[Page 406]
The Hekhaluts organization in 1925, at the farewell for the emigrants to Erets-Yisrael:
Nathan Kaplan, Sholem Rosenblum, A. Itskovitsh, Moshe Mintz, Dov Zandman zl, Khaya Garbe,
David Leyb Berkovitsh, and others. The activity of HaShomer HaTsair and Hehaluts continues in the town.
Zelig Rogol also came to Israel and we hoped that after him others would come.
Unfortunately they did not live to do so.
[Page 409]
Two Jewish women in Divenishok: Libe-Ite (on the right) and Sheyne-Ite, with a grandchild
[Page 410]
Avraham Aloni [ed. note: first from right], Bruria zl [ed. note: first from left], and other teachers
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Updated 23 Sep 2012 by LA