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The Jonas Kajzer family

Modest and upright

Died in the Holocaust

The fate of their daughter is unknown

Ester Kaminski nee Wajngarten

For the 30-day memorial of our dear Aszer

The pain is terrible, because the tragedy separated us.
The pain is gruesome, because the tragedy broke our hearts.
No longer is here my father and dear brother,
The crown and the best is gone to meet our parents and his sisters.
Why did we deserve this punishment?
Gone from us so suddenly, leaving brother, wife and child
And we ask ourselves, why?
Do we deserve this? Did this really have to be so?
To take away from us the shining light?
Who can believe this, that the best will be stolen from us?
Who can explain this to us?
That our happiness will so quickly be destroyed?
Survived Hitler's horrible era,
He had to continue fighting his sickness.
When he could at last enjoy his life,
His happiness was suddenly interrupted.
The day is terrible. That's what he always said.
The night is dark. Who could have imagined such a tragedy.
And I say Kaddish on the grave.
I shall forever cry and wail over you.
I shall forever suffer because of you.
And I shall not separate from your wife and child.
Whatever I can, I shall do for them
That you should be able to rest in peace in your grave.
Hear me, dear brother, this I repeat to you again,
Listen to every word.
Sleep soundly on your everlasting place.

Yiskadal veyiskadesh sheme rabo

This eulogy from Noach Krempel who is to be pitied because after a short while he disappeared on the same path as his brother, Aszer z”l.

For everlasting memory

With grief and pain we cry over the early death of our dear and beloved husband and father

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Aszer Krempel

deceased in 1957
in Petach Tikvah

He lived through the gruesome era of the Hitler-Hell in the death camps. After the liberation in 1945 he realized his dream and came to Israel. And here, when we hoped to be happy, the unmerciful destiny pulled him away from us.

His holy memory will forever remain in our heart.
In deep grief, we remain
wife and son,
Bela and Jehoszua Krempel

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