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Photographs {cont.}

Lea Zygrajch

Page 543
Mindl Nusbaum

Page 544
The water drawer

Page 545
The Krajcer Family

Page 548
Klayn Michale's daughter and her husband

Page 552
Juda Lenczner

Page 557
Chaim Kornfeld

Page 558
The “shochet”
Reb Herszl Klajnman z”l

Page 559
Josef Trzcina z”l

Page 560
Israel Klajnman
and his wife Itka Treper

Page 561
Dr. Szmuel Mitelman
and his wife z”l

Page 566
Noach Krempel z”l

Page 567
Chaim Lewi (Chaimel)

Page 569

Chana Szwajcer

Page 570

Chaja Plawes
nee Grinwald

Page 571
Pinchas Rozenblum

Page 573
Mordechai Egozi z”l

Page 579
Jakob Zahavi-Zlotnik

Page 580
Icchak Majer Nusbaum

Page 581
Chaim Gruszka z”l

Page 582
Alter Moneta

Page 585
Cwi Moneta z”l

Page 586
Bluma Lewkowicz

Page 587
Szlomo Bialystok

Page 588
Icze Brukner
(together with his sister)

Page 591
Nuta Szwimer,
a ”Bund” activist

Page 592
Sarale Bajtner,
a righteous woman in

Page 595
Israel Simchoni
(Frajlich)  z”l

Page 596

Page 597
A memorial plaque
to the martyrs of our city
Dabrowa Górnicza

Page 597

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Updated 1 Jul 2007 by LA