The Growth and Destruction
of the Community of Uscilug
(Ustilug, Ukraine)

50°52' / 24°09'

Translation of
Kehilat Ustila be-vinyana u-ve-hurbana

Editor: Aryeh Avinadav

Published in Israel 1961




Project Coordinator

Mitch Fahrer


Our grateful thanks to Sondra Ettlinger
for obtaining the pictures to be included in this translation.


This is a translation of: Kehilat Ustila be-vinyana u-ve-hurbana (The growth and destruction of the community of Uscilug)
Editor: Aryeh Avinadav, Former Residents of Uscilug in Israel, Published: Israel 1961 (H, Y 334 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Uscilug

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

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The region where Ustilug is located has changed hands many times throughout history. Sometimes part of Poland, sometimes Russia, and presently as part of Ukraine, the name of the town has equally changed about as many times.

To help future generations searching for information about their ancestors, we provide the following list of names that has been given to the town of Ustilug. In the Ustilug Yizkor Book translation from Yiddish, the spelling by the original authors has not been modified.

Austile; Austiller; Ostila, Ostilla; Uscilug; Ustile; Ustilug: Ustiluh; Ustyluh

Mitch Fahrer



Translated by Yocheved Klausner

In Memory of Our Town (Foreword) A. A. 5
Generations and Eras
Ustyluh (Ustylug) Rabbi Dov Takatch 11
On the Banks of Rivers Aryeh Avinadav 16
Hb. Criminals in the Priest's House   47
In Light of Memories Elyhau Schlachter 57
Personalities and Activities
Kindness of Youth (a bundle of memories) Tzila Fleischer 71
Torah Va'avodah Movement in Ustiluh A. Ben–Dov 78
Hechalutz Branch in Ustiluh Yitzhak Farber 81
Hashomer Hatzair and Other Youth Movements in Ustiluh Zvi Hadari (Pomerantz) 85
The Cultural Center in Ustiluh Sima Rutenberg (Goldberg) 90
Figures E. Schlechter 93
In Memory of Moshe Shpirer Yakov Biterman 99
Leibale Helfman Yehudit Sapir–Chen (Helfman) 101
Two Figures– Two Destinies A. Ben–Dov 103
Three Who Dared to Protest Moshe Zemel 108
Concealed Lights Mina Sheinman 111
Grandfather's Home Menashe Secharbrot 113
Fillins – Institutions and Organizations M.K.A. 115
Figures from the Pre–Holocaust Generation   118
In Fire and in Blood
On the Ruins of Our Town Yeshayahu Meltzman 125
The Tale of Two Sisters Arie Avinadav 139
Confession (An Elegy) A. Achi–Frida 144
The Fate of One Family Bezalel Halperin 147
The Last Greetings Yitzhak Farber 149
From the Claws of Death Esther Goldman 151
Flowers and Tears
Ustiluh – Its Rich Past Rabbi Dr. Aharon Wertheim 167
My Town – Ustiluh Dr. Aharon Rosmarin 170
The School System and Children's Education in Ustiluh Baruch Goldberg 177
The Teacher and His Circle Yaakov Zipper 180
The Phenomenal Matmid [dilligent Yeshiva student] Baruch Goldberg 195
Nachman Burlyant, Z”L Tzila Fleisher 199
For God and For People Malka Chometzki (Reiz) 201
Avraham (Avrom'ke) Reiz Tzila 203
A Vanished Dream Eliezer Reiz 207
The Ustiluh Youth – From 1917 to 1922 Chaim Weinshel 210
Links in a Chain Bernard Ginsburg 215
The Tear That Was Not Shed Bella Eichenboim-Terner 230
The Destruction of Ustiluh Nachman Burlyant 239
The Massacre in Piatidan (poem) Kehat Kliger 243
A Stroll Yossel Burlyant, z”l, 246
Ustiluh in the Old Days (a poem) Tzirl 249
The “Revenge” Battalion Shmuel Diamant 251
Victims of the Shoah 267
May God Remember 278
A Scroll of Remembrance (Necrology) 280
Fallen for the Homeland 308
Yakov Cohen; Yehuda Fleisher; Aaron Blander; Avraham Korenfracht – may God avenge their blood
Passed Away 313
R'Moshe and Breindel Rosmarin; Feiga from across the river (Eichenboim), Yosef Eidelshteyn; Aaron Dror (Shovalev); Reuven Rotenberg; Yenta Gurevitz; Zehava (Golda) Eidelshteyn; Memories of Rivka Reiter, z”l; Ben Zion Goldhaber; Pinhas Sapir–Chen; Rivka Ingber; Rivka Wasserman; Yossel and Nachman Burlyant
Vision of the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37) 326
The Surviving Remnant
The Surviving Remnant 331
List of Former Ustiluh Residents in Israel 332


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