Table of Contents




Memorial in Kisvarda to the Jews
who died during WWI

Translations by Judy Petersen


Surname Given name Hebrew name Father's given name
ÁDLER Vilmos Yekutiel Zev Moshe
BERNAT Mór Moshe Yisrael
CZOBEL Márton Aharon Mordechai Tzvi
ENGEL Sámuel Yisrael Shmuel Naftali Tzvi
FELDMAN Desző Pinchas Yeshayahu
FELDMAN Herman Tzvi Shimon
FÖLDES Sándor Shimon Yeshayahu
FÜREDI Dr. Gyula Yirmiyahu Chaim
FISCHER Béla Baruch Yakov Shmuel
GRÓSZ Izrael Yisrael David Yehoshua
GRÜNER Zoltán Shmuel David Yitzchak
HEIMLICH Resző Yitzchak Eizik Sina
HERCZ Kálmán Kalonymus Moshe Tzvi
ICZKOVICS Antal Asher Anschil Kalonymus
KLEIN Ferenc Yechezkel Avraham
KLEIN Izidor Yitzchak Eizik Netanel
KLEIN Lajos Eliezer Moshe
KLEIN Mór Moshe Yosef
KUN Sámuel Shmuel Zalman Aharon
LÁSZLÓ Dr. Miksa Yechiel Michel Menachem
MOLNAR Resző Chananyahu Pinchas
MARKOVICS Márton Mordechai Yitzchak Eizik
NEMES Mór Moshe Natan
RÉVÉSZ Aladar Avraham Aryeh Leib
SCHWARTZ Béla Baruch Yisrael Yehoshua
SCHWARTZ Jakab Yakov Yitzchak Aryeh
SCHWARTZ József Reuven Avraham Aryeh
SCHWARTZ Lipót Aryeh Tzvi
SCHWARTZ Samu Yisrael Shimshon Yitzchak Tzvi Aryeh
STARK Miklós Moshe Shlomo Yosef Meir
STERN Izidor Yisrael Shmuel Aryeh
THÁLER Lajos Matityahu Yuda Avraham Uriel Lemil
WIESNER Samu Shemayahu Shalom
WEINREB Ignácz Zacharyahu Moshe


Table of Contents

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