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In eternal memory

Our dear and beloved parents

Mordechai Parasol - dab662a.jpg [24 KB]
In eternal memory

Our father
Mordechai son of Natanel Parasol,
May the Lord revenge his blood

In 1943 whilst I was in distant Siberia with my wife and children, I received the last letter of the 15.6.1941 from Dabrowa in which he wrote: “Black clouds cover our sky and only G-d knows how it will end”. He was sent to Auschwitz in the autumn of 1941 and was killed there.

Our dear mother
Chaja Sara z”l
of the Rabinowicz family in Slomnik,
daughter of a wise (Torah) scholar.

She died when she was 43 and left 6 young children.

Mordechai Parasol in the Dabrowa Ghetto
May the Lord revenge his blood
My sister Ester z”l, died in Israel

My sister Miriam, killed in Auschwitz
May the Lord revenge her blood

Their memories will follow me
as long as I walk this earth

Sarale Parasol and her daughter Miriam - dab662b.jpg [22 KB]
The sons:
Lajbcze, Alter and Icchak Parasol
Wife of Mordechai Parasol and her daughter Miriam
In eternal memory

For my unforgettable dear and beloved family
and their heavenly souls

My father Josef Szymon Pomocnik z”l

My mother Hinde Rajzl Pomocnik z”l

My sister Chajele Horowicz
Nee Pomocnik with her husband z”l

My sister Chawa Lea with her husband and children

Josef Szymon and Hinda Rajzl Pomocnik - dab662c.jpg [18 KB]
Died in the Holocaust that befell the Jewish People,
May the Lord revenge their blood
Josef Szymon and Hinda Rajzl Pomocnik

My parents z”l were well known in the city as honest and innocent people. They made an honest living from manual work. They excelled in their good deeds, worked in helping and welfare for the needy, in looking after poor mothers and in the clothing and footwear fund for children.
Their memories will never leave our hearts

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

  Sadly immortalizing their names:
Alter and Ester Pomocnik

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