Belzec: Stepping Stone to Genocide;
Hitler's answer to the Jewish Question
Aktion Reinhardt Personnel on Parade: Belzec 1942 |
Project Coordinator
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Biography of the Author | |
Forward and introduction by the author | |
Local history and background of Belzec | |
Significance of Belzec | |
State of current research | |
Note on language | |
German Security Services: The police emerge as the middle managers in euthanasia and leaders in the death camps | |
Introduction | |
Architects and Planners: Police State Security Organisations | |
Security Amalgamations | |
Overview: Sipo-SD/SS Police in German Society | |
Ideological Differences | |
Police Leadership: Christian Wirth, Gottleib Hering and Franz Stangl. Police Motivation | |
Chapter 2: | Euthanasia – precursor to genocide |
Introduction | |
Exclusion – Extermination Politicization – Mental Health | |
Preamble to Euthanasia | |
Charitable Foundation | |
Executive Recruitment | |
Civilian and Police Personnel Duties in T4 | |
Early Victims | |
14f13 | |
Procedures and Deceptions | |
Secondments to T4 | |
Chapter 3: | Hitler's man in the East: Odilo Globocnik |
SS – Stronghold | |
Dr. Hans Frank's Admin Plan | |
Lublin District | |
General Plan Ost | |
Germanisation Policy Zamóz | |
East Galician Deportations | |
Globocnik's rise to power | |
Reinhardt HQ Lublin | |
Reich Jews | |
Chapter 4: | Sources of Manpower |
Auxiliary Cadres: Selbstschutz | |
SS Training: Trawniki Camp | |
German-Ukrainian Partnership | |
Recruitment | |
Training | |
Assignment to Reinhardt Death Camps | |
Duties in Death Camps | |
Social Activities | |
Relationships | |
Security Risks | |
Trawniki: Final Stages | |
Jewish enforced collaboration | |
Chapter 5: | Crossover from Euthanasia to Genocide |
Pointers to a Final Solution | |
Orders for Jewish Destruction | |
Wannsee Conference | |
Euthanasia | |
Civilians: crossover to bogus SS | |
Disregard for authority | |
Majdanek and Auschwitz concentration/death camps | |
Chapter 6: | Shootings, Suicides and Disobeying Orders |
Shooting Operations | |
Refusal to shoot Jews | |
SS Shooting Practices | |
Suicides (victims and perpetrators) | |
SS: Discipline | |
Attempts by perpetrators to escape Reinhardt | |
Chapter 7: | The SS: Government-in-Waiting |
Camp Inspectorate | |
Camp Economies | |
Globocnik's Labour Camps | |
Gassing Experiments | |
Ghetto Clearance: Amon Goeth | |
Chapter 8: | Belzec: The Experimental Phase |
Visionary Concepts | |
Gas Chambers: Description 1 | |
Survivors from Belzec | |
Experiments | |
Cruelty | |
Wirth bypasses Globocnik | |
Wirth in Total Command | |
Chapter 9: | Deportations to Belzec |
Gas Chambers: Description 2 | |
Organised reconstruction and mass deportations | |
Support personnel arrive | |
Flow to the gas interrupted | |
Deportations from east Galicia and Lublin | |
Resettlement Modus Operandi Kolomyja and district | |
Road to Belzec | |
Mass breakouts for survival | |
Belzec: Second Phase | |
Final Approach | |
Entry into the Camp | |
Dead on Arrival | |
Camp Reception | |
Skilled Workers | |
Lazarett: Execution pit | |
Zamocs Deportations | |
Field of Mass Graves | |
Destruction of Evidence | |
Burning Corpses – Exhumations | |
Bone Grinding Machine | |
Belzec Closes | |
Escapes | |
The 'Entefest' (Harvest Festival) massacres | |
Globocnik is replaced | |
Reinhardt Industries | |
German War Industries | |
Poniatowa camp | |
Trawniki. Poniatowa Camp | |
End Game | |
SS Corruption | |
SS Investigations | |
Reinhardt; Division of Assets | |
Emerging Corruption | |
SS is Purged | |
Transfer of Reinhardt personnel to Italy | |
Post Reinhardt Deployment to San Sabba and Programme 'R' | |
Resettlement actions | |
Personnel knew new too much | |
Final Accounting | |
Christian Wirth is shot dead! | |
Medals and Promotions | |
Globocnik's Suicide | |
Aftermath and Retribution | |
Belzec Trial | |
Sobibor Trial | |
Treblinka Trial (1) | |
Treblinka Trial (2) | |
Soviet Trials | |
Archaeological Investigations 1997-2000 | |
Introduction | |
Previous Investigations | |
First Investigation | |
Second Investigations | |
Third Investigations | |
Fourth Investigations | |
Area of Mass Graves | |
Mass Graves 1 – 6 | |
Investigations at Ramp | |
Four Excavations | |
Metal Detector | |
Mass Graves 7 – 33 | |
Metal Detector | |
Ramp Area | |
Camp Structures | |
Statistics of 'Resettlement' Transports | |
General Overview | |
Introduction | |
Numbers | |
Reinhardt Camps | |
Numbers per Wagon | |
Commission Findings | |
Number Construction | |
Glossary | |
Bibliography, trial documentation and sources | |
Appendix 1 | Deportations to Belzec March – December 1942 |
Appendix 2 | Further deportations |
Appendix 3 | Personnel who served in Aktion Reinhardt Camps |
Appendix 4 | Community Towns Subjected to Deportation to Belzec |
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Updated 11 Jan 2013 by LA