Book of Warsaw
(Warszawa, Poland)

52°15' / 21°00'

Translation of Pinkas Varshe

Edited by: Former Residents of Warsaw and surroundings
in Argentina

Published in Buenos Aires, 1955 (Y)




Project Coordinator

Debra Michlewitz

Emerita Coordinator: Hadassah_Lipsius


This is a translation from:  Pinkas Varshe (Book of Warsaw),
Buenos Aires, former residents of Warsaw and surroundings in Argentina, 1955 (Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Warsaw (1955)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Memory and Testimony 9
First Section: From the Earliest Days to 1795
Jews In Warsaw until the Third Partition of Poland Pinye Katz 21
The History of the Jews in Warsaw by the End of the Middle Ages Dr. E. Ringelblum 39
An Attempt to Establish the First Hebrew Printing House in Warsaw Meir Balaban 61
Old Warsaw Nachum Sokolov 65
Jewish Antiques in Warsaw Chana Kobiak 73
Jews in Warsaw in the 18th Century and their Legal Status Dr. E. Ringelblum 77
The Kościuszko Uprising and the Jewish Part in the Struggle Against the Partition of Poland M. Sachs 97
Jews in the History of Poland B. Mark 121
Second Section: From 1795 to 1939
A Glimpse Upon Warsaw M.Zakin & S. Kaminski 145
The Fight Against “Anarchism” in the Warsaw of Old E.N. Frenk 163
Chasidism in Warsaw Avraham Bik 179
Warsaw as the Center of the Haskalah [Enlightment] Movement P. Katz 187
The History of the Jewish Theater in Warsaw Noah Prilocki 195
The Activity of Ber Meisels in Warsaw Efraim Kuppfer 199
Alexander Lesser Yosef Sandel 227
Two Documents:   241
Autobiography Bronislav Grosser 247
The Year 1905 in Warsaw Prof. Shmuel Eisenstadt 259
The Bloody Wednesday K. Moskowitch 267
The Beginning of the Poalei Zion Movement in Warsaw Nir 293
The Attempt on the Life of the Governor, General Skalon N. Slonymski 319
Maurici Trembasch Yosef Sandel 345
The Big Arrest of Jewish Printers in Warsaw Moishe Tirman 357
Warsaw, the Biggest Jewish Community in Europe Prof. Meir Balaban 363
The History of the Jewish Book in Warsaw Batia Temkin Berman 375
The Jewish Leather Workers in Warsaw Ben Chaim 387
The Young Trade Unions Activists Shlomo Yedlina 397
The Chemistry Workers' Union on Nizke St. 59 in Warsaw L. Farber 403
The Jewish Porters (Merchandise Carriers) in Warsaw Ben Chaim 409
Proletarian Youth Mates Nabel 417
The Warsaw Jewish Textile Worker's Union Nosn Radzanovsky 426
The History of the Jewish Printers Union in Warsaw Yekhiel Gotovizne 435
The Jewish Metal Workers' Union in Warsaw Berish Domb 439
The First Craftsmen's Gathering in Warsaw after WWI Y. Lederman 443
My Memories About the Warsaw Youth Yonathan Grinboim 449
Martyrdom and Bravery of Warsaw Jews in Spain and France David Diamant 455
Third Section: Literature, Theater, Music, Painting, Folklore
50 Warsaw Years in the Life of Yiddish Literature Tzalel Blitz 493
Warsaw, the Cradle of the Jewish Theater Yitzhak Turkow-Grodberg 545
Music and Musical Life in Warsaw Y. Stutchewski 571
Jewish Artists in Warsaw Yosef Sandel 589
Jewish Warsaw and Y.L. Peretz Efraim Kaganowski 617
Jewish Actors in Warsaw and Surroundings Yakov Mestel 627
The Mother Ester-Rachel Yitzhak Turkow-Grodberg 635
Warsaw in Jewish Literature
A Storm over the Town Shalom Asch 643
The Strong and the Weak (A Fragment) Alkter Katzizne 651
The Old Warsaw (A Fragment) Moshe David Gisser 653
The Courtyard on Niske Street (A Fragment) Yakov Milch 655
Hunger (A Fragment) Yosef Kirman 659
The Woluwke (A Fragment) Avraham Teitelboim 661
The Young Boy from Pawia Bunem Heller 663
It was only Yesterday (A Fragment) B. Schlewin 665
The Nigun [song] of my Father's Sewing Machine (A Fragment) Moshe Scholstein 683
Through Death Toward Life (A Fragment) L. Olitzki 687
Three Poems Nute Nuterman 691
The Triumph March Shalom Asch 697
The April Sun.... Moshe Scholstein 707
Folklore: Folk Songs and Sayings   713
Personalities: Authors and Community Workers who Influenced Jewish Life in Warsaw   769
Actors and Playwrights who were Active in Warsaw   831
The Year 1905 in Warsaw Moshe Flodman 875
The “Woluwke” [used merchandise market] in Warsaw N. Kupper 885
The Ochote Road Yosef Skornik 891
The Last Exhibition of Jewish Plastic Arts in Poland Yehoshua Grossbard 897
Fourth Section: The Ghetto
The Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto Ber Mark 913
Expulsions and Destruction of Jewish Settlements in the Warsaw District T. Burstein-Berenstein 1055
The Destruction of Warsaw Y. Perle 1069
Hatred of the Jewish Police Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum 1105
The Second Aktion Yekhiel Gurni 1109
An Account of a Polish Patriot – Evidence from the Ghetto Uprising   1113
The Rescuers A. Berman 1117
The Heroic Death of Yoyne Suchaczewski in Battle Srolke Kot 1123
Mordechai Anielewicz Nachmen Mayzel 1129
Jewish Artists in Warsaw under the Hitlerist Occupation Yosef Sandel 1145
Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum Nacman Meisel 1173
The Role Warsaw Jews Played in the Bialistok Ghetto Uprising Srulke [Israel] Kott 1189
The Trial of Jurgen Stroop and Franz Konrad Ber Mark 1201
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and our Yishuv [Jewish settlements] Y. Freidkes 1251
Who was Andzej Schmidt?   1259
Fifth Section: In the New Warsaw
When the Dream Came True.... A. Kwaterko 1265
In Warsaw, February 1945 N. Koenig 1277
At the Revealing Ceremony of the Warsaw Monument Manes Scheinboim 1281
What I have Seen in the People's Republic of Poland Yosef Sandacz 1283
The Jewish National-Theater in the People's Republic of Poland Y. Lazebnik 1295
The Polish Jews in America Bunim Heller 1299
Excerpts from the Polish Liberation-Manifest on 22 July 1944   1321
High National Decorations for Jewish Cultural Activists in the People's Republic of Poland   1325
Our Co-Workers  
Biographies of Our Co-Workers   1333
Sixth Section: Warsaw Landsmanshaften in Argentina, the United States and Brazil
The Landsleit Organization of Warsaw and Surroundings in Argentina   III
The American Council of Warsaw Jews   XVI
The Association of Polish Jews in Rio De Janeiro   XXVI
Seventh Section: Necrology
The Long List of Warsaw Jews who Perished during the Horrible Years of the Nazi Rule   XXXIII

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Debra Michlewitz
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 11 Jan 2025 by LA