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[Page 690]

Do not forget and do not forgive!

May the legacy of our dear ones accompany us throughout our lives

With sorrow, pain and awe I eternalize the names of my dear departed parents, sisters and brother

Father Szlomo Sztylman

Mother Ester-Gitel Sztylman

Sister Lea Sztylman

Sister Mirjam Sztylman

Brother Duwidcze Sztylman

Who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers and did not receive a proper Jewish burial

Their shining images will forever remain in my memory

Mosze Sztylner, Sztylman

For eternal memory

The unforgettable

With sorrow, pain and awe I eternalize the names of my loving and dear parents, sisters and brother

Father Josef Sztylman

Mother Bajla Sztylman

Sister Chaja Sztylman

Sister Rajzl Sztylman

Brother Wolf Sztylman

Who perished in the concentration camps by the Nazi murderers and did not receive a proper Jewish burial

Do not forget and do not forgive! – Your legacy will forever accompany me throughout my life.

Your shining images will forever remain in my memory

Bronka Amatensztajn, Sztylman

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