Eternal Flame; in Memory of Dolhinow
(Daŭhinava, Belarus)

54°39' /27°29'

Translation of Esh tamid - yizkor le-Dolhinow; sefer zikaron
le-kehilat Dolhinow ve-ha-seviva

Edited by: Josef Chrust, Matityahu Bar-Razon, Society of Dolhinow Emigrants in Israel

Published in Tel Aviv, 1984



Project Coordinator

Eilat Gordin Levitan


We wish to thank Mr. A. Rubin and Mr. S. Shamgar of the Dolginov landsmanschaft
in Israel for permission to publish this translation.

This is a translation from: Esh tamid-yizkor le-Dolhinow; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Dolhinow ve-ha-seviva
(Eternal flame; in memory of Dolhinow), eds. Josef Chrust, Matityahu Bar-Razon, Tel-Aviv,
Society of Dolhinow Emigrants in Israel, 1984.

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Translated by Eilat Gordin Levitan

Uri Zvi Greenberg Crown of Lament For Every Home of Israel 7
Dov Adin Edelman Remember, You Must Not Dismiss the Retrospection! 8
Matityahu Bar Razon The Community of Dolhinov Pre First World War 11
Hertzl Ben-Tov Gitelson My Shtetl, Glimpse of Reminiscences 29
Meir–Aharon Ekman From Dolhinov to Buenos Aires 52
Nachum Lankin Shadows from the Past 70
Yerachmiel Forman Notes From A Dairy 80
Natan Kuzinitz in the Middle of Two World Wars 92
Shmuel Friedman Splinters and Scraps from Dolhinov 101
Chaya Exelrod Volk Distant Shades and Tunes of A Hometown 110
Hertzl Ben-Tov Gitelson Eradication of Family and Home 118
Eliezer Ben- Chaim Rubin Shattered Fragments of Memories 129
Mirke Godon – Friedman Echoes and Shadows from a Past World 140
Tamar Peled Koton Murmurs of the Recalling Heart 149
Nachama Goldenberg Liberman The Evil of Anti-Semitism 153
Dvora Dekel Halperin Images and Episodes 153
Chaya Zamir My Child, Chaim 156
Yizhak Radishkovich Three Days of My Life 166
Henia Zukernik Kazovitz Reminiscence 168
Chaya Zamir Grobina Childhood in Dolhinov 175
Sonia Shifris Eidelman Passover in Dolhinov 177
Dvora Dekel Halperin Lipsha Gordon 182
Rachel Katzovitz Yahalomi The Revolutionary Affect of the Youth 184
Movements 186
Rachel Katzovitz On An Illegal Boat To Eretz Israel 187
Zahava Shifris Shribman Farewell To Family and Shtetl 189
Shmuel Alperovitz The “Bitar” Movement 192
Sima Yafa Halperin Yiddish 194
Portraits and Personalities
Hertzel Ben Tov Gitelson Eidel Dokshitzi, the Teacher Z”L 200
Nachum Lankin Avraham Shimon Kaminkovich - A S K Z”L 202
Dvora Kaplan and Batia Gishuz Our Father; R Nisan Kaplan Z”L 205
Shlomo Shamgar Smorgonski Rabbi Shmaryahu Smorgonski Z”L 208
Shulamit Adin Eidelman Portrait of My Father-in-Law, Gershon Eidelman Z”L 211
Herztl Gitelson Tales and Images From the Past 214
S Rivkai and S Shifris A Memorial To Our Father, Gershon Eidelman Z”L 224
Shmuel Alperovitz Pages From the Depths of Recollections 226
Holocaust and Heroism
Yitzkhak Katzenelson The Poem About the Murdered Jewish People 237
Shmuel Alperovitz On the Sacredness of Life 238
Yakov Segalovitz Z”L Eternal Testament 274
Arye – Leybl Falant of blessed memory My Life's Struggle and Survival in Horrific Dark Years 329
Shlomo Shamgar Smorgonski Mourning For Dolhinov 357
Natan and Yitzhak Kuzinitz Our Fathers' Home in Dolhinov 360
Reuven Kramer A Page From the Valley of the Massacre 385
Bushka and Chaya Katzovitz We So Desired To Survive 387
Levi Koton Abscond and Refuge, From My Hometown To the Shores of Our Nation 405
Yitzhak Radishkovichi Fighting For My Life 418
David Ginsburg From A Partisan in the Resistance To A Soldier in the Red Army 424
Chana and Chime Brunets A Most Amazing Encounter With the Family 432
David Shuster From the Pages of A Lonely Orphan 436
Raya Taich Brunets From Eradication To Rooting 452
Michael Son of Avigdor Rapson Looking Back After Forty Years 472
Arye Rubin Teen Years During Days of Annihilation 493
Isik Kazovitz My Story During the Time of the Shoah 507
Avraham Freedman Chapters of Life As A Fighter With the Resistance 525
Gershon Yofee Testament For Eternity 560
Moshe Forman Life Straggles 566
Yizhak Norman Fighting To Survive 596
Shmuel David Kugel From Bad To Worst 607
Batia Kremer A Miraculous Rescue 610
Leybe Dimentshteyn of blessed memory My Immigration 613
Chanoch Shfarver A Satanic Game 624
Lipe Miller Wandering – In Dolhinov Far From Home 630
David Shinuk From the Gates of Berlin To Kibbutz Aliya 660
Chaia Katzovitz My Mothers' Cousin, Yosef Shinyuk 663
Ben Zion Feizenzilber,
Son of Betzalel and Ada
About My Crime 669
Polina Berkovitz A Visit To Dolhinov 666
Dov Berl Edelman We are Symbolically United 669
S. Shamgar Smorgonski List of Dolhinovers in Faraway Places (Most in Russia) 672
S. Shamgar Smorgonski Beit Avraham Dolhinover Society, 224 Henry Street New York 674
in the Land of Israel
Dov Adin Eidelman Aliya and Construction 677
Dov Adin Eidelman Breyana Katz, A Seventy Year Old Woman Who Survived the War
and Reunited With Her Daughter in the Kibbutz
Yerachmiel Dimenstein Two Survival Stories 683
Chana Givoni Rubin From Dolhinov To Kibbutz Dan 684
Rachel Katzovitz Yahalomi The War Front in Kibbutz Dan 685
Moshe Gordon Zvi Katz 686
Batya Kramer (nee Sosinsky) Yosef and Batya Sosinsky HY”D 687
Dov Adin Eidelman Sweet Revenge 691
  Lists of the Perished in Dolhinov 697
Zelda Radeshkovich The Little Hamlet Sosenka With A List of the Perished 718


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Eilat Gordin Levitan
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 15 Aug 2019 by MGH