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[Page 586]

Byteners who were killed in other cities:

In the Lekhevitsher massacre (the 18th of Kheshvan 1941):

Ulanski, Yitskhok-Yirshl (Nyokhke's) with his family;
Zhukhovitski, Khane (Simkhe the shoemaker's daughter) with her family;
Frudovski-Yafe, Leytshe (the rabbi's daughter) with her family;
Minkovitsh, Berl (the teacher);
Monkovitsh, Yakhe (Berl's daughter) with her family;
Savitski, Yankev (Moyshe Shimen's) with her family;
Bernshteyn-Epshteyn, Nekhame (Tsipe's daughter) with her family;

In the Keltser massacre (the 9th of Kheshvan 1941):

Yuzhelevski, Moyshe (Leybe the mailman's [?]) with his family;
Ditkovski, Yosl (Moyshe Perets's) with his family;
Ditkovski, Dovid (Moyshe Perets's) with his family;
Rogal-Yudkovski, Rivke (Gedalye the hair cutter's) with her family;
Minkovitsh, Reyzl (Yankl Novisader's) with her family;
Nozhnitski, Avreml (Meyer the tailor's) with his family;

In the Baranovitsh massacres (various times):

Kost, Khave (Henye Hilke's) with her family;
Mendelevitsh, Lize (Moyshe-Yosl's) with her family;
Glazer, Dobe (Yekev's) with her family;
Robinovitsh, Mere (Velvl Robinovitsh's wife);
Robinovitsh, Rokhl (Velvl Robinovitsh's daughter) with her family;
Minkovitsh, Motl (Shaye Minkovitsh's) with her family;
Pripshteyn, Sane, with her family
Ben-Tsion Svititski[1] (Avrome the shoemaker's) with his family;
Yudl Levin (Asher Karleyitser's) with his family;
Efraim-Dovid Breskin ( Noyekh Kavalok's grandchild) with his family;
Kunye Breskin (Efraim-Dovid's mother) with her family;
Khaim-Elye Zakheym (Mikhl Itshke's);
Leye-Henye Kroman (Avrom-Moyshe's) and[2] family;
Dvoyre Yuzhelevski (Leybe the mailman's) and her family;
Minkovitsh, Shmuel (Leybe Shakhne's) with his family;

In the Slonimer massacres (various dates):

Khaim Goldin (Shmuel-Yankl's) with his family;
Dovidovski, Matye-Kalman (Mendel-Ades) with his family;

[Page 587]

Fruzhanski [sic], Yoysef (Moyshe-Velvl's) and his family;
Pruzhanski, Elke (Moyshe-Velvl's) and his family;
Ditkovski, Merke (Yitskhok the blacksmith's) with her family;
Minkovitsh, Shayke (Moyshe the tailor's) and his family;
Veyner, Mordkhe-Velvl (Khatskl's) with his family;
Yosl Moyshe Nisl's [sic], with his family;
Rovitski, Mokhe (of the Kavolkes) with his family;
Pripshteyn, Berl, Yankev, and Brokhe (Menakhem Zeydke's) and their families;
Filatovitsh, Aron-Yirshl (Dovid-Yoshe's) and his family;
Ditkovski, Yudes (Moyshe Perets's);
Lisovitski, Ester-Meyte (Shame's) with her family;
Efraymski, Ben-Tsion with his family;
Rovitski, Moyshe-Avigdor (Yirshl Kavolok's [sic]) with his family;

In the Nyesvyezher massacre ( 9th of Kheshvaan 1941):

Maltshadski, Itsl (Moyshe-Brokhe's) with his family;
Veysshteyn, Feygl (Kalman Avrom's) with her family;
Glazer, Sore (Yekev's) with her family;

In the Mirer massacre:

Zakheym, Bashke (Mikhl the shoemaker's) with her family;

In the Stolptser massacre:

Veyner, Artshik (Khatskl's) with his family;
Yuzhelevski, Leyzer (Yosl-Abe's) with his family;

In the Snover massacre:

Pinski, Shimen (Mordkhe-Leyb the schoolteacher's) and his family;

In the Hantsevitsher massacre:

Bobrovitski, Heshl (Yisroel-Berl's) with his family;

In the Malkevitsher massacre:

Yudkovski, Itsl (Berl Note's) with his family;

In the Volkovitsher massacre:

Veysshteyn, Aheyne-Hinde (Kalmen Avrome's) with her family;
Levin, Borukh (Hershl Beyle's) with his family;
Kushnirovski, Mikhl-Aron (Avrom-Zushe's) with his family;

[Page 588]

In the Horodzheyer massacre:
Sharubski, Dvoyre (the rabbi's) with her family;

In the Novogrudker massacre:

Veyner, Shloyme (Khatskl's) with her family;
Khunevitski, Gitl (Hinde Yisroel Berl's) with her family;

In the Bialistoker massacre:

Yuzhelevski, Gitl (Khaim-Dovid's);

In the Bereze-Kartuzer massacre:

Pomeranyets, Sore-Feygl (Mendl-Ode's) with her family;
Sapirshteyn, Elke (Nyakhke's) with her family;
Yuzhelevski, Leytshe (Khaim-Dovid's) with her family;

In the Knishiner massacre:

Pitkovski, Rivka (Eyzl Rishe's) with her family;

In the Kosover massacre:

Zelikovski, Feyge, with her family;
Berkner, Sore (Kalman the saddlemaker's) with her family;

In the Meytsheter massacre:

Berkener, Moyshe (Kalmen the saddlemaker) with his family;

In the Lesnayer massacre:

Ravitski, Yitskhok (Yirshl Kavalok's) with his family;
Lisovitski, Yente (beadle's) with her family;

In the Zhirever massacre:

Nozhnitski, Khaim (Meyer the tailor's) with his family;

In the Krinker massacre:

Bernshteyn-Zelikovitsh, Khayke (Tsipe's) with her family;

In the Rizhnayer massacre:

Goldin, Yisroel (Shmuel-Yankl the carpenter's) with his family;

In the Halinker massacre:

Bulanski, Perl (Mikhl the shoemaler's) and her family;
Bulanski, Sane (Mikhl the shoemaker's) and his family;
Lisovitski, Yerukhem (Aron the beadle's) with his family;
Lisovitski, Khayke (Aron the beadle's) with her family;

[Page 589]

In the Polanker massacre:
Bitenski, Fayvl (Mordkhe Yoshke's) with his family;

In the Kozlovtshiner massacre:

Rabbi Efrayim Dovid Epshteyn (grandson of Mordkhe-Velvl Bernshteyn of the Kavalkes) with his family;

In the Zelver massacre:

Lisovitski, Moyshe (Aron Shames) with his family;

In the Warsaw massacre:

Goldin-Palma, Tsivia (Shmuel-Yankl the carpenter's) with her family;
Goldin-Rotman, Shifra (Shmuel-Yankl the carpenter's) with her family;
Ditkovski, Feygl (Elye Minde's) with her family;

In the Lodzh massacre:

Bobrovitski, Avrom (Yisroel-Berl's) with his family;

Refugees who settled in Byten,
who died during the war years 1939-1941:

Arbuz and family (dental technician, from Suvalk) Gelblum, Leon and his wife
  Gelblum, Khaim
Ayzner, Salek Golter, Zavl
Ayzner, Genye Golter, Ester
Ayzner, Benye Golter, Benye
Ayznberg Golter, Moyshe
Aykhner, Yitskhok Golter, Yoysef
Bergazin and family Gordon, Golde
Grinfeld, Khaim Gordon, Lile
Grinshteyn, Avrom Dolman, Dovid
Grinshteyn, Ester Dolman, Sonye
Grinshteyn, Gitl Dolman, Khaim
Grinshteyn, Yankev Vatenberg, Sore
Grinshpan Vatenberg, Ben-Tsion
Goldfish, Dovid Vatenberg, Khaim

[Page 590]

Berger, Yitskhok Feldman, Nosn
Berger, Nakhum Freyman, Dinke
Berger, Yankev Freyman, Hindke
Berger, Etl Zaltsshteyn (3 people)
Berger, Sore Fuksman
Vesole Maline, Khaye
Vilinski, Moyshe-Khaim Maline, Borukh
Vilinski, Tsherne Maline, Yankev
Vilinski, Khane Maline, Etl
Vilinski, Genye Presberg, Yitskhok
Vilinski, Berl Frishberg, Avrom
Desauer (5 people) Fuksman
Vodnik, Naftali Sulkovyak, Yankev (and 2 people)
Vodnik, Sosnye Tsuker, Mendl
Vodnik ([and] 4 more people) Tsuker, Khaim
Zuman Tsuker, Asher
Toyb, Khaim Tsuker, Ide
Toyb, Rivke Tsuker, Rivke
Toyb, Sonye Tsuker, Moyshke
Khvat, Yankev Tsuker, Rukhl
Khvat, Khave Tsuker, Khaim
Broderzon, Naftali Tsuker, Rokhl
Broderzon, Nakhman Tsuker, Miriam
Broderzon, Henye Tsuker, Moyshe
Broderzon, Leyzer Kats (7 people)
Broderzon, Dvoyre Ruzhitski (2 people)
Markson, Avrom Rabinovitsh, Marek
Barkson[3], Fanye Rabinovitsh, Miriam
Markson, Lutek Rabinovitsh, Salek
Likhtenshteyn, Aron Rabinovitsh, Sore
Likhtenshteyn, Idl Shafran (3 people)
Zeydengart[4], Khaim (doctor) Shutazh (4 people)
Zeydengart, Genye Kaliski (3 people)
Zeydengart, Zavl Shperling (3 people)
Mishler (6 people) Shnayderman (4 people)
Lashtseevski Shayka, Leon
Futerman (5 people) Shayka, Reyzl
Fridman, Moyshe Shayke, Ida
Fridman, Hanke Shtshutshiner (4 people)
Feldman, Dvoyre Rakhman (5 people)

[Page 591]

You Are With Us! …

by Shimeon Rodel

Some of us want to erect a huge headstone for you.
Others are planning a beautiful scale model monument.
An epigraph is being written on your non-existent grave…


We carry you in our arms our whole lives through,
As a father carries a child of his who has drowned.
We will caress you and kiss your bright figures,
Like a mother kisses every limb of
The cold body of her child,
And in that way hopes to suck death out of him.

Your memory will never fade.
From across the abyss –
We see you
Taking continuous steps
To the present…

We hear the sounds of your steps walking with ours.
We feel your hand in our hands,
Like that of a lost child who has been found.
And we murmur: “You are back!” “You are back!”
Oh, you have not disappeared!

[Page 592]

You are with us!
You will be so forever. You will last forever!
In our bloodied hearts,
We will no longer allot you space –
Because you alone have become our hearts.

We will no longer hold doors and gates open for you'
No reserve for you a corner of our house, a secret nook –
Because you alone have become our house.

In hours of remembrance,
In pure golden mornings,
In dusky evenings,
Through black nights,
Through eternal years and never ending days –

We will no longer have to wait for you –
We will never have to forget you –
Because you alone are already
Unendingly present…
Our fiery memory…

[Page 593]

Those of Us Who Remained Alive

We managed to get out of the ghetto and into the forest, to join the partisans. Approximately 300 Byteners, most of whom perished in the woods and fields, in the swamps and rivers, or in skirmishes with the Nazi bandits. The names of those who died in the woods and fields can be found on the general lists of those of us who died as martyrs and sanctified G-d by their deaths. Further down will be listed the names of those partisans who were saved, who survived the defeat of the Nazis. Some of these partisans were joined the Red Army, when it captured the area in which they were active. Just a handful of these partisans remained in Byten. The large majority went out into the world and began to look for new homes. Most of them can now be found in Israel and some in the United States and in Argentina.

These are the names of our heroes, who took revenge for our martyrs. May Byten's part in the unequal fight against Hitler's beasts be noted for eternity.

byt593.jpg [24 KB] - A group of Bytener refugees in a D.P. Camp in Austria
Once our survivors managed to get out of the woods, they wound up in various
refugee camps. A group of Bytener refugees in a D. P. camp in Austria. Some
of the people in this group are now in Israel; some are in the United States
and some are in Argentina.

[Page 594]

A. Bytner partisans who survived:

  1. Abromovitsh, Dodl (Leah Rodke's);
  2. Abromovitsh-Shtoper, Dvoshke (Leah-Rodke's [sic]);
  3. Abulanski, Moyshe-Velvl (Itshe the house painter's son);
  4. Astrometski, Shmule (Yudl the ritual slaughterer's son);
  5. [missing in list]
  6. Abromovski, Sore (Shayke, Khaye-Hodke's);
  7. Bitenski, Shloyme (Keyle Yoshke's son);
  8. Bernshteyn, Yisroel-Asher (Avromke, Dotshke's son);
  9. Berkner, Yudl (Kalmen the saddlemaker's)
  10. Berkner, Kalmen (his son);
  11. Beerkner[5], Kalmen (second son);
  12. Glazer, Elye (Yankev's son);
  13. Tanye Galershteyn[6] (Matus, Shaye's daughter);
  14. Goldman, Yudl (Pinye the shoemaker's son-in-law);

The Bytener refugees, mostly partisans, who now live in Israel

byt594.jpg [29 KB] - Bytener refugees
First row, from right to left: Dvoshke Abramovitsh-Neshkes,
Freydke Slonimski, Tamare Pripshteyn-Goldman,
Dora Abramovitsh, Yudl Berkner, Sore Abramovski, Mordkhe Minkovitsh.
Second row: Ruven Dirkovski, Moyshe Pitkovski, Frume Darevski,
Gershon Minkovitsh, Yankev Ditkovski, Bore Yudkovski.
Third Row: Yudl Berkner's son, Bore Katsenelenboygn,
Shmuel Ostrometski, Moyshe Darevski, Meyer Yafe, Leyzer Abromovski.

[Page 595]

  1. Ditkovski, Ruven (Yitskhok the smith's);
  2. Ditkovski, Rishe (Ruven's sister);
  3. Ditkovski, ? (Rishe's child);
  4. Ditkovski, Shmuel (Sore-Perel's son);
  5. Darevski, Meyer (Shimshon's son);
  6. Deretshinski, Leyzer (Khaim Gutshe's son);
  7. Duskin, Motye (Moyshe Aysik's son-in-law);
  8. Duskin, Henye (his wife);
  9. Duskin, ? (their child);
  10. Yuzhelevski, Lyube (Yirshl the musician's);
  11. Yuzhelevski, Shiye (Khaim-Dovid's son);
  12. Yuzhelevski, Hodes (his wife, Leyzer-Itshke's daughter);
  13. Yudkovski, Bore (Khaim-Itshe's);
  14. Yudkovski, Shmuel (Khaim-Itshe's);
  15. [7]Yafe, Meyer (the rabbi's);
  16. Minkovitsh, Mordkhe (Zisl's);
  17. Minkovitsh, Mikhl (Sie's from New Street);
  18. Mendelevitsh, Itsl (Lea Dvoyre's);
  19. Mendelevitsh, Mulye (Moyshe-Yosl's);
  20. Mogilanski, Zalmen (Ester Tsadok's);
  21. Nevakhovitsh, Lea;
  22. Slonimski, Shmuel (Berl-Yudl's);
  23. Slonimski, Freydke (his wife, Motke's daugher);
  24. Slonimski, Gitl (their daughter);
  25. Slonimski,Sime (their daughter);
  26. Slonimski, Yisroel (his son);
  27. Pitkovski, Moyshe (Eyzl Rishe's);
  28. Pitkovski, Avreml (Eyzl Rishe's);
  29. Pogorelski, Rivke (the miller's);
  30. Pogorelski, Dobe (the miller's);
  31. Pinski, Yitskhok (the agent's);
  32. Kovenski, Khayke (Dinke's daughter);
  33. Kuznyets, Golde (Yankev-Meyer's daughter);
  34. Kuznyets, Leybe ( her husband, Yosl Zastaver's son);
  35. Kutun, Khananye (Ester-Peshke the woman from Brisk's son);
  36. Kutun, ? (Ester-Peshke's daughter);
  37. Kutun, ? (Ester-Peshke's daughter);
  38. Rozhanski, Yoshke (Meyerim the shoemaker's);

[Page 596]

  1. Reznik, Nekhama (Moshe Yitskhok's wife);
  2. Reznik, ? (her daughter);
  3. Sharubski, Rokhl (Heshl the rabbi's).
B. Others:

In addition to these 55 partisans, the following citizens of our town survived the decimation [?] of our hometown: (This list does not include those Byteners, who immigrated across the ocean before 1939.)

  1. Bernshteyn, Zelde (Mordkhe Velvl's wife, Shmule-Yankev Goldin's daughter) – via Lithuania, the Soviet Union, Japan – lived in Canada and then in the United States – now in Buenos Aires.
  2. Lyubetkin, Tsivia (Warsaw Ghetto and afterwards in the woods and fields, now in Kibbuts Lokhamey HaGeta'ot in Israel);

“Evacuated” to the Soviet Union:

  1. Ulanski, Moyshke (Niakhke's);
  2. Abramovski, Leyzer (Shayke Khaye-Hodke's);
  3. Abramovski, Vigder (Shayke Khaye-Hodke's);
  4. Bernshteyn, Mordkhe-Velvl;
  5. Bernshteyn, Itke (Avrame Datshke's);

byt596.jpg [32 KB] - Memorial gathering of Byteners in Israel
Memorial Gathering of Byteners in Israel, August 1949

[Page 597]

  1. Bernshteyn, Dobe (Avrame Datshke's);
  2. Glazer, Meyer (Yankev's);
  3. Goldman, Tamara (Matke's);
  4. Goldman, Zavl (her son);
  5. Goldman, Gitl (her daughter);
  6. Ditkovski, Yankl (Sore-Perl's);
  7. Darevski, Frume (Shimshon's);
  8. Darevski, Moyshe (Shimshon's);
  9. Lyubetkin, Shloyme (Yankl Itshe's);
  10. Svititski, Fayvl (Moyshke Fayve's);
  11. Kovenski, Avreml (Shloymke Alter-Krashe's);

After the amnesty and liberation, some of the abovementioned fought on various fronts against the Nazi murderers. Some in the Polish Army (Avigdor Abramovski) or in the Jewish Brigade of Israel (Moyshe Darevski). Out of more than 1,200 Jewish souls in Byten, only a total of 73 survived.

Translator's footnotes
  1. This and the next six entries are not last name first. In the following list, where the first name appears at the beginning, it is that way in the original. return
  2. For the most part, these entries say, “with” the family. Sometimes, however, they have “and” the family, in which case that is what appears. return
  3. This could be a typo, since it comes between 2 Marksons. return
  4. This could also be Zaydengart, since there is no vowel indication under the yuds. return
  5. This is probably a typo in the original. return
  6. Inconsistency in the original. The first name is listed first. return
  7. Number 29 is missing from this list. Instead there are two number 28s. return

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