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VII. Epilogue (cont.)

They and their descendants were fortunate to renew again the over 40-year tradition of the regularly scheduled annual picnics that were held all over Israel – from 1949 in Rachel Levin's apartment in Tel Aviv to 1990 at Yosef Melamed's house in Caesarea. At this meeting, it was decided to take action against the wiping away from memory the crimes of the Lithuanians during the period of the Holocaust. This activity assumed international scope and remains a top agenda item of the organization.

In “bourgeois”, civilian dress
for my first date with my future wife
(Jerusalem, July, 1949)


After 50 years, right to left: my eldest daughter, Nitzana
– named after my mother, Bluma; my wife,Bilha;
my daughter, Basmat – named after my sister, Bassia;
my son, Tzvika – named after my father, Tzvi; the author
– named after Grandfather Dov-Ber Wigoder


The children of our family drinking
“Le'chaim” at an art exhibit of Bilha,
from whom they inherit their artistic talent


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