Memorial Book of the Community of Bobruisk
and its Surroundings
(Babruysk, Belarus)

53°09' / 29°14'

Translation from:
Bobruisk; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Bobruisk u-veneteha

Edited by: Y. Slutski, Former Residents of Bobruisk in Israel and the USA

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1967



This is a translation from Bobruisk; sefer zikaron le-kehilat Bobruisk u-veneteha
(Memorial book of the community of Bobruisk and its surroundings),
Editors: Y. Slutski, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Bobruisk in Israel and the USA, 1967 (Hebrew and Yiddish 871 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Bobruisk

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TITLE: (Hebrew): Bobroysk: Sefer Zikaron li-Kehilat Bobroysk u-Venoteha (Yiddish): Yzker-Bukh far Bobroysker Kehileh un Umgegnt
PLACE: Tel Aviv :
PUBLISHER: Tarbut ve-hinukh
YEAR: 1967 PUB TYPE: Book
FORMAT: 2 v. in-1 (871p.) : ill., facsims., map, ports. ; 29 cm.
NOTES: Text in Hebrew or Yiddish.
OTHER: Slutsky, Yehuda, 1915-1978


Introduction (Yid.) 11
Map of the City of Bobruisk 15
Bobruisk Monograph (Heb.) by Yehuda Slutsky 19
Bobruisk Monograph (Yid.) by Yehuda Slutsky
First Chapter: In The Time of the Lithuanian Duchy In The Kingdom of Poland (pp. 113-117)
1. The Beginning of Bobruisk 113
2. Bobruisk in the Begininning of the Seventeenth Century 114
3. Destruction of Bobruisk in the Years of the Cossak Revolution
and the War Between Poland and Russia
4. In the Age of Polish Decline 1667-1793 116
5. The Jewish Community During the Period of Polish Rule 116
Second Chapter: Bobruisk In the Nineteenth Century (pp. 118-138)
1. Beginning of the Russian Rule 118
2. In the Time of the “Fatherland War”, 1812 119
3. The Fortress 119
4. The Fortress In The Life Of The City 121
5. The Economic Developement of Bobruisk in the 19th Century 124
6. The Part of the Jews in the Business of Bobruisk 126
7. The Wealthy 127
8. Poverty and Hardship in Bobruisk 131
9. The Fires and the “Fireman Crew” 133
10. Bobruisk at the End of the 19th Century 135
11. Employment and Income Sources to the End of the 19th Century 136
Third Chapter: The Internal Life of the Bobruisk
Jewish Community in the 19th Century
(pp. 139-154)
1. “Torah, Worship, and Interest-Free Loans” 139
2. The Rabbis in Bobruisk 140
3. Torah Study and Yeshivos 142
4. Hasidim in Bobruisk 144
5. The Charitable Societies 146
6. The Haskala Movement in Bobruisk 149
7. Beginning of Theater in Bobruisk 152
8. Zionism in Bobruisk 153
Fourth Chapter: The New Bobruisk - Bundism and Unionism (pp. 154-175)
1. Bobruisk at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century 154
2. The Great Fire 156
3. Beginning of the Socialist Movement. The Bund in Bobruisk 158
4. The Revolutionary Movement on the Eve of the First Russian Revolution (1905) 160
5. Zionists and Labor Zionists at the end of the 19th Century 163
6. In the Time of the First Russian Revolution (1905) 166
7. The Bourgeoisie in the Time of the First Revolution 169
8. On the Climax Day of the Revolution--October 1905 171
9. The Rebellion in the Fortress 172
10. The Revolution in Decline 173
Fifth Chapter: One the Eve of the First World War (pp. 175-190 )
1. Bobruisk on the Eve of the First World War 175
2. The Bobruisk Intelligentsia and its Streamings 177
3. The Cooperative Movement 179
4. The Zionist Movement and the Hebrew Language 180
5. The New Tanakh Institiute 182
6. Cultural Institutions and Societies 185
7. The Kehila and its Institutions 187
Sixth Chapter: Wars, Revolutions, Citizen Battles (pp. 190-204)
1. In the Years of the First World War 190
2. The Days of the February Revolution in Bobruisk 193
3. Awakening in Social Life 194
4. The Days of the October Revolution, 1917 195
5. The First Polish Regime in the City (End of January-End of February 1918) 196
6. Bobruisk Under the Rule of the Germans (March-November, 1918) 197
7. The Second Soviet Regime (11/29/1918-8/29/1919) 198
8. The Second Polish Regime (8/29/1919-7/10/1920) 200
9. The Era of Gangsterism 202
Seventh Chapter: The Soviet Bobruisk (pp. 204-220)
1. The General Development of Bobruisk Until the Second World War 204
2. Jews in the Economic Transformation Process and the Development of the Industry in the City 206
3. The War with the Jewish Religion 208
4. The Publishing of Books of Religious Character 210
5. Surpression of the Zionist Movement 211
6.The Organizational and Cultural Doings of the Yevsektsia 212
7. The Jewish Schools 213
8. The Catastrophe 214
9. The Underground and Partisan Movement in Bobruisk and Surroundings 217
10. The Red Army Takes Bobruisk 218
11. The Part of Jews in the Underground and Partisan Movements 218
12. Jews in Bobruisk After the Second World War 220
First Chapter: MEMORIES OF THE PAST (pp. 223-255)
The Legend of the Fortress (Heb.) by Rabbi Borukh Epstein 223
The Building of the Citadel (Heb.) by Yosef Eisenshtadt 223
The Way of the Torah (Heb.) by Yehuda Levi Epstein 223
From My Own Life (Yid.) by Elikum Tsunzer 224
Memories (Heb.) by Avrom Yakov Papirno 230
Those who are zealous for religion (Heb.) by I. L. Katznelson 232
From Once Upon A Time (Yid.) by Yisroel Kopelov
  1. The Riverbank - 233
  2. A “Good Jew” Has Come - 238
  3. Nicholas I Visits Bobruisk - 241
  4. Fires - 242
  5. Be With Reasonable People - 244
  6. The Nabor - 245
  7. The Marriage Brokers - 245
  8. The Pogroms of 1881 - 246
In the Cheder (Heb.) by Rabbi Yitzhak Nissenbaum 247
In the Bobruisk fortress (Heb.) by Shmaryahu Levin 250
A visit to Bobruisk (Heb.) by Z. H. Masliansky 254
Second Chapter: A CHRONICLE OF THE PAST (Heb., pp. 257-267)
  1. Charitable and Benevolent Institutions (1862)
  2. The Government School for Jews (1862)
  3. New Building for the Hospital (1863)
  4. Aid to the Hungry People (1867)
  5. An “Educated” Person Visits the City (1869)
  6. The Great Fire (1874)
  7. The Hospital and Pharmacy (1875)
  8. New Bathhouse (1878)
  9. Improvements in Talmud- Torah (1879)
  10. Goldfaden's Troupe in 1881 in Bobruisk
  11. Public Fasts, 1881, 1884
  12. Relations with the Fortress; The Foundation of an Old Age Home, 1884
  13. The Founding of a Volunteer Fire Department, 1886
  14. A Reception for Reb Rafael Shapira (1886)
  15. A Fight Between Jews and Non-Jews, 1887
  16. A Theater in the City,1887
  17. Loan Sharks, 1888
  18. Immigration to America (1888)
  19. Missionaries (1889)
  20. Amateur Theater (1892)
  21. A Furor Over Dancing During the Month of Av (1892)
  22. The Cholera Epidemic (1893)
  23. A Teachers' Organization (1896)


Third Chapter: RABBINATE, TORAH & HASSIDISM (pp. 269-302)
R. Baruch Mordechai Ettinger (Heb.) 269
R. Elihu Goldberg (Heb.) 271
R. Hillel ben Meir Halevi (R. Hillel Meporets) (Heb.) 271
R. Yakov Dovid Oilubski (Riidba'z) (Heb.) 273
Haridba'z Bobruisk by Yitskhak Nissenbaum (Heb.) 274
R. Shemarieh Nokh Shneurson (Heb.) 276
The Home of the Admo'r (abb. for Our Father, Teacher, and Rabbi) by Moshe Dovid Shneurson (Heb.) 277
A Will by S. N. Shneurson (Heb.) 278
HaRov Rafal Shapira by Arieh Yisrol Shapira (Heb.) 280
Rabbi Rafal Shapira by Meir Berlin (Heb.) 281
HaRov Rafal Shapira Leaves Bobruisk by M. Y. Lurie (Heb.) 282
A Sketch of my Father of Blessed Memory by Isser Shapira (Heb.) 282
R. Shmuel Bezpalov (Heb.) 283
R. Shmuel Moshe Shapira (Heb.) 283
R. Chaim Tsvi Shapira (Heb.) 285
R. Ekiba Altshul (Heb.) 285
The Hermit of Bobruisk or “The Blind Magid” (Heb.) 286
R. Mordechai Tsvi Manbi by R. Yitskhok Nissenbaum (Heb.) 287
R. Yosef Beksht by Y. Burishinski (Heb.) 288
R. Nisan Rubin (Heb.) 289
My Father My Teacher Reb Zvi Drabkin of Blessed Memory by Dovid Drabkin (Heb.) 289
R. Yichiel-Michel Halevi Epshtain (Heb.) 290
R. Avraham Dov Gabai “The Genius of Bobruisk” (Heb.) 291
In the Yeshivah of R. Ekiba Altshul by R. Yitskhok Nissenbaum (Heb.) 292
In the Great Bes-Hamidrash by Benyamin Menashe Levin (Heb.) 294
Memories of Bobruisk by Yehuda Margolin (Heb.) 295
The “Kibutz” of R. Shemarieh Nokh Shneurson by B. Tilushkin (Heb.) 296
In the Yeshivah of “The Moor” by Sh. G. (Heb.) 297
List of Bes-Medreshim of Bobruisk on the Eve of the First World War (Heb.) 298
The Prayer of R. Zalman Khetsis by Yitskhok Nissenbaum (Heb.) 299
House of Hasidim by Elihu Kfaln (Heb.) 300
Fourth Chapter: CHARACTERS AND FIGURES (pp. 305-329)
Dr. Yitzhok Shmuel Fiertog (Biography) by A.K. (Yid.) 305
The Last Days by Dr. A. Paperno (Yid.) 306
Remembrances by Mendel Elkin (Yid.) 308
From the Bobruisk Weekly (periodical, Yid.)
  1. The Memorial Service
  2. Facts
The Home of Boyaz Rabinovits by Zisleh Maretski (Heb.) 313
The Wealthy Boyaz Rabinovits by Rabbi Meier Berlin (Heb.) 318
Shmuel Aleksandrov (Heb.) 319
In the Presence of Shmuel Aleksandrov by Benyamin Menasheh Levin (Heb.) 325
Sarah Katznelson by Rachel Katznelson-Shazar (Heb.) 326
Shmuel Ben Nissan Katznelson (1880-1918) by Rachel Katznelson-Shazar (Heb.) 327
Fifth Chapter: EDUCATION AND TEACHERS (pp.333-356)
Religious Elementary Schools in Bobruisk by Ben-Amiti (Heb.) 333
My Teachers by Reuven Katzenelson (Heb.) 334
Our “Teachers” by David Shimoni (Heb.) 335
The New “Cheder” in Bobruisk by P. Shapiro (Heb.) 337
In the Modern Cheder “Tushiyah” by Ya'akov Goldberg (Heb.) 344
The Lazarivah School for Girls by Nina Katzenelson (Heb.) 345
In the Government High School by Sanya Katzenelson (Heb.) 346
Tzvirko's Gymnasia by Mordechai Katzenelson (Heb.) 349
The Gymnasia in Bobruisk by Shammai (Heb.) 349
Berel Katzenelson's Teachers by Yehudah Sharett (Heb.) 350
Shmuel-Benny Katzenelson [Katziniel] (Heb.) 351
A Critical Thinker by D. Shimoni (Heb.) 352
Teachers in Bobruisk by D. Shimoni (Heb.) 354
The Talmud-Torah in Bobruisk in 1920 by Meshulam HaLevi (Heb.) 354
Sixth Chapter: THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT (pp.359-408)
My Poor Home by Aharon Gorelik (Yid.) 359
In the Days of the First Russian Revolution (Heb. & Yid.)
  1. First Strikes – 1902,
  2. Bund Activity in 1903,
  3. The Funeral that Turned into a Demonstration,
  4. Distribution of Revolutionary Literature,
  5. Saturday night demonstration, March 20, 1904,
  6. May Day celebration, 1904,
  7. A meeting in the forest,
  8. The Demonstration on October 2, 1904,
  9. Protest Strikes Against the Slaughter in Petersburg,
  10. Armed Demonstration - March 13, 1905,
  11. Protest Meetings about the Massacre in Baku,
  12. Summer 1905-The Highpoint of the Bund's Influence,
  13. A Declaration by the Socialists About the Clashes with the Bundists,
  14. The Strike and the Great Demonstration on July 7th 1905,
  15. The Social Democrats on the July 7, 1905 Demonstration,
  16. The Funeral of Berl Genkin
  17. The Murder of a Baker in the Time of the 1906 Strike
The Escape of Y. H. Brenner from the Police in Bobruisk (1904) by Hillel Tseitlin (Heb.) 385
The First Russian Revolution in Bobruisk by Gorelik (Yid.) 386
Nineteen Hundred Five (A Chapter of Remembrances) by Mendel Elkin (Yid.) 391
Nakhman Yokhvid by Lazar Epshtein (Yid.) 399
Israel Okun by I.S. Hertz (Yid.) 403
Fragments of Memories by Berl Katznelson (Heb.) 404
In the Shadow of the Hanging by Lipman Levinson (Heb.) 405
A Visit In Bobruisk by N. Khonin (Yid.) 406
Seventh Chapter: THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT (pp.411-477)
The Beginning of Chibat-Tzion (1886) (Heb.) 411
In the Days of Unrest 1891 (Heb.) 412
In The Group of Chovevei – Tzion by Shmaryahu Levin (Heb.) 412
The Sale of Zionist Bank Subscriptions 1899 (Heb.) 414
Chaim Moshe Luzinsky (Heb.) 414
Shimon-Mordechai Luzinsky by Kaddish Luz (Heb.) 415
Yitzchak Izik Esterin by Lazar Estrin (Heb.) 416
A Zionist House by Eliyahu Dubkin (Heb.) 417
Aryeh-Leib Mazze (Heb.) 419
Arye Mazze by Rachel Katzenelsen-Shazar (Heb.) 420
In The “Bnei - Tzion” Organization by Shmuel David Rabinovitz (Heb.) 421
Yechiel Davidson (Heb.) 422
“The Workers of Zion” in Bobruisk by Mikhel Margolin (Heb.) 423
On a Mission for the S.S. Party by Ben-Zion Dinur (Heb.) 435
A Talent for the Land of Israel by Dovid Shimoni (Heb.) 437
“The Youth of Zion” and “Hekhaluts” (The Pioneer) in Bobruisk by Heshel Frumkin (Heb.) 441
With the San Remo Announcement (Heb.) 458
The Hechalutz' Movement at the Beginning of the Communist Regime by S. Katznelson (Heb.) 458
“Hechalutz” by Meier Shimoni (Heb.) 462
Halcyon Days by Fanya Tumshov (Heb.) 467
Imprisoned by Abigdur Nochmetsik (Heb.) 469
Imprisoned by the Reds by Aharon Fishkin (Heb.) 472
From the Red Prison (Poem) by A. Fishkin (Heb.) 476
Eighth Chapter: BERL KATZNELSON (pp.479-497)
About the Death (Poem) by Natan Alterman (Heb.) 479
Fragments of a Letter by Berl Katznelson (Heb.) 480
Things about Berl by Zalman Shazar (Heb.) 481
Aspects from his Childhood by S. Ginzburg (Heb.) 487
From Berl's Early Days by Dovid Shimoni (Heb.) 488
The Mother Relates by Taiba Katznelson (Heb.) 491
With Berl by Hannah Nesher-Katznelson (Heb.) 493
With Berl by Shoshana Meyron (Heb.) 496
Ninth Chapter: DOVID SHIMONI (pp.499-510)
Autobiographical Writings by Dovid Shimoni (Heb.) 499
Poems on the Vistas of the Homeland by David Shimoni (Heb.)
To My Home, From Brave Death and Life, There are Forests, An Autumn Night
In Secret by Dovid Shimoni (Heb.) 503
Fragments of Memories by Dovid Shimoni (Heb.) 504
Dovid Shimoni on His Birthplace Bobruisk by Rachel Shazar (Heb.) 509
Ya'akov Katznelson (Heb.) 513
Yisrael (Scion of Saints) by Y.L. Katznelson (Heb.) 513
Yehuda Leib Neiman (Heb.) 514
Yisroel Bernstein (Heb.) 515
Yakov ha-Kohen Ginsberg (Heb.) 516
Dr. Yakov Wagodsky (Heb.) 516
Rememberance by Dr. Yakov Vigodsky (Heb.) 517
Nissan Katznelson (Heb.) 518
Yitchok Nissenbaum by Yosef Tirosh (Heb.) 519
Shmuel Levinsky (Heb.) 521
Yitzhak Katznelson (Heb.) 522
The Hebrew Stage Comes to Bobruisk by Zipporah Katznelson (Heb.) 523
About Yitzhak Katznelson by David Shimoni (Heb.) 523
Tsilla (Celia) Dropkin (Heb.) 524
My Mother (Poem) by Celia Dropkin (Yid.) 524
With Rich Kinsman on the “Imenie” by Celia Dropkin (Yid.) 525
Joseph Tunkel (The Tunkler) (Heb.) 537
Rememberences by The Tunkler (Yid.) 538
Dr. Mordechai Rabinson (Heb.) 539
Menachem Mendel Elkin (Heb.) 540
From My Life by Mendel Elkin (Yid.) 541
A Warm Home (1910) by Peretz Hershbein (Yid.) 544
Mendel Elkin and His Guest (Memoirs) by Rachel Feigenberg (Yid.) 546
Felix Shapira by Rachel Margolin (Heb.) 548
Noakh Gorelik by Ahron Fishkin (Heb.) 549
Trefet A Ragendl (Poem) by Noakh Gorelik (Yid.) 550
Henokh Schvedik (Heb.) 551
Quiet Night Poems by Henokh Schvedik (Yid.) 551
At the Window; Chicken's Cackling; Bobruisker Clothing Factory; In a Boat Poems by Sarah Kahan (Yid.) 552
Sarah Schmukler by Yokhoved Rabinovitz (Heb.) 553
Sarah Schmukler by Dr. Hillel Jaffa (Heb.) 554
Eliezer Shane (Heb.) 555
Without Revelation by Berl Katznelson (Heb.) 556
Yosef Katznelson (Heb.) 558
Black Prince by Abba Akhimayer (Heb.) 559
Shabbati Levinsky by Kadish Luz (Heb.) 562
Writings of Italy by Shabbati Luzinsky (Heb.) 563
Abraham Glusman by Ahron Fishkin (Heb.) 565
Explorer (Poem) by Ahron Fishkin (Heb.) 566
Menachem Shemei (Heb.) 566
From My Writings by Menachem Shmei (Heb.) 567
Dr. Abraham Tzvi Pruzhinin (Heb.) 567
Abraham Nissan (Katznelson) (Heb.) 568
In Honor of the Rise of the Country by Y. ben-Tzvi (Heb.) 569
From Greiving to Rememberance by Zalman Shazar (Heb.) 570
Yisroel Noakh and Zipporah (Fanya) Fishman by Ahron Fishkin (Heb.) 571
Tsvi Nadav (Heb.) 572
Abba Achyamayer (Heb.) 573
Abba Achyamayer by Y. Margolin (Heb.) 575
Yisroel Kopeliov (Yid.) 576
Hillel Shmuel Maitin (Heb.) 577
Ahron Gorelik (Yid.) 577
Reuven Guskin (Yid.) 578
Eleventh Chapter: MEMORIES AND IMAGES (pp.581-667)
A Childhood in Faraway Places by Mordechai Lebenun (Blinki) (Heb.) 581
Bobruisk at the Beginning of the Century by Ben-Zion Appleman (Yid.) 584
What I Remember of Bobruisk by Yehuda Minkin (Yid.) 588
Bought World-to-Come by Sholem Alekhim (Yid.) 595
Journey - Netitsn by Dov Baer Slutsky (Yid.) 598
Bobruisk by The Tunkeler (Yid.) 600
What Will I Write? by Yisrol Epshtin (Heb.) 604
A Letter from Bobruisk by by Ben-Irkhmiel (Heb.) 606
Family Lists by Rhoda Katznelson (Heb.) 607
Business with the South by Reuben Katznelson (Heb.) 616
Scenes of Bobruisk by Shimon Ogin (Heb.) 618
Notes by Shimon Ginzburg (Heb.) 627
Industry Memoirs by Mordechai Katznelson (Heb.) 629
Characters of Bobruisk by Yakov Lipshin (Yid.) 631
The Candy and Chocolate Factory of Blinki by Esther Steinberg (Heb.) 633
A Decade of Activity of a Savings and Loan by A. B. Rom (Heb.) 634
A Seamstress of Bobruisk by Batya Lipshits-Shein (Heb.) 635
Hirshbein's Troupe in Bobruisk by Mendel Elkin (Yid.) 636
The Sunday Market by Velvel Zev Lefkovitz (Yid.) 638
Slobode: Fragments of a poem by Moishke Levin (Yid.) 640
Fragments by Ahron Fishkin (Heb.) 642
The House of the Shimonovitzes by Abba Akhimayer (Heb.) 648
Memories by Zelik Ruzovski (Heb.) 649
My “Little Town” Bobruisk by Meier Soloff (Yid.) 652
Bobruisk by Abba Akhimayer (Heb.) 656
Son of Bobruisk by Herts Munts'ik (Heb.) 664
The Conversations of the Lilies by Abba Akhimayer (Heb.) 666
Twelfth Chapter: FOLKLORE (pp.669-679)
Nicknames for Bobruisk by Y. Gorelik (Heb./Yid.) 669
It Smelled Here of Bobruisk by Y. Rubenshtein 669
Bobruisk's Foundation by A. Katznelson (Heb.) 670
The Wagon Drivers' Synagogue by Sh. Nissanbaum (Heb.) 671
The Divorce of Israel Bahmer by A. Y. Paperno (Heb.) 671
My Grandfather Bertshe Etinger by Matilda Lipshits (Yid.) 672
A Hagaddah from Before the Exodus by Sh. Y. Zuin (Heb.) 672
I Only Converted (from Judaism) Yesterday B. Dinur 672
Such A Funeral As A Celebration Day by Z. Gordin (Heb.) 672
The Third Rabbi (Heb.) 672
Doctor Firtug and Doctor Shregi by A. Fishkin (Heb.) 673
Pesach Eliahu the Jester (Heb.) 673
Sabbath Eve by Y. Nissenbaum & Nina Katznelson (Heb.) 675
Characters by M. Katznelson (Heb.) 675
Theives from Bobruisk by Shemarihu Levin (Heb.) 676
The Theives' Rabbi by Zisleh Mortski (Heb.) 677
The Bobruisk Turnpike by Y. Gorelik (Yid.) 677
The Beiniseisk Circus A. Fishkin (Heb.) 677
Bobruisk by Yisrol Rozenberg (Yid.) 678
Thirteenth Chapter: WAR, REVOLUTION, HOLOCAUST (pp.681-743)
With the Beginning of the First World War by Aryeh Mazeh (Heb.) 681
Time of Trial by Lipman Levinson (Heb.) 682
A Letter from Bobruisk by Dr. M. Katznelson (Heb.) 688
The Adventures of a Refugee by Dr. M. Katznelson (Heb.) 689
Journey Full of wanderings by Kaddish Luz (Heb.) 691
On the Shores of the Berezina River by M. Rudansky (Heb.) 697
The Bolsheviks in the city by David Shimoni (Heb.) 700
At the beginning of the new regime by Rachel Miron-Margolin (Heb.) 702
The Poles in Bobruisk by David Shimoni (Heb.) 703
In the Days of the Polish Occupation by Shimon Agin (Heb.) 704
During Polish Rule (Accounts of the Misdeeds of the Poles) (Heb.) 705
What Happened in My Hometown Poem by Henoch Schvedik (Yid.) 707
The Beginning of Soviet Rule by Meier Shimoni (Heb.) 708
An Old Revolutionary Visits Bobruisk in 1927 by Aaron Gorelick (Yid.) 713
In Bobruisk – 1927 by Israel Yehoshua Singer (Yid.) 718
A Visit in the Schools of Bobruisk (1934) by Esther Feldman (Heb.) 723
The Jewish Schools of Bobruisk by Ts. Dolgopolski (Heb.) 724
A Father's Letter (Heb.) 724
Jewish Soviet Schools in Bobruisk by Sonia Meizner (Yid.) 725
A War Refugee Recounts by M. G. (Heb.) 727
The Destruction of the Jews of Bobruisk (Heb.) 729
The Second World War and its Aftermath by Shimon Ogin (Heb.) 730
The Demolitions Experts at Work by Victor Sikorski (Heb.) 731
The Partisan Grandmother by R. Kavnator (Yid.) 734
Shlomo and Zalman Gorelik - Heroes of the Soviet Union (Heb.) 738
Notice from my Hometown by Berl Katznelson (Heb.) 739
About My Homeland Poem by Tsilie [Celia] Dropkin (Yid.) 739
General Hamen Poem by Nissan Alterman (Heb.) 740
After the Holocaust by Aizik Kahan (Heb.) 741
Twenty Years After the City's Liberation from the Nazis by Ben-Ami (Heb.) 742
Fourteenth Chapter: IN THE VILLAGES AROUND BOBRUISK (pp.745-829)
Osipovits by Yisrol Ritub (Heb.) 745
Osipovits... by Yakov Galinson (Heb.) 751
Yakov Shimkhe Ritov, Rabbi of Osipovits (Heb.) 762
Memories of Hlusk by Yakov Lipshits (Yid.) 764
Allegiance to the Movement by Rebecca Borland (Heb.) 768
Cholui (Heb.) 769
Lapitch (Heb.) 771
A Letter from Lapitch by Pesekh Fridland (Heb.) 771
Arieh Li Ktneh (Poem) by Yakov Davidun (Heb.) 772
Lapitch and “Til Oilenshpigel” by Yakov Davidun (Heb.) 773
Liubonitch by Shimon Ogin (Heb.) 781
Testimony about the Polish Misdeeds in Liubonitch (1920) by Michael Katznelson (Heb.) 782
A Town on Two Rivers (Svislovitch) by Shemarihu Levin (Heb.) 784
The Shtetl Starye Dorogi 1927 by Ahron Gorelik (Yid.) 790
My Village Paritsh by Shimkhe Gorelik (Yid.) 793
Notes on Paritch by Berta Nisman (Heb.) 796
The Horseshoe by Noakh Goldberg (Yid.) 797
The Seeing Blind Man by Ahron Gorelik (Yid.) 802
The Town of Paritch by Sh. Rivkin (Heb.) 803
The Holocaust in Paritch (Heb.) 803
A Letter from Paritsh by Shimkeh Gorelik (Yid.) 804
Beloved Schedrin by Chayim Yeshinovsky (Heb.) 806
In Schedrin by Dr. Y.L. Katznelson (Heb.) 806
The History of Shchedrin by G. Gankin, Dr. Z. Gordin (Heb.) 807
Stories of My Shtetl (Shchedrin) by Yankev Gorelik (Yid.) 812
Jewish Lives in Shchedrin by by G. Gankin, Dr. Z. Gordin (Yid.) 817
Soviet Shchedrin by Yehuda Slutsky (Heb.) 821
Jews in the Villages by Mordechai Katznelson (Heb.) 825
In Domanovo by Kadish Luz (Heb.) 826
Kozlovich by Mendel Elkin (Yid.) 827
Jewish Agricultural Settlements In and Around Bobruisk (Heb.) 828
Fifteenth Chapter: BOBRUISKERS IN THE WORLD (pp.831-871)
Bobruisk Natives and Immigration to the Land of Israel (Heb.) 831
Bobruiskers in America (Yid.) 835
Shimon Ginzburg (Heb.) 840
Shimon Ogin of Blessed Memory by Kadish Luz (Heb.) 841
Memorial (Heb.) 842
Epilogue The Editors (Heb.) 843
In Memory of Khaim Katsenelson Nakhum Nelson (Yid.) 844
Paid Family Memorials 845
Index 855
Index of names


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Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
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Updated 14 Dec 2024 by LA