Memorial book of Kolomey
and its surroundings

(Kolomyya, Ukraine)

48°32' / 25°02'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolomey ve ha-sevivah

Edited by: D. Noy, M. Schutzman, former residents of Kolomey and surroundings in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1972


Project Coordinator

Claire Hisler Shefftz z”l


Our sincere appreciation to Mark Schutzman for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Kolomey ve ha-sevivah,
Memorial book of Kolomey and its surroundings. Eds, D. Noy, M. Schutzman
Tel Aviv, former residents of Kolomey and surroundings in Israel, 1972 (H)

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Translated by Tova Gita Rosenheck Kraus

To Be Remembered for Eternity / The Book Committee  7
Kolomea the Capital of Pokucie /  Dr. A. Y. Braver 11
History of the Jews of Kolomea / Dr. N. M. Gelber  22
Kolomea a Mother Town for Chasidim / Mordechai Schutzman 49
Chapter: At the Turn of the 20th Century

The Elections for the Austrian Parliament / Dr. A.Y. Braver  59
The First Strike at the Talesim Factory / D. Y. Zilberbush 63
Kolomea- A Zionist Center in Galicia 
The Beginning of the Zionist Movemment / A. Scheuerman 70
The Momentum of Zionist Action / Michal Hazelkorn 73
The First Zionists in Kolomea / Menachem Meiran-Lazar 76
The First Zionist Materialization / Yehuda Khorin 78
The Zionist Camp Had a Majority / Dr. Marc Schwaber 82
The Orthodox Jews
Orthodox Jews in Kolomea / Moshe Rath  84
The Great Synagogue / Meir Feder  91
Very Old Synagogues / D. Davidowitz 94
The Rabbis of the Community / Moshe Rath  98
Schools ("Cheders") and Teachers / Y. A. Zeidman 103
My Schools ("Cheders") / Dr. A. Y. Braver 105
Hirsch Rath / Shlomo Bickel  106
Wowik Rosenkrantz the Teacher (Kugel) / S. Bickel   (S. Meltzer)  108
Yekheskel Melamed / L.G. 109
Popular Vote On a Railroad Extension / L.G.  110
Population Census in 1910 / A. Scheuerman  111
Help for the Refugees from the Kishinev Pogroms  112
Revenge on Yedlee Ben Shabtai / S. Bickel  112
May 1st Falls on the Sabbath / G. Levi  113
List of Banks Up Until World War One  114
Marshall Pilsudski in Kolomea / G. Levi  115
The Jewish Delegation to Poland's Premier / G. Levi  115
The First Election for the Polish Parliament  116
The Pogrom in Zablotov / M. Heinisch  117
The Martyrs of Slobodka-Leshna  118
The Outbreak of the First World War / Y. Scheuerman 119
The Last Part of the First World War / Y. A. Zeidman  121
Chapter: Economy and Community

Jewish Livelihoods / Dr. A. Y. Braver 125
Doctors and Lawyers in Kolomea  135
The Horowitz Factory / Natan Meisler 136
Parties and Political Movements
Zionist Activity / Dr. Zvi Heller  138
The Jewish Workers Movement / David Landman  143
Zionist Youth Groups / Joseph Stern  146
The Way of Life in the "Zionist Youth" Movement /   Dr. JosephWeiser 150 
"Akiva" Youth Organization / Y. Brickner 152 
Beitar Movement / Y. B. 152 
"Hechalutz" Movement / Itzchak Teitelbaum 155 
"Hashomer Hatsair" in Kolomea / Shmuel Maran (Pomerantz) Meir Amidan (Lederfeind) 160 
"Gordonia" Movement / Moshe Singer 163 
Zionist Workers Left / David Landman 165 
"Hamizrachi" Organization / Hanoch Schechter 169 
Mizrachi Youth / Meir Feder  171 
"Agudath Yisrael" / M. Schein  173 
Communist Jews in Kolomea / Natan Meisler 176 
Organization Members in the Period Between the Two Wars  177 
Chapter: Images, Personalities and Characters

Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein / Dr. N. Gelber  183 
Rabbi Gedalyahu Schmalkis / Moshe Rath  185 
Rabbi Israel Joseph Lau / Zeev Fisher Shein  187 
Dr. Shlomo Rosenheck / P. K.  190 
Sixtieth Jubilee Party for Dr. Rosenheck / Michal Hazelkorn  191 
The Preacher Rabbi Itzchak Weber / W. H.  193 
Dr. Fishel Rottenshtreich / W. H.  194 
Chaim Ringelblum / P.K.  195 
Laibel Toibsh / Meir Henisch  197 
Yosef Herer / W. H 198. 
Dr. Meir Herm Gelbart / Y.H.  199 
Jacob Bitter / Y. S. 200 
Rabbi Efraim Kellerman / Dr. M. A. Nahir  201 
Moshe Shmuel Grossbach / Jacob Scheuerman  202 
Dr. S. L. Schorr / L. G.  203 
Itzchak Shlomo Shmois / Y. M. Markscheid 204 
Alexander Granach / S. B.  206 
The Bachelor Rabbi / D. S.  207 
Meir Leifer Redlich / S. Munio  209 
Menachem Mendel Grunwerg / L. G. 210 
Meir Zacher / W. H. 211 
Moshe Dalfon / L. G.  212 
Mottel Tropp / Y. Scheuerman  212 
The Blind Chone / M. S. 213 
Shebtil the Drunkard / W. H.  214 
Shmuel Vancia Tutai / L. G.  214 
Chapter: Life and Folklore

Water Carriers and Coachmen / L. G. 219 
Games Jokes Puzzles / A. Y. Braver 220
My Streets / A. S. Yuris  223 
The Man from "Glazier Street" / Dr. Shlomo Bickel  225
Sabbath in the City / Dr. Abraham Klein 227
How the Jewish Holidays Were Celebrated / M. Shein 228
Leisure and Entertainment / M. S.  231
Chapter: Culture and Education

"Halevi" Association / W. H.  239
In Manger's Company / Dr. Abraham Klein  243
At the Railroad Station (poem) / Itzik Manger [in original Yiddish and in Hebrew translation] 244
The Y. L. Peretz Library / Leib Weitz  245
Josef Toftsirer and Itzik Manger / Dr. A. Klein  247
Schpirovka / Donya Zeichner-Krinitz 248
Jews in State High Schools / Dr. Josef Weiser  252
Sports in Kolomea / Joseph Rares  257
Chapter: Destruction and Annihilation

Annihilation of the Jews of Kolomea and Its Surroundings /  Dr. Joseph Karmish  267
Mordechai Shipraver the Daring Hero / Eliyahu Ben Shmuel 319
With Empty Hands Against the Angel of Death /   Blanca Rosenberg 320
The Rabbi Who Uprooted the Gravestones / A. S. Rina 321
The Hospital in the Ghetto / Dr. Max Wollenstein  322
Echoes from the Valley of Death / Tzvi Schnitzer  325
The Labor of His Hands / Yaakov Heger  331
True to Their Faith to Their Last Days / Yehuda Arye Bretfeld 332
A Sole Survivor From the Action / Mendel Schauder 332
The Action Against the Intellectuals / Chana Weinhaber-Hacker  334
On the Threshhold of Death / Anzia Lederfeind  336
Between the Jaws of Destiny / Yeshayahu & Shoshana Feder 337
Children in the Kolomea Ghetto / Miriam P. Karsevski-Kaufman 346
In Memory of Those Who Perished in the Holocaust
List of Martyrs in Alef Bet order  (names listed as written in Yiddish) 349
Kolomeyer Organizations / Yitzchak Teitelbaum  367
Kolomey in the Year 1970 / M. Schutzman  372
In Memory of the Departed (list of those from our city who died after the war; in alef bet order) [376]
Dr. Shlomo Bickel / D. L.  378
Rabbi Michael Braver / A. Y. Ber  379
Milcha Zeidman (Syrkin) / K. Y.  380
"Shchor Sachar" - a Rare Person / Ori Kaysari  381
Itzchak Zacher-Sachar / A. Y. Bror 382
Moshe Rath / Yechezkel Korn  384
Moshe Felsenstein / Y. G. 384
Moshe Konig / Levi Grebler  385
Dr. Itzchak Braver / Y. R. 386
Jacob Mendel Markscheid / Dr. Ephraim Stern  386
Dr. Eliyahu Mroz Rosenbaum 389
Dr. Henrik Kramer / Dr. M Schauber  389
Shalom Lachs / M. L. 390
Dr. Abraham Shmuel Yuris  391
Meir Henisch  392
Levi Grebler (Schmucher) 392
Dr. Moshe Eliyhau Nahir  393
Yitzchak Menachem Bergman / L. B. 393
In Memory of the Fallen
Matityahu Birnbaum  394
Meir Mor  394
Arye Landwehr  395
Moshe Dabster  395
Eitan Meir Braver  395
Sgan Gazit z"l 395
End Notes  396-397
Table of Contents  398-400

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Claire Hisler Shefftz z”l
This web page created by Carol Monosson Edan

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Updated 11 Jan 2010 by LA