Table of Contents

Ivye Yizkor Book--List of Illustrations

Illustration Page
The Cold Hiltzerna Shul 5
Berardiner Street for the “Shrifa” 23
Gerd-Market Street for the “Shrifa” 23
The Market for the “Shrifa” 24
“Riad” of “Gemoierta” Stores 24
Panorama of Fire-Ravaged Village 25
Appearance of the Burnt Down Vilna Street 25
Appearance of the Shul-Heik, Even the Shrifa 26
Appearance of Burnt Down Street, Even the Shrifa 26
Bernardiner Street “Opboi” 27
Vilna Street “Noken” “Opboi” 27
The Burnt Down “Noken Opboi” 28
The Market “Noken Opboi” 28
Map of Northeastern Poland 29
Map of Ivye “Noken Opboi” 31
The Late Itzak Ben-Tzvi -- Izraeli-President 82
The Mosque 96
A Market Day in the Shtetl 101
The Gmina-sons 106
Kabak Child in “Russian-Campaign” 109
A Brunes with a Wheel 128
Men Pave the Market 146
R' Yoshy Gutelevski 150
Noten zu Purim-Shpiel (Purim Play) 154
Rabbi R' David Shlomo Grodzinski 182
Rabbi R' Itzak Kosovski 185
Bookcover from Sefer “Shabat and Myed” 185
Chevra Sh”s in Neium Bet-Midrash 187
Rabbi R' Moshe Shatzkes 189
Community of Young Adults 193
Rabbi R' Zev Perlman 195
Hameltza of Rabbi Perlman 196
Rabbi R' Moshe Meierovich 197
Rabbi R' Abraham-Itzak Menken 198
Rabbi R' Eliahu Shmukler 201
The Gayon R' Chaim Ezra Grodzinski 209
Bookcover from Sefer “Akh-Ahkeyzer” 210
Rabbi R' Yehuda-Leib Khasman 214
Bookcover from “Azair Ehial” 214
Rabbi R' Aharon Yosef Baksht 216
Rabbi R' Mordechai Eliovich 219
Rabbi R' Yakob-Moshe Shmukler 222
Rabbi R' Ekhial-Mikal Kosovski 225
Rabbi R' Shmuel Weintraub 227
Appearance of Shul-Koif 247
Probably the Wall in the Old Bet-Midrash 247
The Bet-Hamidrash 250
Sport Organization “Macabee” 259
R' Kalman Bender 263
Adv. Abraham Bender 265
Beila Bender 266
Three Bachelors with Mandolins 283
Comedy “The Father-in-Law Every Aidem” 285
Two Pretty Girls 291
Gutl Sheftel -- A Polish Soldier 293
A Youth Group on a Tree 301
“Commando Boys” with Orchestra 304
May 3 Celebration 304
? While/On Solid/Body of Malka Shmukler 317
Musical-Drama Organization 319
Pesach “Khaimoch” 329
Nachum-David the [Koliker] Cripple? 329
Yankel and Chaim-Nisen 332
Revi-Show or Performance 336
Party [Farteil] of Food Producer 360
Boys-School “Ebna” 369
Jewish Girls School 372
The Tarbut School 378
Kindergarden 380
Ged.-Council of the School 382
Library-Committee 391
Committee “The Mad Man” 391
A Scenario/Script in Tzvion 392
“Chanele the Seamstress” 392
“The Hakhelutz” 395
The Vegetable Garden 397
Banquet for Tz. Blok 398
Banquet for D. Gershovich 398
“Tzeiri Mizrachi” Organization 400
“Hakhalutz Hamizrachi” Org. 402
Kn “Hashomer Hetzair” 406
Business-Bazaar 407
Moshe Kalmanovich als “Gafir”[Gaper?] 409
“Poeli-Zion Organization 412
“Keren-Kimt” Commission 414
Kn Betar 417
Kosher-Group “Tel-Chai” 425
Farvaltung of Gmia 430
Leah Robins 437
Israel-David Gutelevski 445
Malka Gutelevski 447
Eli-Boruch Rabinovich 450
David Bender 451
Aharon Bender 453
Leib Baksht 456
Itzak-Yosef Berkovich 458
Moshe Stotzki 459
Eliahu-Abraham Baksht 461
Eliahu Golinkin 463
Family of the Melamed 465
Debora Ginzburg 467
Israel-Kalman Eliavich 471
Yura Eliavich 471
Aharon-Leib Gutelevski 474
Meirim Volanski 477
Leib Kalmanovich 478
Yehuda-Leib Motos 484
Zelik Kesler 485
By the Ofene Griber 513
The Skeletons of Kidushim 526
Men Shlept the Tank 556
The Tank in the Shtetl 557
Shmeilovich Family 602
The Ivye Remnants 629
Bite Goal [Beim Toier] is the Griber 632
Tzalke Ginzburg 648
Chaim-Leib Dvoretzki 649
Moshe-Zalman Kinkolkin 650
Aiser Fishelov 659
Greetings for Relatives 660
Presideum for Mourning. In B? 669
Participants in Mourning. In B? 670
Zelig Rogof 674
Presideum from Mourning in T”a 681
Candle-lighting Ceremony 681
Participants in Mourning in T”a 682
Request for a Halya Gm:a-Kasy [Treasury?] 686
Keila-Shiry Eliovich 687
Acknowledgement from Kk” of Tree Planting 689
Ivye Dear Traditional “Aliyah of Ivye's Kiddushim” 689
Mitzvah out of Har-zion 690


Table of Contents

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Updated 27 Aug 2023 by LA