Photograph Captions


[See the corresponding pictures by clicking on the captions]

General view of the town, the Stripa River encircles the town
General view from the West
The famous Lipa known by the name Soveyski Lipa, near the estate of Count Potocki
The fortress (The Empty Castle)
Historic building in the town center (Ratusz)
Some of the books published in Buczacz
Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Yehuda Farb Hacohen, Agnon's grandfather
Gitel Reisa, Agnon's grandmother
A lesson at the Beit Midrash
The wall of the Great Synagogue
The tombstone of Rabbi Yitzhak Kahen
Der Jüdische Wecker [The Jewish Awakaner]
Hapanas [The Torch]
Professor Mueller's father
Professor David Tsvi (Heinrich) Mueller
Sigmund Freud's family tree
A voters' meeting in 1907
The Women's "WIZO" Activists, 1934
The "Hashmonaim" Association
The "Mizrachi" Activists, 1934
The Committee of Young Merchants, 1939
The Noar Lomed Movement, "Tzeirei Zion-Hatikvah"
The Poalei Zion (Ichud) Association, 1934
The Hebrew teacher Yisrael Farnhof with a group of students
The Zionist organization, "Achva"
Hebrew course for trainees at the "Safa Brura" [Clear Language] School
The "Hechalutz" [the Pioneer] Organization in 1928
The "Hechalutz" [the Pioneer] Organization in Buczacz in 1930
The "Hechalutz" [the Pioneer] Organization in 1924
Pioneer Kibbutz "Solel"
The first "Shomer Hatzair" group (1920)
The bridge on the way to the primary school and the "Sokol"
The market stalls next to the city council
On a Zionist celebration day
The Orphanage
The Orphanage Committee
The Hospital and Old Age Home Committee (1934)
Talmud Torah pupils with their teachers Haim Kopler and Isaac Kirshner, 1936
The kheyder [elementary religious school] of Reb Mendele
Dr. Avraham Silberstein
Chairmen of the Zion Society
Dayan Leybush Glantser, Mordechai Heller, Haim Weinberg, and Pesach Biller
Jacob Shtern, Berish Shtern, Matisyohu Weinberg, and Dr. (Bernard) Borekh Fernhof
Dr. F. Nacht and Shlomo (Solomon) Dik
Chaye Roll and Dr. Koppel Blum
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum and Leon Wechsler
Dr. Carla Gross and Ya'akov Margaliot
Shmuel Karniel (Hirshhorn) and Meier Fried
Mass grave
Mass grave holding 3635 martyrs who perished on 27 Shvat 5703 (February 2, 1943)

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