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Obituaries (cont.)


[Pages 793-794]

To the memory of our dear parents

Motl and Chaya Sara Malazowski

who perished in Goniadz
at the hands of the Nazi murderers

Their daughter Teybl, Detroit


To the memory of my dear husband

Philip Szkalnik

who died in Detroit
on the 22nd of May 1956

His wife Teybl


To the memory of our dear parents

Hage and Yakov Halpern

and our dear brother


Of blessed memory

Berl and Shirley Halpern
and children Atlanta


[Pages 795-796]

To the eternal memory of our parents, sisters, brother and relatives*

Rywka Brawerman-Trestine
Mrs. Rebeka Halpern
Leyzer-Yitzhak Menkis
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Mankes
Mr. & Mrs. Zolty
Hershl Leib’s Sholem Mendl [son of Hershl Leib]
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Tecotzky
Senie Berl the miller’s [son of Berl the miller]
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bagel
Khomtshe Tawalinski
Mr. & Mrs. Fouard Monarch
The cooper's Perl Szake [daughter or wife of the cooper or barrel maker]
Mr. & Mrs. Mayer Francis
Moshe’ka Dalker
Mr. Maurice Gelbort
Mr. & Mrs. Rochman Eidl, Avraham Levin’s daughter
Mrs. Ida Solomon
Hershl Leib’s Motl Mendl [Hershl Leib’s son]
Mr. Mrs. Max Tecotzky
Eidl, Salomon’s daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Isidor Rappaport
Pearl Corresponding Secretary
Itshe the blond’s daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Max Walnock
Moshe’ka Yankl Szmerkes
Mr. Maurice Tucker
Chaya Rubin
Mrs. Anna Green
Mashe's Chava
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Maches
Golde Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Herst
Mrs. Ida Solomon in memory of her
beloved sister Annie Levin




* Translator’s note: Each name listed is followed on the next line by names in English Return


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 3 Apr 2009 by LA