[Pages 383-431]
Translated by Sheldon Clare
383 | In Memory of My Little Son Mayerl- That the Nazi murderers took away from me and murdered. The lonely and remaining mother. Sora Kozlovski-Baran |
384 | To the Eternal Memory - The innocent victims of the Nazi murderers. My niece Feygele - Daughter of Tzipe and Borukh - Yakav Kozlovski. Killed in the children's action in Kovno. Yakov Kozlovski
To the illustrious memory - With great sorrow and pain in the heart, I recall my unforgotten little daughter - Shulamit, little son - Reuven (children of Esther and Shimon Gurvitch) who were killed during the Fascist children's assassination in Kovno. The mournful mother Esther |
385 | Instead of a Tombstone - On a grave that does not exist for my unforgotten little children - Little son - Reuven, little daughters - Mirele and Feygele (children of Hana and Borukh-Hirsh Gurvitch) killed in the children's action in Kovno. They will forever remain in my broken heart. In grief - remaining mother Hana - From the house of Baran
386 | Yizkor Light - We eternalize the memory of our dearest who were killed
because of the Germans - Brother Yitzhok Yerush his wife- Sheyne Blume, their daughter - Hana-Rokhele. We will never forget you ! Binyomin Yerush and Hanniye Gurvitch (Israel) |
387 | Yizkor Light - On a grave that does not exist of my dear and close ones who were tortured by the Germans in the dark years of our peoples' calamity.
My father - Morkhe-Noson Shuster killed in (wailing??) (Estonia) 9/19/1944 My mother Rokhl shot in Zelianke, Spring 1943.
My brother Eliyahu killed in Panar (Vilna), My sister - Bat Sheva and her little daughter Laleh killed in (wailing??) 9/19/1944, My sister Miriam and brother-in-law Pesakh Sifia with their little children Bereleh and Yehudis murdered in Volozhin slaughter in 1942. I will forever remember you. In remaining sorrow. Aharon Shuster and family
388 | In memory - With eternal sorrow, we recall our tortured brother and uncle -
Sholem Kaplan, his wife Golde and their infants Beylke and Rivke Shepsl Rivke, Aharon
389 | Instead of a Tombstone on a Grave That Does Not Exist - With loving sorrow and pain, I recall and will never forget My wife - Bunyeh and mother of our two children, killed on the threshold of freedom in the Kozkloverider Woods, August 9, 1944.
Shepsl Rivke, Aharon
390 | Yizkor Light - Our unforgotten dear parents - Mother - Gutl, killed during the German assassination in Ponar (Vilna) in year 1942, Father - Shepsl, killed by the Nazis in the annihilation camp in Estonia, end 1943. With great sorrow and reverential honor, we will forever remember and carry in our broken hearts. Rivke Shkof and family (America), Zeml Abramovitz and family (Israel)
391 | Instead of a tombstone - Our unforgotten 2 ½ year old little son Borukh
who was forever torn away from us and killed during the beastial children's murder in Vilna (H.K.F.) 3/27/1944 - He will constantly be with us.
In remaining sorrow - Rivkeh and Laveh Shkof
392 | To the illustrious memory - Borukh Abramovich - The first victim of the Nazis in Olshon.
His wife Dina, their children - Abrasha, Zeydl, Rivka, Dvora with her husband Moshe Benkel and daughter Etel all murdered by the Nazi beastiality. Your images will constantly stand in front of our eyes and we will carry you in our hearts. The Family in Israel and America
393 | As a memorial of my family, murdered by the Nazi murderers in the Volozhin slaughter: Father: Shmuel-Leyb Dolinski Mother: Cherneh (From the house of Goldonski) Brothers: Binyomin, Shepsl, Motl, Noak.
Dr. Aron Dolinski (America)
394 | Victorious Memory - With reverential honor, we recall our unforgotten parents:
Yona G'dalia and Beyla Kozlovski. Died with a natural death. Sister - Miriam Brother - Motl Murdered during the Nazi assassinations. Eternal honor to their memory - Hana and Moshe Leyb
395 | Victorious Memories - We mourn our dearest who were murdered by the hands of the German assassins with their helpers.
Maltin and wife Libe-Yente Solodukha (1945), Sister and daughter Feygl (1945), Grandmother Hana Kozlovski (1943 Zhelianke), Nateli Kozlovski (1944), Batyeh Kozlovski (In Panar 1943). Their children Yisrol and Mikhle (In Panar 1943) Velvel and Golde Kozlovski (Gudegai 1943), Their daughter Feygl Mashe Solodukha (1944) Yaacov and Yitzhok Solodukha
396 | In Memory of - I stress out my pain and sorrow for the killed, tortured, and dead. Mother - Esther - Killed in Zhelianke, Father - Mordkhe - Died before the war, Sister - Shayne and B'tzlel Mintz - Their children Shimon and Binyomin, sister - Eshke, Aunt - Fay Vushevitch with a family from Oshmana - Killed by the Germans.
Yokheved Gurfinkl (Abramovitch)
397 | Written in Hebrew |
398 | Yizkor - With reverence and pain, we remember our father Shmuel-Elye Shmukler.
Sister: Khiene Tzivieh that were tortured by the beastial Germans. Honor their memory Freyda Leyngfayn Shmukler, Ida Lipshitz Shmukler |
399 | Yizkor - Written in Hebrew
Yizkor - With eternal sorrow, I remember my husband Shimon Gurvitch, died in lsrael Wife: Batya Gurvitch
400 | To the Eternal Memory - My dear brother Yisroel Trobsky, student in the Faculty of Medicine in France and tortured there by the Nazi murderers.
Shifra Katin-Trobsky |
400 | Soul Light - To the memory of my unforgotten wife Esther and children Osher and Yacov killed by the Nazi murderers. They were taken away Mar. 16, 1944 from the Folimon Camp near Kovno and tortured by the beastial Nazis. Eternal pain in heart for you. Moshe Trobsky (America)
401 | To the Eternal Memory - With eternal pain, I recall my dear and nearest, killed by the
German murderers. Father - Eliakim Lidsky (1944), Step-mother - Libeh Kozlovsky
(1945 in Shtuthof), Brother - Yitzok (1944), Sister - Simeh (1945 in Shtuthof), Sister-
Hayeh Keygen (murdered in the Kovno children's action), Brother-in Law - Aryeh,
(1941 in Oshmana), Nephew - Shmuel (murdered in the Kovno children's action). Honor to their memories! Mina (Lidsky) Jalovsky |
402 | To the Memory of Khayele Katz - Successful Educator at Olshon Kindergarten.
Murdered in her blossoming. Organization - Yotzei Olshon B'Yisroel |
402 | To the eternal Memory - My parents - Bunyeh and Mikhal Yalk, Sister - Rokhl. I will never forget them. In sorrow, remain - Haya-Sorl Glukh Yalk |
403 | R' Mordkhe Leybman (May he rest in peace). A working person. Led an honorable
and just life, fulfilled the verse, Hebrew. Participated in all needs of the shtetl.
Experienced the whole G 'hinim (Hebrew), and with the last worn our strength saved himself from under the spikes of the Nazi beastiality. After the liberation, went to America to be with close relatives. Died: 1st Tammuz 5723 (1963). May his memory live forever. Khayim Yosef Leybman and family (America)
404 | To holy Memory - My unforgotten parents - Yehoshua and Fruma Rudnik.
Tortured by the Germans and my brother - Aharon who went through pain in the Jewish extermination and tragically murdered in Israel. Honor to their memory. In sorrow - Remaining ones - Soreh-Malke Rudnik
405 | To the Memory - With grief and reverence, we will eternally remember our dear
and loving Mother - Soreh, Father - Leyzer-Yudl, Sister - Rivks, Brother - Motl
who were murderously killed by the hands of the German assassins.
In sorrow remaining ones Tzipora Laybman (Vaytzman), Rokhl Laybman (Kromnitzer) |
406 | Yizkor Liqht - With grief and love, we recall the Family Varanovsky who were divided by the frightening Fate of the Nazi Holocaust. Aunt - Golde-Taybe (Daughter of Yitzhok Kozlovski), Uncle - Hirshe, Cousins - Avrohom-Shlomo and Aharon. Eternal honor to their memory. Haya-Grunyeh Katz-Kzur, Frumeh Katz-Rotshteyn, Ziml Abramovitch
407 | To eternal memory- For Our dear and unforgotten parent - Mother Malke (From the house of Kozlovski), murdered during the 2nd action of the Oshmona Ghetto in Zelyanke, 12th Heshvan 5703 (1942), Uncle - Shimon Katz, murdered
in the Minsk Ghetto. We will always carry in our hearts the memory of them. Frume-Soreh Katz (Rotshteyn), Hana Grunyeh Katz (Kzurr)
408 | Putschnik, Yosef (Hebrew) |
409 | To dedicated Memory - With eternal sorrow, we remember our unforgettable nearest who were murdered during the German assassination.
Parents - Hanah Sarah and Osher Potashnik, Brother - Shayeh, murdered in Dachau 21st Kislev 5705 (1944), Brother - Berl, his wife Roshl, and son Khayim-Leyb, Brother - Sender, murdered 2nd Av 5702 (1942) with two daughters. We will constantly carry them in our hearts. I. Leyb, Avrohm- Elyohu, Max, and the family in Israel and America |
410 | Yizkor - We mourn our dear two children, brother, and sister who we will never forget. Rivke Zusmonovich, died at the age of 17 in Olshon in 1940. Marioshe Zusmonovich, murdered in a children's action, Zundl Zusmonovich, slaughtered in 1943 - Ponar, age 15.
In sorrow, remaining mother Gitl, Brother - Yosef |
411 | Soul-Light(Candle) - We perpetuate the memory of our dear and unforgotten parents - Rokhl and Velvl Liand who were murdered during the German assassinations, 12th Heshvon 5703 (1942) in the second action of the Oshmona Ghetto in Zelyankeh.
Honor to their memory Reuven, Shimon, Frumeh, Tziporeh
412 | To the Memory - For my grandfather - Aharon-Hirsh, Grandmother-Tzipeh, Mother-
Sheyneh-Beyleh, Father-Fayveh-Dovid, Brother-Yisroel, Sister-Zelde, Hayim and
Tzipeh Gurvich with their children.
Haneh Goldin-Kotler
413 | To the Memory - With eternal love and sorrow, we remember my Grandmother Elke Kozlovski, murdered in the second action of the Oshmona Ghetto in Zelyankeh, my father - Elyahu-Yosef, died in Olshon, my mother - Eydl, died in Zelyankeh, my little brother Meyer, murdered in the children's action in Kovno.
In sorrow, remaining - Khayeh Altman (Abramovitch) |
414 | To the Memory- With heartfelt love, I recall my parents, Father - Shmuel-Yitzhok Vininsky, Mother - Tzirl, Brothers - Naftali and Yisroel, Sister - Rokhl, who were murdered during the Nazi murder in Aushvitz.
Yehuda Vininsky (Abishi) |
415 | To the Memory of My Wife Kreyneh and Daughter Rivke. In Olshon, I lived with my family until 1938. In World War I, I went through on the front in Galicia. Fell into captivity, suffered a lot of hardship, and returned home to the town of Olshon. The town was ruined. Life was not easy. In 1938, I emigrated to America to be with my brother. I went through difficult times. But I broke through a way to bring the family to America. But to the great calamity, the war broke out in 1939, which brought the great catastrophe for us Jews. I read the newspaper and my pain was great. But I could do nothing to help. My wife Kreyneh with the youngest daughter Rivke, were tortured by the murderous German hands, also my mother Elke. They were shot together with the elderly in the Zelyankeh woods. A good hearted woman was my mother Elke. She never said a bad word about people. Also my sisters Soreh-Malke and Eydl were murdered.
Pinkhas Kozlovski
416 | Yizkor - Eternal honor to my dearest who were murdered together with the millions of our people. Grandfather Leyzer Shindes (the sexton of the old synagogue), Grandmother - Esther, Uncle(and Aunt?) - Motal and Radl Gershenovitch, Niece (and husband?) - Sime and Meyer. Their children - Henye and Khaneleh, Nephew - Hirshl.
Hayeh- Soreh Kozlovski (Shai)
417 | Yizkor-Light - Our unforgotten son and brother - Moshe Rudnik who was tortured in the Nazi destruction camp of Estonia. Honor to his memory. The family in Israel
To the Holy Memory - My Father - Dovid-Leyb, murdered in Zhelyanke,
Mother - Miriam-Bashe - died before the war, Brothers - Yakav-Moshe and
Shimon, His Wife- Rashe and son Berele, murdered in different destruction camps.
418 | To Holy memory - With deep sorrow and unforgotten grieving, I mention my dear parents and brothers who were murdered in agony and anguish by the bloody Nazi brutes. My Father - Aharon, son of Moshe Schneider, My Mother - Soreh-Leyeh, My brother - Leybe murdered two days before freedom in Dachau Camp. My Brother Moshe fell during battle against Nazi Germany as a soldier in the Polish army in the woods of Piotrkov (1939). Honor to their memory. Moshe Snyder and Btzalel Bergman (America)
419 | To the memory - Wilh sorrow and reverent honor, we recall our unforgotten brother Shmuel, son of Pinkhas Ziskind, murdered 23rd Av 1929 during robbery on the way from Oshmona to Olshon. Honor to his memory. Esther, Henyeh, Dineh, Yitzhok, and Moshe |
420 | To the holy Memory - My brother Shlomo, son of Avrohom in Kloqe (Estonia).
Murdered, Sept. 19, 1944. Honor to his memory. In sorrow, remaining brother, Yakov Kozlovski
Yizkor Light - I will never forget my unforgotten little children, Fayveh and Avrohom (children of Henye and Shlomo Kozlovski) who were innocent victims of Nazi barbarism. They will constantly remain in my broken heart In sorrow, remaining mother.
Henyeh Kaganovich (From the house of Ziskond)
421 | Yizkor light - For our unforgotten children and brothers Eliyahu Kozkwski, murdered on the threshold of liberation, age 21, Yitzhok Kozlovski, 9 years old, taken away from us during the children's-action in Koshintar.
Moshe-Fayvl, Avrohom, Khasiye, and Yehude Kozlovski
Eternal Memory - With proud honor and sorrow, I remember my unforgettable parents - Shmuel and Khayeh Ziskand who were murdered by the hand of the German murderers.
Abba Ziskand
422 | To the holy memory - My father - Lipeh Kozlovski, Sister - Dvoreh, Brother-in-Law - Shmuel Plotkin, Nephew - Berl-Leyb Platkin all murdered during the German Jewish-Extermination. Honor to their memory. Avrohom Kozlovski
423 | Reyzele Ziskand - My girl friend Reyzl Ziskand was an only daughter of her parents Avrohom-Shmuel and Soreh-Riveh Ziskand. Together, we played in the sand. Made Kugelakh and later Bisn??. We grew up together. During my childhood and later, together we studied in Oshmona. We lived in one room, shared the connection with her life, strolled together and found a common language. Life in that time was boring for the youth in the town Olshon. I went into their home, a pretty and well kept house, tidy in every corner. They ran a modest life. They subsisted from their dry store. Reyzeh was a very unique child, took care as an eye in the head. The savage German murderers killed Reyzele with her parents. The parents were murdered in the Oshmona Ghetto, Reyzele in Kovno Ghetto in July, 1944. No sign remained of the family. May my words be a memory for my friend Reyzele and her parents.
Shira Kutin (Trabski).
424 | To the memory - With love and honor, we will remember Father and Grandfather -
Leybe Kaplan, Mother and Grandmother - Rivke Kaplan (Skloit)
Yitzhok, Yacov, Shepsl, Rivke, Aron |
425 | To the Memory - Rikh Abramoavitch (Boqdonovski), died in America,
Gershon,son of Ziml Abramovitch, died in Olshon.
Their children, grandchildren, and family members in Israel and America
426 | To the Memory - Our dear and unforgotten Beyle and Fayveh Abramovitch
(Abrams), emigrated from Olshon to America. died in Friedland?? (America).
Honor their holy memory. The family in Israel and America
To the Memory - With eternal sorrow and pain, we remember our sister and aunt
Khaneh Fishkin (Kaplan) who was prematurely torn from us. Shepsl Rivke, Aron
427 | To the Memory - Our unforgotten husband and father - Yehuda (Yudl) Levin,
honorary president of the first Olshon Relief Committee in America.
Died - Nov. 9, 1949. Honor to his memory. Mary Levin and family |
428 | Yizkor - Max Vishniak - With love and longing, I remember you.
(Died Jan. 6, 1959). Honor to his memory. Your wife - Frieda Vishniak. Los Angeles, America
429 | Rabbi Reuben Katz - Born in Olshon 83 years ago. during his visit in Olshon, Reb Katz gratified the Olshoner countrymen with a drosh (Sermon), which was full of intelligence in sharp sense?? for small and big. Rabbi Reuven Katz was the Rabbi and Yeshiva head in Petah-Tikva. Until his last day, he did not stop learning during every free hour. An author of books which were highly reviewed (judged) by rabbis. Died in Petah-Tikva. Honor to his memory. |
431 | Rabbi Reuven Khodosh - This is written in Hebrew |
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