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Antopol Martyrs of the Holocaust

Surname First Name(s)
ADREZSHINSKI Eliezer, and Beilah and the children, Pesiah and Mordekhai
AIZENBERG Hilbni, Moshkah and 2 children
AIZENBERG Itkah, the children, Hershil, Tsadok
ALPER Laizer and the children, Shainah, Yisrael, and another daughter
ALPER Shaye, Esther, and the children Motl, Avraham, Rishke, Devorah, and another child
ALTER Nunis, his wife and 3 children
ALTVARG Bailah and Libah. Yehudah and his wife
ALTVARG Zalman, Hayah and the children, Eliah, David, Yaakov, Bailah and Shabtai
ARTSIK Hinpah and members of his household, 8 people
ASH Yosef, Bailah, the children, Akiva and Eliezer
ASOVSKI Bodiah, and the children, Asher, Nahum, and Hanah-Gishah
ASOVSKI Pinchas-Eliah, Goldah, and child
ATNOVSKI Leib, Itke and the children, Meir, and three more children
AVERBUKH His wife and child
AVRAHAM Mordekhai, his wife, son, daughter, son-in-law and child
AZERNITSKI Beril, his wife and 3 children
AZERNITSKI Libah and the children, Yisrael and Esther
AZERNITSKI Motl, Moshkah and the children, Migdal and Hanah
AZERNITSKI Shimon and Shaindl and 3 children
AZERNITSKI Zalman and Moshke and the girls, Mikhalah and Rozah
AZERNITSKI Menasheh and the people of his household
BAKALTSUK   return Yirmiyahu, Yente, the children, Mosheh, Hayim, and 2 more children
BALMAT Laizer, his wife, and 3 children
BALMAT Yaakov and his household members
BARNBOIM Leibl, Rahel-Leah, and the children, Zundl and Zaidl
BARNBOIM Pinchas, his wife and child
BAYUK Berakhah
BAYUK Hayim-Mikhal, Libe, and their household members
BAYUK Laibil and their household members
BAYUK Yitshak-Hirsh and their household members
BEDER Avraham-Yitshak
BEDER Laizer, Rahel-Libah, the children, Ester, Simah
BEDER Raitsah
BEDER Yitshak
BEKHER Mosheh and their household members
BEKHER Shemuel and their household members
BERKOVITS Yaakov-Hayim, Minah and their 2 children
BERKOVITS Yitshak and Sarah
BERMAN Peshah-Hodes
BERNSTEIN Eliezer, Paitsah, the children, Aryeh, Yisrael and Hayah
BERSHNOTES Hershil and Hayah-Bailah
BLAT Shemuel, Rahel, and 2 children
BRASHEVITSKI Raizl, the children, Maitah, Efrayim and Hanah
BRASHEVITSKI Shelomoh and Esther-Bailah
BRASHEVITSKI Yosef, Leah, and the son Yaakov, Gedalyah
DAIKSEL   return David-Hirsh and members of his household
DAIKSEL Ezra, his wife and child
DAIKSEL Libe and the children, Shemuel and Ribah
DAIKSEL Miraim-Raizel and the children, Gindel and Hayim
DAIKSEL Yisrael, Devorah and his mother
DAZOK Shemuel
DUBINER Beril, Leah and the children, Yitshak and Yaakov
DUBINER Mosheh and Sarah-Maitah
DUBINER Velvil and Bailah-Libe
DUBOVSKI Yosl-David, Faigah, and the children Mosheh, Yaakov-Meir and Yisrael
DVINETS Avraham, his wife and 5 children
DVINETS Eliah, his wife and 4 children
DVINETS Raishah and 4 children
EPEL   return Mikhal
EPEL Pinchas and the children Yitshak and Yaakov
EPELBOIM Akiva and his family
EPELBOIM Bailah and the girls Faigah and Brainah
EPELBOIM Mordekhai and Bashah
EPSTEIN Akiva and Tsiporah
EPSTEIN David, Yente and the children Hayim and Mosheh Epstein Yaakov and Hayah and the daughter Rivkah
EPSTEIN Fraidl and the children
EPSTEIN Reuven, his wife and the children Shelomoh, Hanah and Mikhal
EPSTEIN Yitshak Leib and members of his household
EPSTEIN Yitshak Meir, his wife, his daughter and her husband and two grandchildren
ERLIKH Elke and her daughter Miriam
ERLIKH Mordekhai, Haikah, the children Avraham, Hershil, Velvel, Laibl and Peshe
FAKHPAH   return Yaakov and his wife
FALMAT Shelomoh, Minah, the children Tsiviyah, Yosef, and two more children
FANTSHUKH Avraham-Eliah
FANTSHUKH Reuven, his wife and seven children
FANTSHUKH Shimon and Moshkah
FANTSHUKH Yekutiel, his wife and six children
FARBER Yosef Laib and the children Zlatah and Shelomoh
FELDMAN Mosheh, Sarah and two children
FELDSTEIN Ben-Tsiyon, Sarah and the daughter Rahel
FERNIK Motl, Bailah, and the daughters Bubl, Fridl, and Hinkah
FESTER Shainah, the children Miriam, Hilel, Hayah-Leah and another girl
FINKELSTEIN Katriel, his wife and daughter Bubl
FINKELSTEIN Leah and two children
FISH Hayah and the daughters, Mirl, Libe and Teme
FISHER Pesah, his wife and two children
FISHER Yaakov, his wife and two daughters
FISHMAN Laizer, Bubl and the children Efrayim, Itke, Mosheh and Tsirl
FLOMBOIM Zalman, Perl and the child Nehemiah
FRIDMAN Berl and the daughter Zlate
FRIDMAN David, Krainah and the daughter Sarah
FRIDMAN David-Aizik, Zlatah and child
FRIDMAN Eliezer, Leah and the children Yaakov, Yehudit+B186
FRIDMAN Hirshl, his wife and child
FRIDMAN Mosheh, his wife and the children. Rahel, Mosheh, and three more sons
FRIDMAN Mosheh, Shainah and two children
FRIDMAN Yosef, Faigl and the son Shemuel
FRIDMAN Yosl, Shainah and the daughter Hayah
FROIM-SHELOMHIS Eliah, His wife and 3 children
FUKS Aharon and his son
FUTERMAN Beril, Hanah and the child
FUTERMAN Hayim Zalman and Pashah
FUTERMAN Tsadok, Bailah and the children Mosheh and Yaakov
GALOBTSHIK   return Hershil, his wife and 2 children
GALOBTSHIK Laizer, Sarah, the children, Shainah, Hayah, Vikhnah, Rodiyah, and Faigl
GALOBTSHIK Mosheh, Bubl, the children, Heniah, Shelomoh, and David
GARBER Zekharyah, his wife and the children, Leah, Avraham, and Rahel
GARFINKL Eliah-Leib, Goldah and the children, Gedaliah and Motiah
GARFINKL Faigah-Rahel
GARFINKL Sarah and the children, Mosheh-Velvil and another child
GARFINKL Shmerl, his wife and the children, Yosef and Brainah
GARFINKL Zaidl and his daughter Heniah-Rahel
GARGLIKHES Her son-in-law, his brother, and their families
GELERSTEIN Hayah and her household members
GERSTEIN Gavriel, his wife and child
GERSTEIN Mordekhai, his wife, the daughter Frumah and another child
GERSTEIN Noah, Pesil, the children Esther-Malkah, Reshah, Fraidl, Akiva, Mosheh, Yisrael and Yosef and Menahem
GERSTEIN Rivkah, the children, Mosheh and Mindl
GERSTEIN Shelomoh, Mosheh, the children, Menahem and another child
GERSTEIN Shimon, Sarah and a child
GERSTEIN Yitshak-Hersh and his wife
GLATSER Itse, Bailah and the children, Yentah and Minah
GLATSER Shaie, Hanah and the children, Shimon, Zelig, Zlatah, Haitsah and Bailah
GLIK Avraham
GLIK Hershil, his wife and the children
GLIK Shemuel-Yitshak, Sarah, and the children Rahel, Hershel, and 3 more children
GOLDBERG Aharon and Esther
GOLDBERG Avraham Yitshak, Heniah and their daughter Bashah
GOLDBERG Gedaliah, Hentsah and the children, Hinkah and Mordekhai
GOLDBERG Goldah and the children Note and Meir
GOLDBERG Mordekhai, Miriam, and the children, Aryeh and Bubl
GOLDBERG Moseh-Eliah, his wife and daughter, Frumah
GOLDBERG Mosheh and Rahel-Malkah
GOLDBERG Mosheh, Bailah, and 4 children
GOLDBERG Nahum, his wife and the children, Alter, Sarah, and 4 more children
GOLDBERG Shelomoh, his wife and child
GOLDBERG Shimon, his wife and three children
GOLDBERG Yaakov, Hashah and the girls, Hinkah, Heniah, Blumah and Tseviah
GOLDBERG Yaakov-Hirsh and his household
GOLDBERG Yaakov-Mosheh and his household members
GOLDBERG Yehudah and his wife
GOLDBERG Yisrael and Frumah
GOLDBERG Yitshak and his wife and his household members
GOLDBERG Yudl, Raizl, and the children, Leah and Bashke
GOLDFARB Meir and his wife
GOLDFARB Toibah, the children, Meir, Pinchas-Eliah, Yaakov
GOLDSHUL Bailah and Libah
GOLDSHUL Yitshak, Rainah and 2 children
GOLDSMID Yaakov, his wife, and 7 children
GOLDSTEIN Yisrael, Bailah-Goldah, the children Pinchas, Leah, and Yaakov
GOPER Avraham, Alte and the children, Miriam, Bashke, Goldah and Gedaliah
GOPER Hayim, Rivkah, and the children Hanah, Eliah, Yehiel, Yosef, Sarah and Faigah
GOPER Yitshak, his wife and their daughter
GORDON Binyamin, Heniah-Gutke and the son, Motiah
GORDON Yeshayah, Nehamah and child
GORNIK Yeshayah, his wife and 4 children
GOZALTNI Faivl, his wife and 4 children
GRINBERG Asher, Mosheh and 2 children
GRINBERG Yaakov, Leah and the children, Yosef, Fraidl
GRINSPAN Yosef and his mother
GROSMAN Gershon, Rahel and the daughters Hashah and Ilke
GROSMAN Mosheh, and his household members
GUNSK Hershil, his wife, and 5 children
GURSKI Mosheh, his wife, and the children
GUTER Itsl, Hanah, the son and grandchild
GUTER Yosef and Itke
GVIRTSMAN Eliah and the son, Avraham
GVIRTSMAN Laibl, Libe, and 2 children
GVIRTSMAN Yeruham and Leahkah
HERSHENHORN   return Faigl
HERSHENHORN Lifshah and her daughter Lailah
HERSHENHORN Rivkah, the children, Mosheh and Mindl
HERSHENHORN Shelomoh, Ester and the children
KADINER   return Laibl, Pashah and the children Blumah, Vikhne and Gitl
KADINER Mosheh, his wife and 2 children
KAGAN Eliah, his wife, their son and their married daughters
KAGAN Lipman and his wife
KAGAN Reuben and members of his household
KAGAN Shelomoh, Goldah, the children Yaakov, Mosheh, Sarah, Nehamah, Brainah, Motl and Rozah
KAGAN Shemuel, his wife and daughter
KAGAN Yaakov, Hayah Hodes and the children, Itkah, Genshah, Yitshak
KALABELSKI Hayah and the children Perl and Shelomoh
KALDANER Meir-Yosl, his wife, the son Getsil, the daughter Rahel, her husband and 2 children
KAMENETSKI Aharon-Asher, Goldah and the children Avraham, Yisrael and Fridah
KAMENETSKI Berl, Zlate and the children
KAMENETSKI Gershon, Tseviah and the children Raishah and Shemuel
KAMENETSKI Mordekhai, Tsiporah and the children Ester, Pashah, Devorah, Goldah, Shainah, Daboshah
KAMENETSKI Mosheh and Sarah, Hershl, Yoel and Shifrah
KANTSIPER Abba, Tsaitl, and the children Yudl, Yosef and another daughter
KAPELUSHNIK Laibl and Fridah
KAPELUSHNIK Velvil and members of his household
KAPLAN Aharon and members of his household
KAPLAN Aharon Shemuel, Hayah and the daughter, Hanah
KAPLAN Aharon-Asher, Leah and the children Ester and Ben-Tsiyon
KAPLAN David and Malkah
KAPLAN David, Rahel and 2 children
KAPLAN David-Yosl, Rodiah and the children Libe, Laibl , Rivkah and 2 more children
KAPLAN Gedaliah
KAPLAN Gershon, Berakhah and the child
KAPLAN Hodes, and members of their household
KAPLAN Laizer and members of his household
KAPLAN Mosheh, his wife and 2 children
KAPLAN Motl, Pashah, the children Rahel, Avraham and Mindl
KAPLAN Sarah and members of her household
KAPLAN Yitshak and members of his household
KARLINSKI Shelomoh, his wife and the children Hanah, Note, and another child
KARLINSKI Zaidl, his wife and the child
KATS Shimon, Bailah and the child Laib
KAZAN Avraham and members of his household
KAZAN Ezra and Bodiah
KAZAN Pinchas, his wife and 2 children
KAZAN Yitshak and members of his household
KIPL Sarah and 7 children
KISELOV Bailah and the children Hayim, Yosef and Mirelah
KITSHIN Hayah and her daughter Mindl
KLUG and his family
KLUG Hershil and his family
KLUG Miriam
KLUG Shemuel, Shainah-Rivkah, and the girl Devorah
KLUG Yitshak
KLUG Yosl, his son, Avigdor, his wife and 6 children
KOHON Avigdor
KOHON Hershl
KOHON Lipman and his wife
KOHON Mosheh, his wife and their son, Nehemiah
KOIPERMAN and member of his household
KOPL Avraham-Yitshak, his wife and the children Gershon, Bailah, and three more children
KOPL (Der Kotlar)
KOTLIAR Sarah and the children Taibah and 3 more sons
KOTSKI Laibl and his wife
KOVOL Avraham-Yitshak and Heniah-Rivkah
KOVOL Beril, Etil, and the children Yaakov, Sarah, Haninah, Hayim-Getsil
KOVOL Beril, his wife and children
KOVOL Yisrael, Breine and the children Mosheh-Laid, Shemuel, Yaakov, Yosef, Hanah, Perl and Haninah
KRINSKI Pintsah and members of her household
KROKHMALNIK Yosef and members of his household
KRONENBERG Mates, his wife and children
KRONENBERG Pinchas, Hayah and the children
KRUM Laibl, his wife and 3 children
KUPERMAN Arieh and members of his household
KUPETSKI Beril and members of his household
MARENBLAT   return Mosheh, his wife and children
MARKITER Reuven, Sarah-Vitah and son, David
MELAMED Nehemiah and his wife
MELAMED Yitshak and members of his household
MELAMED Zerah and members of his household
MELIS Eliah, Pashah and the child Laibkah
MIKHAEL Yoel-Leibs and members of his household
MILSHLTEIN Binyamin, Plate and two children
MILSHTEIN Mosheh and members of his household
MILSHTEIN Rivkah and members of her household
MILSHTEIN Yisrael, Rivkah and the children, Yaakov-Hayim and three more children
MILSHTEIN Yosef, Hayah and child
MOLIAR Pinchas, his wife and 4 children
MOLIAR Shemuel and members of his household
MOLIAR Tamah and the children, Hayah and another child
MOLIAR Tsipah and the children, Brainah, Yosef and another child
MOLIAR Yitshak-Aharon, his wife and the daughters, Rahel and Yente
MORGENSHTERN Hayim, Taamah and the children, Eliezer, Elimelekh, Zerah and Yitshak
NADELMAN   return Reuven, Hayah and 2 children
NADL Eliah, his wife and the children Boniah, Mosheh and one more child
NADL Ezra and members of his household
NADL Mosheh
NADL Nahah, Bailah-Golde and Pesil
NADL Tsirl, Shelomoh and sons Yisrael-Mikhael, and Yitshak-Hersh
NAIDITSH Mosheh, his wife and the children Zunik and Nunik
NEIDUS Shaye, Goldah and daughter
NEIDUS Shemuel, Shaindl, and the children Tsiporah and Avraham
NOVIDK David-Yosl, his wife, daughter and grandchild
NOVIK Devorah and members of her household
NOVIK Faivl, Tamarah and four children
NOVIK Mikhael, Teme and the children Hanah, Berakhah, Tsipah, Shemuel and Shaindl
NOVIK Mordekhai, his wife, their daughter, their son-in-law, and 3 grandchildren
NOVIK Mosheh, Martah and the children Gindil, Zusl, Leah and one more child
NOVIK Shemuel and members of his household
NOVIK Shimon and members of his household
NOVIK Yaakov-David, his wife and 6 children
NUSBOIM Avraham-Aharon, Faigl, Itsl, Yosl and Sarah
OLIKER   return Hayim, Beilah, and the children, Heniah and Itsil
OSIPOVITS Ber-Leib, his wife and 3 children
OSIPOVITS Brainah and his son, Motiah
PASHAH   return Yaakov-Hayims
PERLMUTER Menahem and Hayah-Rahel
PILTSHUK Mordekhai and members of his household
PODOLEVSKI Hayim-Yitshak, Ester and the children Hershl and Meir
PODOREVSKI Avraham, Faniah and the children Rozah and one more child
POIMER Leah and the children, Itsil, Shaindl, Shelomoh
POLEVSKI Shmeril, his wife and daughter Sarah
POLIAK Aharon, Miriam and the children Rivkah, Rahel and Asher
POMERANETS Beril, Itkah and child
POMERANETS Fridah and her son Motil
POMERANETS Gedaliah, his wife and four children
POMERANETS Henakh, Brainah and the children Hershil, Yaakov-Meir, Hayah and Leah
POMERANETS Hershl, Bashah-Yente, Bailah, Rahel and another brother
POMERANETS Leah and the daughters, Gitl, Blumah
POMERANETS Maniah and her son
POMERANETS Meir and Hayah-Leah
POMERANETS Meir-Hayim and Ester
POMERANETS Mordekhai and his wife
POMERANETS Mosheh, Shainah and the children
POMERANETS Note, Dinah and child
POMERANETS Pashah and members of his household
POSHTSANKER Aharon and members of his household
POSTAL Akiva, Toibah and four children
POSTAL Devorah and the son Yisrael
POSTAL Faigah-Pashah and the daughter Hayah
POSTAL Goldah and the children Mosheh and Mirl
POSTAL Hayah-Raizl, the daughter Ester, her husband Yosef and the children Minah and Faigl
POSTAL Pinchas
POSTAL Shainah-Faigl
POSTAL Yehezkel and Goldah, Meir and Shaindl
POZNIAK Beril, Sarah and members of their household
POZNIAK Laib, Heniah and the children Avraham and three more sons
POZNIAK Meir, his wife and 7 children
POZSHES Hayim-Meir, Malkah and the children Zaidl, Yaakov, Lilbah
POZSHES Yerahmiel, Etil and daughter Faigl
PRUZSHANSKI Mendl, Rahel and the children Tsiporah, Yaakov, Perl and Nehemiah
PRUZSHANSKI Mosheh, Yehoshua, Shainah and child
PRUZSHANSKI Yaakov, Hanah and the daughter Rahel
RABINOVITSH   return Barukh-Hirsh, Hanah, and the girl, Goldah
RABINOVITSH Hayim, his wife and 4 children
RABINOVITSH Nahah (ha-Rabanit)
RATNER Mosheh, his wife and the son Beril
RAVINSKI Avraham-Hirsh, Minah and the daughter Shoshanah
RAVINSKI Mosheh, his wife and the daughter Hentse
REZNIK Pinchas, Nehamah and the son Shemuel
ROTENBERG Mordekhai, Tsipah and the children Hayim, Meir and the 2 daughters
ROZENBOIM Laizer, Rozah and the daughters Shulamit and Hayutah
ROZENBOIM Yaakov-Shemuel and Lifshah
RUBINSTEIN Gadie and his wife
RUBINSTEIN Heniah-Faigah
RUBINSTEIN Shalvah and Rodiah
RUBINSTEIN Shimon, Bertah, and the children Faniah, Poliah, Motl and 3 more children
RUBINSTEIN Yosef, Malkah and the children Zelig, Motel and Rivkah
RUDETSKI Yirmiyahu, Faigl and child
RUSHEVSKI Shelomoh, Dinkah and the child Elkanah
RUSHEVSKI Zalman, Elke and the child Meir
SAHAROV   return Avraham, Hamke, and the daughters Osnah, Hayah-Etil, Shainah and Bereleh
SAHAROV Hanah-Rivkah and the daughter, Taibl
SAPIR Binyamin and his wife
SAPIR Yaakov and members of his household
SAPIR Yosef and members of his household
SEGAL Ever, Raizl, and the children Shemuel and Zaidl
SERKIN ha-Moreh
SHAGAN Aharon, Bashe, Yente and child
SHAGAN ha-Rofe and his wife
SHAINBOIM Zaidl, Rivkah and the son Zelig
SHAPIRA Avraham-Yitshak and Rahel and 3 children
SHAUL ha-Nagar and his mother
SHEDROVITSKI Fraidah and 3 daughters
SHERESHEVSKI Eliezer, Heniah, and the daughters Faniah and Sarah
SHEVELEVITSH Motl, Mirke and the children Hayah, Hayim and another child
SHPILKE Tamah-Leah
SHTERMAN Hanah and members of her household
SHTERMAN Hershil, his wife and son Yisrael
SHTERMAN Mosheh, Hanah-Malkah and the children Pashah, Sarah, and Rahel
SHUB Eliah
SHUB Hodes and members of her household
SHUB Motl, Svitsah, and 2 children
SHUB Shelomoh
SHUB Yirmiyahu, his wife and members of their household
SHUB Zaidl and members of his household
SHVARTSSTEIN Eliah, his wife and 2 children
SHVARTSSTEIN His wife and 10 children
SHVARTSSTEIN Motl, his wife and 2 children
SHVARTSSTEIN Shevtil and his wife
SIROTE Avigdor and Hashah
SIROTE Hayim, Hayah and child
SIROTE Yosl, Bubl and the children Mirah and Mosheh
SKAKUN David-Hersh
SKAKUN Shakhna and Bailah
SLONIMSKI Eliah, Hayah and the children Shaindl, Motiah, Asher, Hanah and Yente
SLONIMSKI Shaye, Zlate and the children Hershil, Shaindl, Fridl and Asher
SOLOVAITSHIK Yosef and his family
STARASELSKI Meir, Ester and 2 children
TENENBOIM   return Devorah, her husband, mother and 2 children
TIMIANKER Rahel-Bashah and the children Velvel, Laizer and one more child
TSIRULNIK His wife Tsiporah and child
VAINSHTAIN   return Efrayim
VAISMAN Yosef, Raizl and the daughters, Bailah, Hanah, and Rahel
VAITSL Hayim, his wife and 3 children
VAIZL Mosheh, his wife and 7 children
VALDMAN Barukh, Libe and the children Devorah, Shelomoh, and Mosheh
VALDMAN David-Yosef and his household members
VARSHAVSKI David, GItl, and child
VARSHE Avraham-Yaakov, Gitl and daughter
VARSHE Binyamin, Pesl, and the son, Shemuel
VARSHE Eliah, Goldah and the son, Gershon
VARSHE Ester, her husband, Berl, and 2 children
VARSHE Laizer, Hayah-Sarah and the children, Mikhael, Rahel, and 2 more children
VARSHE Shainah and the children, Avraham-Yaakov and Haikah
VARSHE Shemuel and Brainah
VARSHE Velvil, Ester-Leah, and the children, Raishah, Peshah, Barukh and Goldah
VARSHE Yehudah and his household members
VARSHE Yitshak, Shifrah, and 6 children
VARSHE Yudl, Rahel and the 2 children
VERNIK Hayah and the son Laibl
VIGOTSKI Pinah, Tsipah and the children
VINIK Hashah and her grandson, Aharon
VINIK Laibl and members of his household
VINIK Shelomoh and members of his household
VISOTSKI Meir, Polah and the daughter Tsilah
VOLANSKI Berl and his household members
VOLANSKI David, his wife and the children Yente, Libe and still three more sons
VOLANSKI David, his wife, the children, Yute, Libe and 3 more sons
VOLANSKI Mosheh-Meir, Soniah, and the children, Libe, Haim, and Heniah
VOLANSKI Shelomoh, Ester-Bailah, the children, Hayim, Maitah and Navah
VOLIAK Libl, Sarah and 3 children
VOLILNETS Asher, his wife and 2 daughters
VOLILNETS Beril, Bashah and 2 children
VOLINETS Avraham and his household members
VOLINETS Avraham-Hirsh and his household members
VOLINETS Beril, Faigl and child
VOLINETS David, Itkah and 2 children
VOLINETS Ester-Raizl
VOLINETS Fradel and her son Mosheh-Ber
VOLINETS Hershl, Stishah and the children Ester, Tsaitl, and 1 more child
VOLINETS Hersh-Laib, his wife and the children Laizer, Ester, Avraham, Heniah, and 2 more children
VOLINETS Leibke and Rivkah
VOLINETS Menahem and his household members
VOLINETS Mindl and the children, BInyamin, Asher, Tsiril
VOLINETS Mordekhai, Yokheved, and the children, Sarah, Tsadok, Itl-Heniah, Ruhamah, Berl, Avraham and Hayah
VOLINETS Mosheh and his household members
VOLINETS Mosheh Velvil and his household members
VOLINETS Mosheh-Yitshak, Itkah and the children, Ester and Avraham
VOLINETS Moshkah and the daughters Leah and Shainah
VOLINETS Motil and his household members
VOLINETS Naftali, Tsarne and the children, Yosef and Bailah
VOLINETS Nahum and Heniah
VOLINETS Ribah and her children, the Rabbi Shemuel and another son
VOLINETS Shelomoh and sarah and 3 children
VOLINETS Tsevi-Leib, his wife, his son, his daughters and their families
VOLINETS Tsiril, her husband and 2 children
VOLINETS Tuviah, Rahel and the children, GItl and Pashah
VOLINETS Velvil and the members of his household
VOLINETS YItshak-Aharon and his household members
VOLINETS Yosef and Bailah and the daughter Ester
VOLINETS Yudl and 2 children
VOLINETS Yudl, Rivkah-Leah and 2 daughters
VOLINETS Zaidl, Ester-Leah, and the children Rodiah, Yeshayah, Shaindl, Yehudit and Yehoshua
VOLINETS Zalman, Ester and the children Sarah-Leah
VOLKIN The Rabbi, Yitshak-Elhanan, Shifrah, and the children, Mosheh and two more children
VOLLINETS Hershl, Leah, and the children Samuel, Aidl, Berl and Nahum
VOLOVELSKI Menahem, Malkah and the children, David and one more child
VOLOVELSKI Senkah, his wife and the children, Atiah and one more child
VOLOVELSKI Yaakov-Leib, Setirah and the son David
VUDENAS Yaakov, Miriam and the daughters, Hayah and one more daughter


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 4 Apr 2010 by LA