51°13' / 18°33'
Translation of
Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Wielun
Publisher: Wielun Organization in Israel and the Memorial Book Committee in USA
Published in Tel Aviv, 1971
Our sincere appreciation to Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wielun
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner
Part One | ||
The history of the Jews in Wielun [H] | Dr. Yakov Goldberg | 19 |
The history of the Jews in Wielun | Dr. Yakov Goldberg | 30 |
The history of the Jews in Wielun (sources and bibliographies) [Polish] | 43 | |
Wielun in the year 1827 [Polish] | 44 | |
The Jewish Community in Wielun | Fabian Kahn | 45 |
The murder in Pantnew, near Wielun | Moshe Mendelewitz | 47 |
The horrible murder in Pontnew | 47 | |
Wielun | Noah Prilutzki | 50 |
Details about the Wielun history | 51 | |
Part Two | ||
I love you, my town [H] | Yitzhak Lachman | 55 |
Memories [H] | Chaim Kashepitzki | 56 |
Social help during WWI | Moshe Mendelewitz | 63 |
Festivities in the cemetery | M. BenYosef | 66 |
Messiah is coming | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 67 |
Life in the Bet Hamidrash | Yitzhak Lachman | 68 |
Figures in Wielun of long ago | Baruch Meirantz | 69 |
Chana Avraham Israels Ite the vinegarmaker | Gavriel Kanyarski | 71 |
Spring water for Sabbath | Yitzhak Lachman | 72 |
The Bet Midrash for young unmarried men | B. Meirantz | 73 |
Memories from my childhood days | Rozhke Silberberg | 74 |
The old market | Yakov Eliash | 76 |
My parents and my little town Wielun | Pearl Rosenberg | 78 |
My town [H] | Michael Konopnitzki | 81 |
Promise of a dowry and its consequences [H] | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 82 |
Farewell, my town! [H] | Efraim Besserglick | 83 |
The deportation of Jews from Germany [H] | Shlomo Unikovski | 84 |
Events in Wielun | I. Eliash & Ch. L. Moscowitz | 85 |
Memories from old days | Mordechai Schenitzki | 87 |
The Clothing the Naked Society | M. H. | 90 |
Family festivities | 91 | |
The shtetl Wielun | Yaffa Besserglick | 92 |
A story | Baruch Meirantz | 94 |
The cemetery in Wielun (photographs) | 96 | |
Charitable and pious women [H] | Yechiel Gelbard | 98 |
My rabbi Moshe Aharon | Shimon Horontchik | 99 |
Types in town | Chana Yakobowitz | 100 |
Life in town (photographs) | 101 | |
Part Three | ||
The Wielun Jews a creative and productive element | M. Mendelowitz | 107 |
The SmallBusinesses Association | M. M. | 114 |
The Jewish Craftsmen Association | Moshe Mendelowitz | 115 |
Part Four | ||
The Rav R'Menachem Greenberg [H] | Yitzhak Lachman | 119 |
My grandfather R'Menachem Greenberg and his family [H] | Yitzhak Sela | 120 |
Rav Menachem Greenberg [H] | Feivisk Katz | 122 |
The rabbi ADMOR R'Chanoch Heinich Gad Justman zl [H] | Yitzhak Lachman | 123 |
R'Heinich Serbernik zl | Yitzhak Lachman | 125 |
The Rav R'Moshe Besser zl [H] | Avraham Chanoch Besser | 126 |
The Jewish Wielun [H] | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 127 |
The Jewish Wielun | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 130 |
Part Five | ||
Teachers and educators | 135 | |
The teacher Lea Mendelewitz | Henia SkashinyaSteier | 140 |
Melamdim and teachers in Wielun | Yitzhak Lachman | 142 |
Melamdim in Wielun | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 144 |
Soldiers without weapons | Batia Gotthilf (Bronka Itzkowitz) | 147 |
Wielun is spreading Enlightenment | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 149 |
Jews in Medicine | Yitzhak Lachman | 150 |
Kindergartens in Wielun (photographs) | 152 | |
Students and HighSchool pupils (photographs) | 153 | |
Young people studying (photographs) | 154 | |
Elementary Schools (photographs) | 155 | |
Part Six | ||
Chovevei Zion | S. Marcus | 159 |
The beginning of Zionst activity and its development | Moshe Mendelewitz | 160 |
The Zionist association [H] | Karola Shaya | 165 |
The Hechalutz in Wielun | Avraham Mendel | 170 |
The Jewish Youth Society | Moshe Mendelewitz | 171 |
The first activities of Tzeirei Zion and Poalei Zion | Moshe Mendelewitz | 176 |
The Hechalutz organization in Wielun | Mordechai Mendel | 178 |
Photographs | 180 | |
Tzeirei Zion (Z.S.) | Moshe Mendelewitz | 184 |
Renewal of the movement in Wielun [H] | Avraham Brom | 186 |
Freiheit [Freedom] Organization in Wielun | Yakov Eliash | 189 |
Festive opening of the new Poalei Zion Hall | 193 | |
The Revisionist Movement in Wielun [H] | Chaim Kshepitzki | 194 |
The Revisionist and BEITAR Movements in Wielun | G. Kanyarski | 197 |
History of the Mizrachi in Wielun [H] | Yitzhak Lachman | 200 |
Poalei Zion in Wielun | Avraham Brom | 203 |
The youth of Poalei Zion in Wielun | David Granek | 206 |
Theater in Wielun | I. Rozhewitz | 210 |
Borochov's Evening School in Wielun | Zev Levkowitz | 212 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir Branch [H] | Moshe Mendelevitz | 214 |
The Hit'achdut [Union] party | Zev Levkowitz | 216 |
Hechalutz Hacharedi [ultrareligious pioneers] [H] | Yechiel Yerucham Gelbert | 221 |
The religious Wielun [H] | Yehoshua Eibeschitz | 223 |
The scholarly and cultural Wielun | Eliyahu Katz | 228 |
Revolutionary movements in Wielun | M. Mendelewitz | 230 |
Part Seven | ||
* * * | M. G. | 237 |
God's Justice | 239 | |
Two sisters | Shimon Horontchik | 272 |
Part Eight | ||
Photomontage of Wielun newspapers | 279 | |
Remember and never forget | B. Hermanowitz | 280 |
O Lord, righteousness belongs to You (from Daniel 9:7) | Chaim Bronstein | 281 |
Dr. Feitel Levin | Yosef Shaya | 282 |
The departure of Moshe Mendelowitz and family to Eretz Israel | P. M. | 283 |
The annual meeting of Linat Tzedek [sleeping facility for the poor] | 284 | |
A priest mentions in his will a cherished memory of a Jewish merchant | 284 | |
Farewell, our brother, the commander! [H] | 285 | |
Founding the Shekel Committee in town | 285 | |
The departure of Avraham Heinich Besser to Eretz Israel | BenZvi | 286 |
The Wielun Aguda | M. C. | 287 |
The creation of the AidCommittee for Jewish refugees from Germany | 288 | |
A thankyouletter to HachnasatOrchim in Wielun | 288 | |
Jewish children helping the refugees | 288 | |
Part Nine | ||
Personalities | 291 | |
In memory of Carola and David Shaya | Chaim Kashpitzki | 312 |
The Golden Era in Wielun | Yitzhak Lachman | 313 |
Part Ten | ||
We shall never forget them [H] | Yitzhak Sela | 327 |
Remember what Amalek has done to you | Slomo Itzkowitz | 329 |
The beginning of destruction | Mordechai Seiff | 331 |
Ten Jews sentenced to death | 335 | |
In the German hell | Moshe Herschberg | 336 |
The last years before the war and the occupation [H] | Mela Gewirtz | 339 |
Friendship between Wieluner in foreign lands [H] | Beruria Beiski | 341 |
The ruin of Wielun | M. Besserglick | 343 |
In the squeeze of the Nazi fist | David Chemora | 345 |
The liquidation of Wielun and other towns in 1942 | Tova Boraks | 347 |
Tragic experiences | Chaim Levkowitz | 349 |
Ten were hanged and one escaped [H] | Moshe Prager | 352 |
From my arrest until liberation | Godel Boraks | 353 |
Catriel Brom zl | 357 | |
A mother choked her baby to death… [H] | Fania BromEibeschitz | 358 |
To report (to the authorities) or to hide [H] | Chaim Levkowitz | 358 |
Wandering and staying home [H] | Yerachmiel Helfgott | 360 |
Letters from the ghetto [H] | Mordechai Brom | 363 |
Tragic memories | A. Ehrlich | 366 |
Good deeds of a Wielun Jew during the Hitler regime | Eliezer Korn | 367 |
The gestapo murder bath in Wielun | 367 | |
Upon the ruins of Wielun in 1966 | Tzipora turner | 368 |
A wakeful dream | Yoel Kanyarski | 370 |
Lights in the darkness | Yitzhak Sela | 371 |
We were five | Yakov Rogovski | 375 |
Sometimes it is too late… | Ch. Moskowitz | 376 |
After liberation | Pinchas Brom | 378 |
The experiences of a Wielun prisonerofwar | A. L. Helfgott | 380 |
A letter from the Wielun Town Council | 385 | |
After the liberation, in Germany | 386 | |
El Male Rahamim | 387 | |
List of Martyrs (Necrology) | 389 | |
Memorial | 401 | |
Foreword | M. Mendlevitch | 4 |
The History of the Jews of Wielun | Dr. Jakob Goldberg | 9 |
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