Mellech Bakalczuk-Felin |
Preface |
I |
Dr. P. Friedman |
The Beginning and the History of a Yiddish Community |
13-36 |
Dr. S. Milner |
The History of the Jews of Chelm |
39-40 |
I. Janasowicz |
The Myth of Chelm in Jewish Literature |
45-52 |
Joseph Gotfarsztajn |
The Chelm Stories Are Not So Foolish |
53-60 |
S. Wasserman |
Chelm |
61-62 |
Hersh Sziszler |
My Home Town |
99-100 |
K. Winik |
“Bund” and its Social Revolutionistic Work |
129-130 |
S. Winer |
How Chelm Was Saved From a Pogrom in 1905 |
149-152 |
Shmuel Szargel |
The History of the Jewish Workers Party Poalei-Zion (Left) in Chelm |
153-178 |
K. Winik |
Jewish Life and Work in Chelm |
179-202 |
Chava Biderman-Biale |
Chelmer Jewish Gymnasie |
203-204 |
J. Floimenbolm |
The Fate of the Chelm “Tarbut” School |
207-208 |
S. Beker |
Concerning the “Zeirei-Zion” Party |
209-210 |
J. Zilber |
The Revisionist Party |
213-214 |
B. Aminodov |
Chelm Help Zbonsziner Refugees |
215-216 |
W. Gotlib |
The Scouts Association |
217-218 |
B. Binsztok |
Chelm, An Old Beautiful Jewish Town |
221-222 |
I. Achtman |
How the Peretz Library was established in Chelm |
225-226 |
I. Achtman |
Jewish Theatre |
229-230 |
Berl Naturman |
About Posters in Yiddish at the First Anniversary of the Death of Sholem Aleichem |
233-234 |
J. Beker |
The Poalei Zion Party in in the Chelm City Council |
235-248 |
H. Handelsman |
The Artisans Union |
249-250 |
D. Goldreich |
Chelemer Cultural Life |
255-256 |
Yisroel Aszendorf |
Skhus Oves un Skhus Katoves [Ancestral Merits and in the Merit of a Jest] |
259-260 |
J. Milner |
Men of Fame and Personalities |
265-286 |
R. Henes |
Shmuel Mordekhai (Arthur) Zigelboim |
287-294 |
R. Zygielboim |
Al Kiddush HaShem
[In the sanctification of God's name] |
295-302 |
K. Winik |
Dr. Yitzhak Sziper – Deputy from Chelm in the Polish Sejm |
303-310 |
Yakov Frydman |
A Poem About a Chelemer Malamed, a Customs House and Shabbos Shire |
309-310 |
A. Ajzen |
Moshe Lerer |
311-316 |
S. Kaczergyynski |
About Moshe Lerer: Extracts of the “Lexicon of Yiddish Literature”
“Yivo Bleter”. Vol 26. No.6 Destruction of Vilna |
315-316 |
Moshe Lerer |
A Jewish Wedding in Chelm in the Old Days |
317-318 |
N. Gris |
About Joseph Milner |
319-320 |
H. Herz |
The Sixty Years of Joseph Milner |
321-322 |
Ch. Wilner-Winer |
Samuel Winer |
321-324 |
H. Shishler |
Personalities and Types Who Are No More |
325-326 |
M. Unger |
The Rebbe, Reb Note |
337-338 |
J. Kornblit |
Famous Rabbis |
341-342 |
R. Richtszrajber |
Shlomo Samet |
345-346 |
K. Wasserman |
The Fighting Girl of Chelm – Chava Szafran |
347-348 |
J. Nunison |
Sholom Goldhar |
349-350 |
S. Winner |
Captain S. Winer – A Brave Fighter against the Enemies of our people |
351-352 |
Baliar (Stoler) |
Motel Baliar |
357-358 |
Ben-Aaron |
Teachers of Chelm |
359-360 |
J. Linherz |
Motl Tovya's; Moshe Zamler |
361-362 |
H. Sh. |
Feiwl Fryd, K. Waserman and A. Y. Dubelman |
363-365 |
M. Tenenboim |
Leibele Stol, Mendl Stam, and Dr. Yisroel Oks |
365-366 |
Y. Ceber |
Yisroel Yitzhak Nankin |
368 |
Sh. Tenenboim |
The Uncle from Chelm |
369-370 |
Alkwit-Blum |
Moonlit Nights |
371-372 |
Hilel Szargel |
Chelm A Poem |
377-378 |
Pinye Lerer |
Those I Remember |
381-382 |
Shmuel Winer |
Why Y.L. Peretz Did Not Deliver his Lecture in Chelm, Shavous, 1912 |
389-390 |
Hilel Szagel |
Spring in the Old Country |
405-406 |
I.Milner |
Kalayev, the Great Russian Revolutionary – A Chelemer… |
407-408 |
Shloyme Wasserman |
Hrubiewszower Street |
421-422 |
Moyshe Grinberg |
The Shtibl of the Belzer Hasidim |
439-440 |
Chelm |
A Poem |
443-444 |
B.Binshtok |
A Page of Memories |
445-446 |
B. Orensztajn |
Chelm and its Environs |
457-458 |
Khaim Furman |
Apolin |
465-466 |
Chaim Worzoger |
Chelm in the Years 1924 to 1931 |
469-470 |
Zygielboim |
Chelm As I Remember It |
477-482 |
B. Alkvit |
Some Memories |
483-484 |
Y. Kelner |
Woislowicz |
485-486 |
T. Ayzen |
Reminiscences |
487-488 |
R. Szrojt |
Jews of My Town |
489-492 |
R. Tseber |
Light and Shadow |
493-494 |
E. Shindler |
A Day in Chelm |
495-496 |
Y. T. Shargel |
Mayn Shvester Perl |
497-500 |
L. Kahan |
The Slaughter of the Jews in Chelm |
505-506 |
B. Bruker |
The Death March – Chelm-Hrubieshow-Sokal |
513-514 |
J. Herz |
The Death March |
523-524 |
Schneur Wasserman |
Lipa the Butcher from Chelm (Poem) / Whose Am I, Who Is Left for Me? / My Heart Is Rising with Thorns |
533-536 |
J.Groskop |
Chelm ar the Time of the Hitler Occupation |
537-538 |
J. Grinszpan |
About the Two Last Actions in Chelm |
545-546 |
I. Iser Zilber |
Eyewitness Testimony |
547-554 |
G. Libhober |
Eye Witness Account |
555-556 |
G. Libhober |
Not a City, but a True Cemetery |
559-560 |
Yoel Ponsczak |
Eye Witness Account |
561-562 |
Manis Zitrin |
Eye Witness Accounts |
563-564 |
Shloime Brustman |
Eye Witness Accounts |
567-568 |
H. Akhtman |
Between Life and Death |
569-570 |
Yoshe Akhtman |
In the Chelm Work Camp |
581-582 |
Revenge! Revenge! |
585-586 |
J. G. |
In Those Days |
587-588 |
Habeit Mishamayim U'Reeh |
589-590 |
M. Hochman |
Eyewitness Tesimony of Moshe Hochman |
591-600 |
Avrohom Lew |
A Bottle of Ashes |
599-600 |
A Conference on Social Self Help |
601-602 |
Khaim Sobol |
During the Days of the Destruction |
621-622 |
Shlomo Wahrzorger |
Chelm |
623-624 |
M. Milchteich-Lorber |
The Last Action |
625-626 |
K. Binsztok |
Jewish Heroism |
629-630 |
Y. Fainsztok |
A Gruesome Summation |
631-632 |
A.Y. Kornblit |
The Avenger, Esther Terner |
633-634 |
Jewish Avengers |
635-636 |
Y. Yoykenen |
On the Tenth Yortsayt of the Slaughter in Chelm |
637-638 |
B. Mitzfliker |
The Miracle of the Last Jews in Chelm |
639-640 |
A. Goldman |
The Suffering, Death and Heroism of Chelemer Landslayt |
643-644 |
S. Brayer |
The Great Catastrophe |
647-648 |
B. Alkwit |
Chelm during the Ghetto Rising |
649-650 |
Moishe Gantz |
Chelm After the Liberation |
653-656 |
That Which I Lost Will Never Return |
655-656 |
Yankev Tsvi Szargel |
When Chelm Fell |
657-658 |
Bela Szargel |
Eyewitness Account |
661-662 |
I.I. Sigal |
Chelm |
663-664 |
R. Engiender |
Witness Testimony |
665-666 |
Sholem Shtern |
Poems |
667-668 |
H. Sziszler |
The End of a Jewish City |
669-670 |
H. J. Monty |
The Chelemer Landsmanschaften in South Africa |
677-678 |
B. Binsztok |
Chelm in America |
694-702 |
S. Winer |
The First 26 Years of the Chelemer Branch of the Workman's Circle in New York |
703-794 |
B. Alkwit |
A Chelemer Story in an American Way |
705-708 |
Dr. B. Orlean |
The Chelemer Landsmanschaften in Paris |
709-710 |
J. Eplboim |
Chelm and Surrounding Areas Society for Mutual Aid in Argentina |
715-718 |
R. Zeber |
Chelm Landsmanschaften in Australia |
719-720 |
I. Achtman |
Chelmer Jews in Montreal, Canada |
723-724 |
I. Achtman |
Chelemer Jews in Cuba |
725-726 |
M. Jakobowicz |
Chelemer Jews in Brazil |
727-728 |
L. R. |
Chelemer Relief in Mexico |
728 |
We Plant Trees in the Forest of the Martyrs |
729-732 |
Memorial dedications |
Gimel |
Necrology (based on memorial dedications) |
Gimel |