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[Page 32 - English] [Page 63 - Hebrew]

Memories of Youth

Tirza Listopad

Over 300 Jewish families lived in the town of Zuromin. Most of these were very religious and were divided into different factions, each group supporting its rabbi. My father was part of the group supporting the Rabbi of Alexander. It was therefore hard to join a non-religious organization.

The first to organize in spite of this were theater lovers, who started studying the art of drama in private homes. Plays were organized by Peretz Gutenberg and the Rakover brothers, and the cast included Nathan Nagurk, Eliezer Dragon, Yocheved Listopad, Helen Sklar, and Chana Idel Zelig. Ansky's Dybbuk, Strindberg's The Father,. Shalom Aleichem's The Great Jackpot and many other good plays were raised.

During the early twenties Zuromin had no proper theatre, and plays were performed in an old fire brigade shack, the road to which was difficult. Nonetheless, many a visitor applauded enthusiastically in warm appreciation after a play. When the Peretz library was opened and organizations like the Borochov Club, the Bund, and various Zionist groups were forming, we made the decision not to create a group, but to meet early in the morning in one of the many fruit orchards, and there we used to read newspapers so as to gather knowledge of the country and the world. Everyone took part in the debates, and our delegates were Aryeh Kendszer, Israel Moshe Listopad and Shraga Ostrowiec. We also discussed books we had read.

As time passed, some of our friends emigrated abroad and others joined political organizations. The youth of our town were spending their time in quite interesting ways. We organized conventions in which different party delegates, such as Yakov Zerubavel of the leftist Zionist Workers, Schneiderman and Dov Ber Malkin were present. On Saturday nights lectures were given and questions were asked on various topics. It was a good and popular form of entertainment for the youth of those times. Hashomer Hatzair and Young Zion youngsters enjoyed htemselves with their Hora dances. Religious circles were also organized, even publishing a hand-written paper.

Only in 1939, when Hitler's armies invaded Poland, did the catastrophe occur, and chaos struck our town, unforgettable to its Jews. We used to be a big family, but now only a few are left. Much has been recorded in our literature of the Germans' relentless persecution of our people, but a small affair which befell my family always comes to my mind:

When our store was robbed by Germans, a rumor was spread that our town would pay for the stolen goods upon the issuing of a receipt. My mother asked a German for a receipt, and he politely gave her one. Only when my mother came back home, happily contented, did we discover the inscription “To be cashed in Palestine.” It was you then, damned German, who foresaw the trial and execution, the repayment,of one of the biggest murderers [Translator's note: Eichmann], not in Palestine but in the Jewish state of Israel. Our lives in Israel are fulfilling, satisfying the heart and the soul. Life in Zuromin was hard, but childhood memories cannot be forgotten. We can only remember them fondly.


[Page 64 - Hebrew]

Translated by Jerrold Landau


Newspaper photocopy page 64: Our Way. – Edition 8 of the newspaper
that was published by hand by the youths of Agudas Yisroel, 1935


{Translator's note: the following is a partial translation of the front page of the newspaper photocopied on this page.}

Our Way!
Published by Agudas Yisroel Youth in Zuromin
The month of Shvat 5686 (1926)

Publicity and Literature Section

  1. Off with the Mask! By Zahavi
  2. Agudas Yisroel and Nationalism by A.M. Walecki
  3. The Lessons from the Events in Germany by Y. Goldek
  4. Luxury and Modernism by M. Goldsztejn
  5. A Discussion on Judaism by N. Ryczyk
  6. Pretentiousness by M. R.
  7. The Penitent, a Portrait by D. L.
  8. He Wishes to Travel to the Land of Israel – A Narrative by Yemini
  9. The Splendid Evening – A Portrait of Life in our Town by A. T.
  10. Tu Bishvat

Humor and Satire Section

  1. The Successful Revolution – an Episode by Y. G.
  2. Chaim Wallach the Shamash – Humoresque by M. Z.
  3. Festive Occasions at Mizrachi – a Monologue by Gurarie
  4. A Suggestion from a Journalist by Ch. N.
  5. The Scoffer – written by a student from among the scoffers in the Land of Scoffers

Members! Pay your weekly dues regularly. Take part in all of the cultural events that we arrange. Give of our cultural and financial energies to the organization so that it can live and exist!!!

Agudas Yisroel youth desires to educate and to perfect the young generation in the path of Torah and tradition
{The text in the upper right box is not legible.}

Support the settlement fund for the soldiers. Thereby you help free our Jewish soldiers in the country from Marxist influence!
Agudas Yisroel strives to settle all of the questions of the Jewish people that come up during day to day life, both in the Diaspora and in the land of Israel, in the spirit of Torah and our Traditions!

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