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Between Two World Wars
Memories and Notes



Translated by Tina Lunson

Undzer hilf”, Vilna 1–2, June 1921, organ of the regional committee of “YEKOPO
[Jewish Relief for War Victims]



The town of Ivye is occupied by Polish troops. A significant part of the Jewish population has gained a lot materially from that. Both large and small merchants supply the troops with provisions and foodstuffs. Thus, however, the scarcities in Ivye are worsened. The prices for all products become dearer from day to day. A pound of rye costs 1200 marks, a pound of potatoes 300 marks and so on. All the houses in town are taken for the military and a private apartment is not available at all. If you can manage a corner of a room someplace it costs 30,000 a year and if you can get it, that is a bargain.

The American relatives send money to their kin in Ivye from time to time. The money arrives through the D.D.K. and “YEKOPO” – and the recipients are happy.

Under the authority of the Jewish community council are the cemetery, the ambulatoria and the pharmacy. For these institutions the community in Ivye receives from the “YEKOPO” regional committee a monthly stipend plus foodstuffs for the orphanage in particular.

During the interim days of Peysakh a gathering of all the members of our folks-bank was called. Managers were chosen, as well as an inspection committee and an oversight council. The meeting's protocol was sent to the “YEKOPO” regional committee to establish the local authority to receive more quickly the legalization of the bank.

The social and cultural life in Ivye is a little suppressed because of the authorities that come through. A culture-league exists which counts 245 members. Under its domain are the library, the

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reading room and now the Yiddish folk-school and the drama club. The library possesses 800 books. Borrowers come every day. The children's library is part of the general library. 150 school children read there. The library received a one-time stipend from the Jewish community council.

At the recent meeting of the council it was decided to assign the management of the culture league a certain sum to purchase books from the “YEKOPO” publisher.

The management of the culture league in Ivye will soon be reorganized. The board is preparing for that now.

The dramatic club presented Sh. An-ski's “Foter un zun” on stage, with the participation of the Jewish soldiers.

The theater which was built by the Jewish drama club in 1920 was claimed by the Polish club Kolo mlodzshezshi, with the help of the authorities.

A.Z. Bender


Undzer hilf”, Vilna 9-10-11-12, 15 November 1921


Dr. Rubinshteyn, a messenger from America, arrived in our town, sent by the American landslayt to visit our places and acquaint himself with the social life, and he brought money for private persons as well as for community institutions.

While visiting Ivye, Dr. Rubinshteyn got to know the activities of our Jewish council. From his side offered a genial report about our American relief, his assignments of before and now, and announced that he had had brought $500 for our institutions. After that, Dr. Rubinshteyn and the secretary of the council visited those institutions. He discovered that they are helpful to the poor Jewish population. In the orphanage Dr. Rubinshteyn saw how the children were revived, how they all ate breakfast together, how street-children were taken in from begging and were being reared in a healthy spirit. Walking through all the rooms, he recognized that the orphanage building was not suitable. It is too small.

It was decided at the meeting with the messenger to turn to the Ivye Relief in America and also to get contributions from the local Jewish people of means, for a one-time subsidy for construction a special building for the orphanage in Ivye.

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Dr. Rubinshteyn promised that he would also encourage the Ivye Relief in America in this important task.

Dr. Rubinshteyn also visited the youth culture society and at his meeting with its management announced that he had brought $100 from the American Ivye Youth for our society. The messenger brought a report about community and cultural life in America, the good wishes from Ivye youth in America that our cultural work here in Ivye may broaden, and so on. Dr. Rubinshteyn remarked that the Ivye youth is too apathetic, is too serious about every thing and every event. He proposed to create a youth center – a club where the youth could come to spend time together often, in their free hours. The chairman and other members answered the messenger's questions. They explained to him that the Ivye youth are serious not because of what they need or what must be done but because the conditions bring them to it. A youth center is certainly desirable, and our management had already long begun that work and given the local authorities a request about legitimizing it, but they do not act so quickly. People do not hurry. Dr. Rubinshteyn was satisfied with the report about the work of our youth society and recognized its use in the area of cultural life in our town.

The American messenger was also at the examinations in our Jewish folks-shul and remained pleased with the results.

* * *

A general meeting of the members of the folks-bank took place in that venue on October 19. A general report was presented about the activity and deposits level of the bank since its founding. The turnover of capital over the four months has reached 15,000,000. Those gathered

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expressed gratitude and trust for the old management and the council. It was recognized how useful the folks-bank was to our small merchants and craftsmen in giving them the opportunity to raise their economic situation by getting loans.

At the end of the meeting it was decided to increase the share by 500 marks, giving the members the opportunity of paying it until the 1st of January 1922.

A. Z. Bender


Undzer hilf”, Nr. 8, Vilna, Auguat 31 1922

The bank has been completely closed until the visit of the plenipotentiary . There were 233 members: 40% are dealers, 14% are shopkeepers and 46% craftsmen. According to the evidence from the authorities the bank opened and now, they advise us, it is short of money already, not considering that the bank has a capital of 6000,000 marks. The size of a loan is 5000 marks. The general meeting took place the 28th of April. Attending the meeting were Rov Shatskes, A. Z. Bender, M. Valianski, M. Baksht and A. Bruder. On the council: M. Piselevski, R. Girshovitsh, M. Kartazinski, Kh. Rogov, Sh. L. Epshteyn, Y. Savitski and Sh. Levin.

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Undzer hilf” No. 8, August 31, 1922

The Meeting about the Homeless Fund

Proclaimed by the Regional Committee “YEKOPO” in Vilna
(Exact list)

Translated by Tina Lunson

Karpl, Rov Sh. Y. 2000
Saladukhe, Khayim Asher 2000
Abelevitsh, Bere-Mende 2000
Shmukler, Avrom 2000
Epshteyn, Shmuel Elieyzer 2000
Gordon, Elieyzer 2000
Kuznets, Dovid 2000
Gutelevski, Yisroel 2000
Blokh, Efrayim 2000
Paltiel, Mendl 2000
Rotshteyn, Aron 2000
Levin, Shmuel 2000
Movshovits, Shleyme 2000
Sheftl, Dov 2000
Savitski, Yitskhok 2000
Goldshmidt, Khaye 2000
Gumnits, Nekhemye 2000
Volfovits, Yisroel 2000
Abramovitsh, Binyumin 2000
Abramzon, Shmuel 2000
Goldshmid, Khonan 2000
Goldshmid, Naftali 2000
Kashtser, Aron 2000
Blokh, Avrom 3000

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Malakhovski, Dovid 3000
Dobrin, Zalman 3000
Boyarski, Yosef Arye 3000
Goldshmidt, Meyshe ben Naftali 3000
Levin, Eliahu Meyshe 3000
Goldshmidt, Dovid Elieyzer 3000
Vilenski, Khayim 3000
Kahan, Mordkhe 3000
Kahan, Shakhne 3000
Baksht, Yeshaye ben Elimelekh 3000
Gutelevski, Aron Leyb 3000
Girshovitsh, Alter 3000
Baksht, Shmuel 2500
Kabak, Mordkhe 5000
Fishelevski, Meyshe 5000
Stotski, Meyshe 5000
Dvoretski, Mayer 5000
Baksht, Yesheyahu bar Yisroel 5000
Kivelevitsh, Mordkhe 5000
Minkin, Avrom Yitskhak 5000
Kaganovitsh, Khayim Aron 5000
Kabak, Yosef Khayim 5000
Berger, Avrom Yitskhak 5000
Bender, Avrom 5000
Shatskes, Rov 5000
Blokh, Shishko 5000
Levin, Khayim Beharov 5000
Haskind, Mayer 4000
Kovenski, Shimeon 400
Zukovski, Reyne 300
Blokh, Kuna 200
Sandler, Khaye Sore 200
Nadoves ketanas 2400 [small donations]
Karpelevski, Ester Reyzl 500
Shlozberg, Rishe 500
Rudnik, Simkhe 500
Kesler, Zelig 500
Kohn, Rivke 500
Blokh, Peysakh 500
Abramovitsh, Dovid 500
Fertsik, Neyakh 500
Nokhimzon, Yehude 500
Federman, Zelig 500
Goldshmidt, Pesha 500
Shmukler, Meyshe 500
Epshteyn, Elieyzer 500
Mekel, Alte 500
Segalovitsh, Tsvi 500
Blokh, Fayve 500
Levin, Yankev Nosn 500
Levin, Sore 500
Dubin, Yakhe 500
Benovski, Ruven 500
Ferderman, Beytsalel 500
Berger, Hene 500
Baksht, Akive 500
Bogdanovski, Khonen Zelig 500
Shmukler, Dobe Tsvia 500
Shvarts, Alter 500
Goldshmidt, Yankev 500
Goldshmidt, Mordkhe 500
Bogdanovski, Meyshe 500
Kats, Avrom 500
Girshovits, Feygl 500
Baran, Golde 500
Berkovitsh, Rafoel Meyshe 500
Levin, Kopl 500
Blokh, Alter 500
Blakher, Dov 500
Blakher, Eliahu 500
Vilkomirski, Yankev 500
Shvarts, Zev 500
Shvarts, Khaye Rokhl 500
Blokh, Meyshe Leyb 500
Abramovitsh, Feye 500
Baron, Mordkhe 500
Goldshmidt, Shmuel 500
Leybman, Mordkhe 500
Baksht, Shoshe 600
Goldshmidt, Alter 600
Kaplan, Yosef Beytsalel 600
Shmuaylovitsh, Avrom Khayim 600
Blokh, Shleyme 1000
Goldshmidt, MayerShmuel 1000
Ginzburg, Elieyzer Lipa 1000
Zusman, Yosef Zev 1000
Albershteyn, Yekusiel 1000
Levin, Mayer 1000
Shmukler, Karpl 1000
Mekel, Mordkhe Nekhemye 1000
Sineyko, Elieyzer 1000
Segalovitsh, Yesheyahu 1000
Tanpel, Meyshe 1000
Kahan, Avrom 1000
Zusmanovitsh, Khayim 1000
Baksht, Aron 1000
Shmukler, Yosef 1000
Abelevitsh, Avrom Mordkhe 1000
Mekel, Meyshe Mordkhe 1000
Epshteyn, Yitsik Yankev 1000
Baksht, Shleyme 1000
Goldshmidt, Herts 1000
Tsunzer, Aron 1000
Levin, Henekh 1000
Nikolayevski, Heshil 1000
Izraelit, Zev 1000
Shishko, Aron Mayer 1000
Shmukler, Yosef 1000
Movshovits, Khayim Yisroel 1000
Feykin, Dov 1000
Koheyn, Leyb 1000
Zinger, Nakhum 1000
Baksht, Aron 1000
Yelin, Dov 1000
Baksht, Leyb 1000
Valianski, Mordkhe 1000
Blokh, Avrom Dovid 1000
Mayerovitsh, Meyshe 1000
Shmukler, Shmuel 1000
Shafer, Rafoel 1000
Bender, Lipman 1000
Shafer, Rafoel 1000
Bender, Lipman 1000
Kulik, Khayim Dovid 1000
Shmukler, Avrom 1000
Kasmayevitsh, Shemaye 1000
Bender, Peye 1000
Zelivanski, Borekh 1000
Goldshmidt, Mayer 1000
Shvarts, Tsvi 1000
Ginzburg, Avrom 1000
Shafer, Tsvi 1000
Shafer, Rokhl 1000
Baksht, Yitskhak 1000
Shmukler, Shmuel 1000

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Ginzburg, Yisroel 1000
Kulik, Masos 1000
Maslavati, Yosef Meyshe 1000
Sheliubski, Yitskhak 1000
Bishkin, Alter 1000
Goldshmidt, Dovid Zisl 1000
Shmukler, Yitskhak 1000
Epshteyn, Yankev Zev 1000
Sheps, Aron Leyb 1000
Levin, Masos 1000
Keniginski, Nosn 1000
Shmukler, Zalman 1000
Rafoel, Khonen 1000
Ratner, Rishe 1000
Epshteyn, Yitskhak 1000
Zinger, Khayim Tsvi 1000
Arievits, Elieyzer 1000
Margolin, Rokhl 1000
Yevkhelevitsh,Mayer 1000
Ginzburg, Mordkhe 1000
Blokh, Taybe 1000
Gishen, Malka 1000
Belovski, Ben-Tsien 1000
Blokh, Mayer 1000
Kohen, Tsvi 1000
Goldshmidt, Elke 1000
Kats, Lapidus 1000
Kohen, Meyshe 1000
Kashtser, Yankev 1000
Furman, Sheyne 1000
Savitski, Shmuel 1000
Pertsik, Shmuel 1000
Shishka, Yisroel 1000
Pertsik, Dovid 1000
Ayzikovitsh, Isur 1000
Aronovitsh, Mordkhe 1000
Tanpel, Yerakhmiel 1000
Lip, Shmuel 1000
Ginzburg, Meyshe Itsik 1000
Zakravski, Leyb 1000
Nignevitski,Yehuda 1000
Merlinski, Zelig 100 [sic]
Albershteyn, Fayve 1000
Shmukler, Yosef Dovid 1000
Kartozinski, Mordkhe 1000
Rogov, Khonen 1000
Kohen, Avrom Zalman 1000
Shvarts, Meyshe 1000
Shmukler, Yosef 1000
Brudner, Meyshe Lipa 1000
Mitovitsh, Zev 1000
Vingel, Gite 1000
Goldshmidt, Shmuel 1000
Baksht, Yeshayahu ben Khayim 1500
Kozlovski, Leyb 1500
Shmukler, Tsvi 1500
Varsel, Faytl 1500
Stotski, Alte 1500
Kafald, Meyshe 1500
Bender, Dovid 1500
Baksht, Binyumin 1500
Blokh, Yisroel 1500
Kashtser, Meyshe 1500
Belovski, Binyumin 1500
Gudzinotski, Sheyne 1500
Baksht, Yitskhak 1500
Baksht, Khayim 1500
Blokh, Yankev 1200
Malat, Leyb 1200
Rogov, Eliahu 2000
Maslavati, Yisroel 2000
Rabinovitsh, Mayer 2000
Bernshteyn, Tsvi 2000
Baksht, Fule 2000
Bender, Mordkhe 2000
Shmukler, Khonen Meyshe 2000
Shmukler, Yitskhak 2000
Baksht, Yitskhak 2000
Sheftel, Shmuel 2000
Shimanovitsh, Binyumin 2000
Budner, Avrom 2000
Lipshits, Alter 2000
Milikovski, Dovid 2000
Kalmanovitsh, Leyb 2000
Goldshmidt, Yitskhak 2000
Abelevitsh, Meyshe 2000
Baran, Meyshe 2000
Meylovitsh, Yitskhak 2000
Grup, Dovid 2000
Eliavitsh, Yisroel Kalman 2000
Valonski, Mayerim 2000
Lidski, Dovid 2000
Libman, Zev 2000

Totaling 374,600 Marks


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