, for renovation of the headstone of Dubkirer, of blessed memory, in the old cemetery on Trumpeldor Street, Tel Aviv (omitted from booklet 14) | 70 | |
Total | i£1,910 |
This is a continuation of the list in booklet 14, page 70.
Mochan Shmuel, for Yitschak Portnoy, omitted from booklet 14 | I£100 |
Avraham Dagim, by Yitschak Portnoy | 50 |
Mrs. Tsipora Bar-Tana, by Rokhel | 100 |
Sara Fiks, of Shumsk | 100 |
Gitelman Binyamin | 100 |
Mrs. Dozya Federman-Rubinfayn | 100 |
Betsalel Golberg | 100 |
Mrs. Dvora Toren-Feldman | 100 |
Sela Aharon | 100 |
Fresman Ita | 100 |
Pikhovits Yurek | 100 |
Zinger Shapira | 100 |
Barats Yehoshue, son of the late Yitschak Barats | 100 |
Berger Dvora | 100 |
Our fellow townspeople in Argentina, by Tsvi Bernshteyn, from the sale of recordings of Cantor Mordekhay Katz | 200 |
Yakov Shafir | 500 |
Kiosk Vaynberg, Jerusalem, for the sale of Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklets | 75 |
Shmuel Manusovits | 50 |
Shmuel Mochan | 50 |
Atara Sichuk | 50 |
Avraham Chasid | 50 |
Bodeker Avraham | 50 |
Kesler Yitschak | 50 |
Shrentsel Avraham | 50 |
Stoler Shimon | 50 |
Shnitser Nachman | 50 |
Tsukerman David | 50 |
Bernshteyn Aleksander, Shalom | 50 |
Nusman Aleksander | 50 |
Dora Atsmon-Leviten | 50 |
Goltser Meir | 50 |
Arye Leviten, Lionya | 40 |
David Vayner | 40 |
Nadir Rachel, Koka | 40 |
Total | i£2,945 |
Balance as of December 31, 1977
Balance at Bank Hapoalim, 1977
Balance on 12/31/76 | I£2,379.57 | ||
Expenditures | Income | ||
To Bank Hapoalim (including income tax) | i£799.50 | Anonymous donation to buy books | i£1,000.00 |
Postage | 204.25 | Membership dues | 2,040.00 |
Receptions and refreshments | 264.60 | Currency conversion | 9,653.69 |
Telephone | 314.48 | Donations | 3,820.00 |
Holiday welfare assistance | 1,550.00 | Memorial moneys collected from members | 1,260.00 |
Office supplies | 150.65 | Payments for Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklets | 2,092.00 |
Travel | 305.90 | Transfers from the Post Office bank | 2,150.00 |
RYBL Library | 1,672.25 | ||
Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklets | 13,803.90 | ||
Memorial organizing | 1,353.43 | ||
Accounting (75/76) | 1,200.00 | ||
Donations to Polish women in Poland | 664.10 | ||
Total | i£22,283.06 | Total | i£22,015.69 |
Remaining balance, 12/31/77 | i£ 2,112.20 |
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