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Images from Wyszogrod

(Yiddish Part - cont.)

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Caption Page Picture
Henech Kohen with his family. The sister-in-law is standing 224
Abraham Walfisz (Fiszele) 225
Kalman Ogrodnik, a musician and a conductor 226
The Krongrad family in the wedding of Ajdel 228
Krongrad 229
The Zilberboim family, upon the Alyia of their daughter Sara Ester and her husband Pinchas 230
Abraham Hersz Feder z”l 231
The Krongrad family in the wedding of Ajdel 233
The son of Aba Meir Gmach 234
Ita, the “Rembowiaczke” of the Lichtenstein family, died at the age of 113 236
Haim Joseph Holender z”l 237
Masza Szlinger, the daughter of Aba Grosman (from a dynasty of cantors) and her husband Icchak 240
Yerucham, Rachel, Mosza Czszape, Lajbel and his child Mosze Dudl (in the article about the teacher Wierzunski 241
Baruch Kahan (Argentina) 242
The synagogue, the upper floor 244
The grand synagogue 245
The synagogue and a street in Wyszogrod 247
The Book Committee 250
Dawid Lipman 251
Menachem Zilberstein 251
Gabe (Gabriel) Lichtenshtein 251
Abraham Kohen 251
Simcha Lipski 251
Icchak Keizman 251
Chail Puterman 251
Jankel Kohen, Mendel Ogrodnik, Chaim Lichtenstein, Srulik Ogrodnik, Abraham Sznajder 252
Menachem Zilberstein 253
The “Merkaz Hatzionim” (Zionist Center) 254
A party with Dawid Lipman, 1960 257
Baruch Kroy, the treasurer of the library, Mosze Prusak, Hersz Lajb Dziedzicz – cultural activists 262
Lajbisz Gmach standing with a child in his hands with his family 272
Ozer Szczape z”l with his wife, may she rest in peace 273
Wyszogroder's assembly in honor of Abraham Czopa and Andzja Gmach from Paris 274
“Yavne” school 277
Gabe (Gabriel) Lichtenshtein 279
Yosef Kwaszny (Montivideo) 280
Herszel Sznajder 282
Yoske Lewin with his wife, Menachem Kohen with his wife 282
Kajla Lichtenstein 282
Fajwel Lichtenstein 282
The ascent to the synagogue (Jakob & Andzja Gmach) 286
Sz. M. Kirszenbaum, A. Krongrad, B. Zawierucha, Ch. Gotfarb, M. Wajngart, S. Gmach, I. Lichtenstein 288
Mania Wajngart, Szlomo's sister and Salia Kohn 290
Szajndel, R' Jakob Yehuda Pelz and Kalman, Ester Cypora 295

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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