The Jews of Czestochowa
(Częstochowa, Poland)

50°48' / 19°07'

Translation of
“Tshenstokhover Yidn”


Edited by: R. Mahler

NY: United Czestochower Relief Committee and Ladies Auxiliary, 1947



Project Coordinator and Translator

Gloria Berkenstat Freund


This is a translation from: Tshenstokhover yidn The Jews of Czestochowa,
ed. R. Mahler, NY: United Czestochower Relief Committee and Ladies Auxiliary, 1947 (Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Czestochowa (1947)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Pages TitleAuthor
V-VI Forward  
VII-XII Preface Dr. Rafael Mahler
 The Development of the Community
3-31 Jews in Czenstochow Up to the First World War Dr. Yakov Shatzki
32-46 Czenstochow Becomes a City Kh. L. Szwarc
 The Economic Life
47-50 Jews in Industry D. Bezworodka
50-60 Professional Workers Union Dr. R. Mahler, Y. Sh. Herc. A. Khrobolowski
60-61 The Professional Union of Trade Employees A. Khrobolowski
61-64 The Artisans Union and Guilds A. Gotlib
64-65 HaHalutz Bal Melokhe A. Szimeonowicz
 Culture and Education
66-68 The Gardening School A. Buchman
68-70 The Artisans School A. Gotlib
70-77 Worker Nurseries and Folks-Shul Named After Y. L. Peretz Haya Wage-Ratman
78-79 The Yidishe Gymnazie S. Wirstel
79-80 Evening Courses A. Khrobolowski
80-85 “Lira” and the “Jewish Literary Society F. Szmulewicz, A. Khrobolowski
85-87 Jewish Libraries  
87-92 Yiddish Theater in Czenstochow  
92-101 The Yiddish Press A. Khrobolowski, M. Tzeszinski, R. Rederman
101-103 Jewish Sports Movement W. Gliksman, A. Chrabolowski, R. Federman
(From the Jubilee Publication)
103-104 The New Synagogue A. Koifman
 Social Institutions
105-107 “Domboczinoszcz” Dr. Kon-Kolin, F. Szmulewicz
107-108 The Jewish Hospital (from the “Czenstochower Wakhnblat” of 31st October 1918)  
109-110 Popular Bakery F. Szmulewicz
110-111 TOZ Dr. Kon-Kolin
111 Czenstochower Cooperative A. Khrobolowski
112 Photographs for the article “Worker Nurseries and Folks-Shul named after Y.L. Peretz  
113-114 Rescue Commission for Refugees from Germany Tz. Szpalten, F. Szmulewicz
 The Jewish Workers Movement
115-122 S.S. (Zionist-Socialist Workers Party), “Fareinikte” (United), “Independent” Yitzhak Gurski, S. Feinreikh, Feitl Shmulewicz, and A. Khrobolowski
122-123 The Zionist Socialists in Conflict with the Scoundrels M. Feinreikh
123-144 The General Jewish Workers Bund Sh. Y. Herc
144-150 Left Poalei-Zion Yakov Kener
150-152 HaShomer HaTzair Haim Landau
152-156 Political Persecutions and Trials A. Khrobolowski, H. Zigas
157-165 Jewish Fighters on the Fields of Spain Gina Medem
165-166 Forward Dr. Rafal Sohler
166-170 The “Rabinek” – the Pogrom in 1902 Mark Liber, Supplemented by Shimkha Lev
170-177 The Second Pogrom H. Feiwelowicz, A. Khrobolowski
177-183 The Third Pogrom Y. Sh. Herc and Correspondence from the New York “Tog”
183-186 The Last Year A. Khrobolowski
186 Several coworkers from the Jewish press in Czenstochow (for the article, “Jewish Press”)  
Czenstochow Holocaust
188-201 The Catastrophe of the Community L. Brener
201-206 Testimony A. (Haran) B. (Randes)
206-212 Testimony Avraham Izbicki
212-215 Jews Driven to Germany Through Czenstochow Shimeon Gotayner
215-218 The Destruction of the Synagogue (New Synagogue) W. Gliksman
218-219 A Night in the Czenstochow Ghetto A. Izbicki
220-222 The Last 24 Hours in “HASAG” D. Koniecpoler
223-226 The Activity of the Jewish Ordnungdienst M. Kushner
226-230 Activities of the Bund Under the Hitler Occupation M. Kushner
230-232 The Activities of the Kibbutz [Community] During the German Occupation L. Yurikhte
232 How the Party Flags of Left Paolei-Zion Were Hidden Yehezkeil Brzezinski
233 The Artisans and the Devastation D. Koniecpoler
233-239 Orders from the German Regime (From the Archive of the Central Jewish Historical Committee in Poland)
239-243 The End… Dr. Josef Kruk
243-246 Revenge is Sweet (Reprinted from the “Landersberger Lager Zeitung”, Organization of the Survivors in Landsberg, Bayern)
246-247 The Hitlerist Bandit Will Hang on the Gallows (Reprinted from the Czenstochower “Glos Narodu”)
247-249 On the Third Anniversary of the First Jewish Revolt in the Czenstochower Ghetto L. Brener
249-252 The New Czenstochow W. Gliksman
253-254 The Children's House in Czenstochow Ida Merczin (From “The New Life”, Lodz, January 12, 1945)
Czentochower in America
256 Documents for the Article “General Overview of Fraternal Help”  
257-264 “General Overview of Fraternal Help” A. Khrobolowski
265-269 Czenstochower Aid Society and Czenstochower Relief Committee in New York A. Koifman
269-277 The United Czenstochower Relief Committee in New York A. Khrobolowski, A. Koifman
277-281 Czenstochower Relief Workers in New York A. Khrobolowski
281-282 The Czenstochower Shul (synagogue) in New York Y. Kirshenbaum
282-285 Czenstochower Young Men Josef Koifman
286-288 Czenstochower Young Ladies Auxiliary in New York A. Koifman
289-292 Czenstochower Br. 261 Arbeiter Ring (Workmen's Circle) in New York A. Litman
292-298 Czenstochower Branch 11 of the Jewish People's Order D. Tanksi
298-299 Czenstochower Branch of the Jewish National Workers Union J. Wein
299-302 The Czenstochower Patronat in New York D. Tanksi
303 Founding Members and Supporters of Czenstochower Aid Society & Czenstochower Relief Committee  
303-305 Czenstochower and Vicinity Educational Organization in Chicago R. Pozner
306-309 Czenstowchower Independent Union in Chicago M. Tseszinski
309-310 Czenstochower Women's Aid Society in Chicago P. Prodel
310-313 Czenstochower Regional Union in Detroit J. Gliksman
313-315 The Czenstochower Aid Society in Los Angeles H. Groyman
315-316 The Czenstochower Patronat in Los Angeles H. Groyman
317 Rozenblat–Dykerman Circle in New York D. Tanksi
318-328 National Conference of the Czenstochower Landsmanschaftn in America and Canada R. Federman
 Neighboring Landsmanschaften
328-330 There Once Was a Shtetl [Town] Działoszyn Mary Rozen
330-337 First Dzialoszyner Chevra Anshei Bnei Achim in New York R. Federman
337-340 Nowo-Radomsk P. Kalka
340-342 Nowo-Radomsker Landsmanschaft in New York P. Kalka
342-344 Kamyk H. Yelin
 Czentochower in Eretz-Yisroel
345-347 Czentochower in Eretz-Yisroel
348-350 A Meeting of Czenstochower in Tel Aviv M. Smulewicz, G. Freitag
 Czentochower in Canada
350 Documents of the Czenstochower Organizations in America and Canada  
351-352 The Czenstochower Aid Society in Toronto W. Gliksman
352-354 Czenstochower Area Aid Union Montreal (Canada) W. Gliksman
  Czentochower in Argentina
354-355 Union of Czenstochower Landsleit in Argentina
 Czentochower in Paris
355-358 Czentochower in Paris D. Wroclowski
 Memories and Photographs
359-360 A Day in Czenstochow Avraham Reisen
360-361 Czenstochow, My Czenstochow Leibish Lehrer
361-362 In and Around the Workers Club A. Chrobalowski
363-364 Czenstochower Coalminers Shimeon Biro
364-366 Doctors Dr. L. Lazarowicz
366-367 A Bouquet of Flowers F. Gerbowski
367-368 Anonymous Landsleit Bela Goldwirt
368-373 The Maranskis (The History of A Czenstochower Family) A. Khrobolowski
374-398 From My Life R. Federman
399-403The History of the Book, Czenstochower Yidn [Czenstochow Jews]Editorial Colleagues
404Biography of Dr. Mahler
404Some Co-Workers
I-CXIVWho and Where
CXV-CXXXVIIICzenstochower in the Struggle Against Fascism
CXXXIX-CXLIVEternal RestThe last three parts were adapted from the supporting materials according to the layout of the names checked by A. Khrobolowski, W. Gliksman and R. Federman

Index of Names Mentioned in The Jews of Czestochowa

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Gloria Berkenstat Freund
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 20 Jan 2020 by LA