[Page 33]
Translated by Mira Eckhaus
Edited by Erica S. Goldman-Brodie
I. Chariztel, I. Ripper, B. Farber, A. Becker, A. Talen |
with Yoseph Bankover and Leyova Laskova-Gvati |
[Page 34]
when he immigrated to Eretz Israel |
[Page 35]
[Page 36]
named after the late Yoseph Dvortzen |
[Page 37]
A. Pep, may God avenge her, Rachel Dvortzen-Sartof, Amma Dvortzen-Farber |
the Gabay of the synagogue |
the Gabay of the Beit Midrash |
the Shamash of the Synagogue |
the Shamash of the Synagogue |
[Page 38]
the synagogue is located on the left |
[Zionist ball Olkeniki, Saturday night] |
P. Shmerkovitz and A. Savyadushz |
the bathhouse is located in the background |
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Updated 03 Apr 2022 by JH