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[Page 256]

Pictures and Memorials (cont.)


Mojsze-Dawid Szperling, four years old,
torn from his mother's arms 15 May 1942

Benkel, Szoel (uncle)
Benkel, Sara (aunt)
Benkel, Icek (cousin)
Benkel, Ester-Laja (cousin)
Benkel, Fiszel (cousin)
Benkel, Chajele (cousin)
Niewiadowicz, Josel; with his wife, Fajga
Niewiadowicz, Herszel, Róża, and Aron
Niewiadowicz, Ester-Laja, Fajwisz, Fiszel, and Chanele


of our dear parents, brother, and sister

Winter, Lajbuś-Mendel – died in Brzeziny in 1918 at age 68

Winter (Bursztajn), Gitel – murdered in
Brzezin at age 48

Winter, Jechiel Estusz – killed for carrying out an act of sabotage against the Nazis

Mr. and Mrs. M. Winter
of the Benkel family

Benkel, Abraham-Lajb – died in Łódź ghetto
at age 57

Benkel (Rozenstrauch), Dwojra – murdered in Auschwitz at age 55

Benkel, Fiszel – murdered in Auschwitz at age 30

Benkel, Elija – murdered in Brzezin at age 24

Benkel, Hil – murdered in a camp near Poznań
at age 18

Benkel, Dobryś – died in Łódź at age 19

Aba Szperling – sent away in a black wagon
13 May 1942 and gassed


[Page 257]


Zajdman, Dawid ben Chaim
(Luzer Melamed's stepson)
died in New York at age 39

his wife
Dina Zajdman and children


In Eternal Memory

Reb Luzer Betcajg
(Luzer Melamed)
died in 1941 in Brzezin at age 72
my mother, Szajna-Rywka (Monat)
killed in 1942 in Łódź at age 58

Helen Atlas
Boston, Massachusetts


In Eternal Memory of my Unforgettable Parents

Zelig, Binem – murdered in the Łódź ghetto at age 53
Zelig, Sara – murdered in Brzezin in 1941 at age 53

My Grandparents

Zelig, Reb Mojsze-Pinkus, long-time member of town council and community leader

Zelig, Ester – murdered

M. Klajn-Zelig
Toronto, Canada
  Zion [Z]

Żychliński, Syna
Żychliński, Chaim

Żychliński, Icze

Żychliński, Frankel Żychliński, Luzer


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