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Photographs, Family Descriptions, Incomplete List by Name (cont.)


Mantshe Unglick (Manele)

He was from the observant Jews of the shtetl, with the fear of God. Throughout his life he was involved with Tzedakah (charity) and Chesed (benevolence). He had a butcher shop, and he was a butcher. The Pilczer Rabbi, who lived in Czestochowa, ate the meat that came only from Mantshe's butcher shop.

Every Shabbat afternoon you could see Mantshe in the Beit HaMidrash (House of study) with


Rodel, the mother of the Unglick family


In remembrance of the father
of the Unglick family: Mantshe, of blessed memory
There is no remaining picture of him


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the “Midrash Tanchuma” (Torah commentary) open. He loved to speak with young people about Rabbis and Chasidut. His wife, Rodel, was known in Klobuck to be a virtuous woman, giving charity anonymously. Several poor families ate meat on Shabbat and Festivals, donated by Rodel, and she also added


Daughter, Rivka Leah, and husband,
Simcha Yakubowicz, with their child


The children of Simcha Yakubowicz and Rivka Leah:
Moshele, Nachmiele and Chanele


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baked food. Their son, Gedaliahu, was a good student, and was a good–natured person. Their son–in–law, Simcha, was ordained as a rabbi. It was a house of God and people.

During the murderous German occupation the following were killed: Mantshe


Their son, Avraham, and his wife, Golde.


Their daughter, Chanele, her husband,
Hartzke Szilit and child.


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and his wife Rodel, their daughter, Rivka Leah, and her husband, Simcha, and the three children from this couple: Moshele 9 years old; Nachmiele 7 years old; and Chanele 6 years old. Gedalihu was shot together with Simcha, and was buried in Klobuck. Aaron and his wife were shot in Czestochowa, Feigel and Hertzke Szilit were killed in Treblinka.


Gedalihu Unglick


Sarah Unglick


the daughter, Blume


Reb Shmuel David Shniur

by Eliyahu Rosenthal, Australia.

He was born in Czestochowa, and got married in Klobuck to Roize, the daughter of Shlomo Mordechai Green. Reb Shmuel ate “Kest” [1] at his father–in–law's table. During his “Kest” period he learned Torah and received a teaching diploma from Rabbi Yankele. He was a Gerer Chasid, who sat at the table (he was a diligent student) of the “Sefat Emet” [2]. His family was comprised of 5 daughters and 2 sons. He arranged good marriages (shiduchim) for his daughters, and his sons–in–law were: Aaron Hendel, the son of Yeshayu Chade, the son of the Truskolaser shochet (the ritual slaughterer); Yechiel Krimolowski and the grandson of the Komaner Rabbi, Meir Taub.

Reb Shmuel David Shniur was killed with his wife in Treblinka. His only son, Mendel, survived and lives now in Australia.

Translator's Footnote:
  1. “Kest” is room and board that was offered to a new son–in–law to enable him to continue his studies without financial worries. Return
  2. “Sefat Emet” Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter (18471905), also known by the title of his main work, the Sfas Emes or Sefat Emet, was the Gerer Rebbe from 1870 until his death. (source Wikipedia) Return

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Reb Yitzhak Djalowski

Reb Yitzhak Djalowski was an outstanding Klobucker landlord, and a Radomsker Chasid. He loved to read the book of ethics, and he had a son, who studied Torah. His son, Shimon, was the son–in–law of Reb Yeshuha Israel, and his second son, Moshe, was a good student and was shochet in Czestochowa. Reb Yitzhak was always the first secretary of the “Chevra Kadisha” (Jewish burial society).

Reb Yechiel Kraszkowski

He was a Radomsker Chasid, an honorable, good–hearted and affable man. He exhibited, by his attitude, courtesy to everyone. His wife, Feigel, had an outward personality, like her husband. Their two sons, Elyahu and Itshe, were killed. The following survived: one son and two daughters, Breidel and Gitel, both living in Australia.

Avraham Diamant

He was a hard worker Jew, and was the long time secretary of the Zagorz mill. Every Shabbat he traveled a long way to pray at the Radomsker “shtibel”, together with his children. He was active in social institutions, in the community, and also in the charity fund. His wife, Rachele, was a hearty Jewish mother, and raised her children as proud and national Jews. From the entire family of the sons, David, Yaakov, and Motek and a daughter, only the daughter, Zissel, together with her husband, David Krakowski, survived. They live in Australia.

Avraham Maas

He was a peddler, always traveling, and going to markets. His principal objective was to give his children a good education. His wife, Ester, helped him achieve this goal.

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Krakowski family


Rachel Krakowski


Yechiel Krakowski


Elie Krakowski


Yaakov Krakowski


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and be national Jews. That was his goal in life, and the hope to witness “nachas” (satisfaction) from his children. They did not live to see satisfaction from their children. The German murderers killed the father and the mother.

Three sons of the Maas family survived: Berel, Kopel and Leib Baruch. All of them live in Australia.

Mendel Granek

The son of Moshe Granek (Opatower). A hard working man, who made an honorable living for his family. He was a Radomsker Chasid, who performed many good deeds. He loved reading a good Yiddish book. His wife, Chaya Rivka, a daughter of Chaim Djalowski, helped her husband in all of his good deeds for the benefit of all.

From this humble family only one daughter, Rachele, remains, and she lives in Australia with her husband Israel.

Shimon Rosenthal

by Eliyahu Rosenthal

The son of Moshe Yaakov was from one of the well–educated families in Klobuck. As a young man, several years before WWI, he started to actively spread the “Haskalah” (non–religious education and culture) in the shtetl. His colleagues were: Yitzhak Yaakov Buchweitz, Zalman Lapides, two Kerner brothers, Yitzhak Granek and Michael Rojewicz, who was born in Krzepice. Shimon opened the first Zionist library, which was located in a small room. In the library there was a large picture hung on the wall of “Yirmiahu, the prophet mourns the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (temple)”.

Because of his “Haskalah” activities Shimon was pursued by fanatics, but he calmly performed his diligent work, and established the foundation of the “Haskalah” in Klobuck. Later he became involved in Czestochowa in social and political activities.

Shimon Rosenthal shared the fate of the persecuted Jews in Poland. He was killed in the Czestochowa ghetto with his wife and

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three children. Then my entire family was killed, my mother and sisters: Rivka, Feigel, Leah Sarah, Rachel Esther and their husbands and children.

His surviving brother,
Eliyahu Rosenthal, Australia.

My Parents (Unglick)

by Masha Kurland (Unglick)

My father, Itche Unglick, and my mother, Chaya Sarah, always performed the two mitzvot (commandments) of “Gemilut–Chasadim” (charity) and “Hachnasat Orchim” (hospitality).


Itshe Unglick and Chaya Sarah


We lived on the “Shule”(synagogue) street, and we had the only soda water factory in Klobuck. Opposite our house was the “Hachnasat Orchim” place. Several poor passers–by knew that before they went to the “Hachnasat Orchim” to sleep, or before they left the “Hachnasat Orchim” in the morning, my mother would give them a meal to eat and a few groschen (pennies) for the road. My mother also looked after the cots, and made sure they were in order in the “ Hachnasat Orchim”. She fulfilled the mitzvah (commandment) to perfection.

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During difficult times my father always gave loans to people whenever they needed (help). When he suspected that the financial situation of somebody was not good he used to ask: “How do you manage with your living? Perhaps you need some money. Don't be ashamed to ask for a loan, when you have the money you will give it back to me”.

After my father's passed away, people came to repay loans that we did not know about.

My father Yossel Szimkowicz

by Baruch Szimkowicz

My father, Yossel Szimkowicz, was born in Krzepice. My mother, Libe, (was born) in Klobuck. From the time they married and throughout all of their many years, they managed a bakery in Klobuck, and made a living from it.

We were four children: My sisters, Tova and Malka, Michael and myself. Our house was for God and for people. My parents did a lot for poor people, and supported people either with money or with baked food. Our bakery was on a crossroad of Czestochowa and Krzepice. Passers–by, and peddlers who came to the fair in Klobuck, first came to our bakery, to warm up and drink a hot glass of coffee or tea that was always ready for the guests. They always could borrow a Talit (prayer shawl) and Tefilin (phylacteries) to pray and afterwards continue their journey.

On Shabbat at dawn, my father was close to the oil lamp, and read twice the weekly (Torah) portion and Rachi 's commentary. When emissaries from Jerusalem from the Yeshivat “Etz Chaim” came, the Rabbi immediately called on my father and Asher Goldberg to collect money for the sacred Torah institutions.

My parents passed away sometimes before the war, but my sister, Tova, died in Czestochowa (during the war). My brother, Michael, I was told, lived in Ozorkaw. During the Jewish extermination period he was sent by the Germans to the Lodz ghetto. When he escaped from

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the ghetto, he was caught by the Germans and hanged. He was always active in the “Poalei Zion”(Workers of Zion) party (right wing) in Ozorkaw. My sister, Malka, died in Belgium.

Reb Shmuel Friedman

by Yaakov and Yote Friedman

He was an Alexander Chasid, and a business man. Throughout the years, he managed the mill with his partner. As a member of the Judicial Court, he always took care of the poor Jews. He often argued with the Polish members of the Judicial Court because he did not want to yield and give up his fight to help the poor Jews. His wife, Esther Chaya, came from Rabbinical descendants, and she always looked after poor, sick people and sent food packages, for Shabbat, to needy households. She was also active in various women institutions.

We remember their children: Dvorah Feigel, Sarah, Chaim Moshe, and Hadassa. They all perished.

Pinchas Unglick

by Baruch Szimkowicz

I knew the house of the Unglick family very well from my childhood, because I went to cheder (school) with their son Avraham, (who lives in Israel), and later we were together in “Chevra–Baruchim” (Society of teenagers). Meshulam Unglick, a cattle trader, honored his parents highly. On Shabbat and Festivals, he used to davenen (pray) in the small Beit–Hamidrash (House of Study). His wife, Fromet Sheindel, was modest, observant and good to people. She helped needy families in secret and silently supported everyone in their sorrow. Her sacred desire was to raise her children in the Jewish spirit. Their son, Pinchas, was known as a joyous, good–hearted man, with a nice smile on his face. He supported social institutions.

A long time ago, during the years when we went to the Beit–Hamidrash–Bachurim (House of study for teenagers) on Rosh–Chodesh (First day of Jewish month),

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we gathered money to buy and repair books, he went unnoticed and he was very offended when he was asked: “Why do you not have money to buy books?” He indeed gave the largest amount of money. During a certain period Pinchas was a community representative in Klobuck.

He was killed by the German murderers.

My father Zalman Weichman

by Batia Letzer–Weichman

He died on 12 Adar 1944 in the Griditz camp. My brother, Yitzhak, died in Buchenwald on 5 Lyar 1945. My brother, Nechemia, died in the “Hospital” (infirmary) in Mathausen. My sister, Rachel, was killed in Auschwitz in 1942.


Nechemia (Memye) Weichman


Mantshe Unglick Family

by Tova Unglick

My father, Mantshe Unglick, arrived in the Zamel camp. From a great fright he became sick and died in 1941. My mother, Fromet, continuously hid in a bunker with her grandchildren until the first “Aussiedlung” (deportation). Later the Germans shot them on the spot. Also my four brothers and my two sisters died during the war. The only thing left is a picture of my sister Hendel.


Hendel Unglick


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Karola Enzel

by Avraham Enzel

She was born in Klobuck. During the liquidation of the ghetto she worked with sick people who had typhus in the Kamyk shtetl. Later she was transferred to the Zagorz work camp, and from there the Germans sent her to Czestochowa. She died as a heroine. By her


Karola Enzel with her husband
and a child from the Tzintzinatus family


death she wanted to save a bunker full of women and children. When the murderers discovered the bunker, she came out from the bunker with another young man, but the other women and children were still hidden. They pretended that they were alone there. The Germans shot them immediately.

When your destiny is to die naturally

by Avraham Enzel

My grandmother, Henia Enzel, at 70 years old, fled to Czestochowa with her two daughters just before the “Aussiedlung” (deportation). En route she stopped somewhere. First, ten days after the deportation, I received a notice that she was in the fields near Lobodne. In the middle of the night I left the Zagorz camp in order to find my grandmother in the fields. I found her, she was half dead. I brought her

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to the camp. There, Karola Green and Henia Wolkowicz took care of her. After a few days she recovered.

In the camp, old people were not allowed, so I took her to Czestochowa with the help of Aryan papers. After six weeks I was informed that my grandmother was very sick. I immediately went to Czestochowa where I saw her. She smiled at me and with a nod of her head she expressed her thanks that she was passing away naturally. She died not long afterwards, and she was properly buried.

My brother, Feivel, together with 14 Jews from the shtetl, Miedzno, were taken away by the Germans on Rosh HaShana, 1939. He was executed in Buchenwald. We had to pay 5 Reichsmarks to receive his ashes, which were buried in Klobuck during 1941.


Jews from Krzepice camp (close to Klobuck).
Between them several Klobucker Jews.


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