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Ester Shunami - dab682a.jpg [21 KB]
To remember

My wife,

and my only daughter,

May the Lord revenge
their blood.

She was the only grandchild of my father
Mendel z”l
from Dabrowa

Who was taken to Auschwitz by the German “Amalek”, may their names be erased and gassed in the gas chambers there in the month of Av 5703 (August 1943)

I will grieve for them
all my life

Szlomo Shunami

Rachel Shunami - dab682b.jpg [16 KB]
Rachel Shunami
and her daughter Ester

May the Lord revenge their blood
A memorial candle

In memory of our dear parents

Symcha Gurst - dab682c.jpg [21 KB]
Reb Symcha Gurst
May the Lord revenge his blood

Our father, our mentor,
(son of Chaja and Icchak Aron Gurst)

Our mother, our mentor,

(daughter of Chawa and Mosze Wajnrajch the Cohen)

Who were taken out of the prayer house held in their home in memory of the Dabrowa elders z”l on Yom Kippur 5703 [1943] by the Nazis

Our brothers,
Jerachmiel-Israel and Mosze

Our sisters,
Fela-Fajgele and Roza-Rajzla

Who were enslaved and tortured in the labor camps till they died and their burial place is unknown.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Immortalizing in grief and pain:
Chava Kiriaty
Baruch Simchoni
In remembrance

Remember what the German people did to us!

My only brother, Szymon,
May the Lord revenge his blood

My sisters,
Necha, Ester, Tamara, Chaja Roza, Judit,
May the Lord revenge their blood

Who were slaughtered, gassed, incinerated and buried alive in Auschwitz, Treblinka, Majdanek and the “Death March” by the murderous German people, may their names be erased.

These I will remember

Szlomo Shunami

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