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From Makusha Golomb (nee Feldberg) In memory of the family
Lajb Hersz and Necha Dwora and their sons Abram and Melech Wajnsztajn z”l
Abram Melech Wajnsztajn - dab629.jpg [25 KB]
Lajb Hersz and his family belonged to the first Dabrower house-owners who left the Diaspora as early as the twenties and immigrated to Eretz Israel; a family of clever students, of Torah believers and doers of “mitzvot”. They abandoned a good livelihood in their old home with complete Jewish and Zionist faith and bade farewell to the Jewish community of Dabrowa. They even convinced other Jews to immigrate to Israel. And many Jews really followed in their footsteps.

Necha regrettably was compelled to return to Dabrowa some years later with her dear sons Abram and Melech because of their poor state of health. The father of the family, Reb Lajb Hersz, later followed on after them.

Their return was accompanied by great sorrow and a longing for Eretz Israel. Unfortunately, they didn't live to see the second realization. Necha Dwora and her dear sons Abram and Melech were killed together with all the Jews of the Dabrower Jewish community.

Abram Melech Wajnsztajn
on his last way

May the Lord revenge his blood
May the Lord revenge their blood
Frymeta Dombrowicz z”l 1943
Mosze Chaim Dombrowicz 1943
Szlomo Dawid Dombrowicz 1943
Josef Binem Dombrowicz 1943
Fajgl Dombrowicz 1943
Dawid Dombrowicz 1943
Dawid Josel Turner 1942
Szajndl Turner 1942
Lea Turner 1942
Sara Fajgl Zelcer z”l 1943
Natan Zelcer z”l 1943
Chaya Zelcer z”l 1943

Crying for them:
Mendel Dombrowicz, Natanya
In eternal memory

Of our dearest who were killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis

My father
Reb Ruwen Majer Wolbromski z”l

My mother
Fajgl Wolbromski z”l

My sister
Riwka-Rajzl and her son Chaim Icchak

All of them died in the Holocaust in 1944

Bitterly crying for them their son and brother
Dawid Wolbromski
Tel Aviv

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