The Turobin Book;
In Memory of the Jewish community
(Turobin, Poland)

50°50' / 22°44'

Translation of
Sefer Turobin; pinkas zikaron

Editor: M. S. Geshuri

Published in Tel Aviv 1967



Project Coordinator

Dan Feder


This is a translation of: Sefer Turobin; pinkas zikaron (The Turobin book; in memory of the Jewish community),
Editor: M. S. Geshuri, Former Residents of Turobin in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1967 (H,Y 400 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Turbin

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


1. The Portal
The Turobin Yizkor Book Editorial Board 3
Irgun Yotzei Torubin Committee 4
Table of Contents 5
List of photographs 7
About the Book Editorial Committee 8
Editor's Preface [H] The Editor 9
Foreword [Y] The Editor 12
Map of Turobin 14
Demographic chart of the Turobin population 15
2. Chapters of History
History of the Jewish settlement in Turobin M. S. Geshuri 19
Sources for the History of Turobin 87
Jewish communities near Turobin 91
Chronology of Turobin:
    a. General municipal
    b. Jewish Community
3. Life in Town
History of the Town Yehoshua Ben–Ari (Heshel Silberklang) 96
Way of Life Yaakov Avituv 115
The beth midrash in Turobin Yaakov Avituv 125
In our Bet Midrash Mordechai Yoskovitz (Hopen) 126
Rabbis who Served in Turobin 128
Great Scholars and Debaters in Torah and Hassidism M.S. Geshuri 129
    A. The origins of Hassidism in Turobin and the Area 129
    B. Rabbi Noakh Shmuel Lifshitz, ABD of Turobin 134
    C. A Turobin Native – Wise Rabbi in Jerusalem 136
    D. Rabbi Eliyahu Halevi Landau, ABD of Turobin M. S. Geshuri 139
    E. The rebbe of Turobin Rabbi Yaakov Weissbrod Shimon Halamish 142
When Shabbat Arrives in the Town Itamar Hopen 147
The Deposit I. L. Peretz 149
Sayings, Conversations and Typical Stories Berrel Zuntag 151
Nicknames of Towns in the Lublin District Shimon Halamish (Shlepferman) 154
Soul Itamar Hopen 156
4. On the Way to Zion
Cultural Activities in Turobin Aryeh Goldfarb 161
Traditional Life and Zionism in Town (Memories) Shimon Halamish 165
The Tarbut Library in Turobin 170
The First Pioneer's Aliyah Itamar Hopen 172
Herrish Bitterman Goes to Eretz Israel Israel Amir 174
Hahalutz in Turobin Itamar Hopen 175
Hahalutz of Turobin Israel Amir 179
Hamizrachi Movement and Hapoel Hamizrachi in Turobin Yehoshua Ben–Ari 181
The Revisionist Movement in Turobin Yosef Kopf 183
The Eternal Wandering Jew Itamar Hopen 185
The Bund Party in Turobin 189
Bais Yaakov School for Girls
5. Figures and Types
The Four Generations of a Turobin Family Avraham Boymfeld 194
Influence of the Boymfeld Family Outside of Turobin Aharon Boymfeld 199
Figures and Experiences Itamar Hopen 204
    A) The Convert 204
    B) Turobin's Pandre 206
    C) Yehoshua Liberbom 208
    D) R' Alter Sherf (Tzaddik Nistar) 209
    E) Alter Shneiderberg 210
Figures from our Town Israel Amir (Isaac Solkis) 211
In Memory of the Departed: Mother and Son Mordecai Hopen (Yoskovitz) 213
R' Isaac the Town “Soltis” 215
R' Moshe Leib Silberklang's Family 215
A Lovely Family S. Barkai 218
The Gutbertz Family A. Ginaton 223
6. Destruction of the Turobin Community
About the Murdered Jewish People Itzhak Katzenelson 227
Our Town Burns 228
List of Turobin martyrs, may God avenge their blood 229
German extermination camps in Poland 254
The Dark Days Shlomo Zissmilkh (man of the underground) 256
The Town and Neighboring villages Yehoshua Ben–Ari 266
Memories [Y] Itte Fass (Zweken) 271
From a Living Witness – Chana Gevirtz, of blessed memory [Y] Berl Zontag 288
Memoirs [Y] Yechezkel Boimstajn 294
Under the Murderous Regime [Y] Tzivia (Einvohner) Blutman 304
War Tragedies [Y] Aryeh Goldfarb
    The Tragic Murder of Arohom Peltz and His Wife Necha< 307
    Yakov Feder, may his memory be blessed 307
Experiences [Y] Yerachmiel Fogel 307
In Memory of the Holy Martyr Mendel Szmarak, of blessed memory [Y] Dov Zuntag 310
Khone Blutman – House Brother Avrohom Treger [Y]   313
Table of Memorial Days for Turobin and surroundings 314
7. The Town in Its Life [Y]
The Town of Turobin Itamar Hoffen 318
The Admor [Honored chassidic Leader] of Turbin, Reb Yakov Veisbrod, of blessed memory Shimon Schlaferman 327
Seven Good Years Y.L. Peretz 331
“A Jew Who Recites Tehilim [Psalms]” Itamar Hofen 334
A Guest Stays Overnight Greenberg 336
A Soul Itamar Hofen 338
Memories Avrohom Boimfeld 341
Characteristic Anecdotes and Tales Berel Zuntag 347
Turobiner Sayings and Traditions Yosef Kopf 350
The Cooperative Bank for Merchants and Handworkers [Craftsmen] Aryeh Goldfarb 352
The Handworkers' Society 352
The Revisionist Organization in Turobin Yosef Kopf 353
The Agudas Yisroel in Turobin 355
A Modzitzer Nigun in Turobin 355
Rabbi Yechiel Kaminski MOTZ in Turobin 358
Yehoshua Lieberboim, of blessed memory Itamar Hofen 360
Family Kopf 361
8. Turobiner Landsleit [compatriots] in Israel and in the Diaspora Countries
Turobin Landsleit in Israel [Y] 364
Turobin Emigrants in Israel at the front of Labor and Construction 365
With Emigrants from Turobin and the Surrounding Area 372
Heroes of the War of Independence
     Uriel Goldfarb 382
     Efraim Kopf 383
     Arye (Leibel) Rosenfeld Itamar Hopen 384
The Turobin Landsmannschaft in Israel [Y]   385
Former Turobin residents in Israel - list of names and addresses 387
Former Turobin residents in other countries - list of names and addresses 390
9. An Eternal Candle – Necrology
Families Yafa, Veber [Weber], and Fuks 392
Family Leikhter 393
Gila Urbas (Kofenboim) 394
Shimshon ben Beirekh Geier 395
Reb Avrohom Zweken, may his blood be avenged 395
Family Freiberg 396
Family Kofenboim 397
Introduction in English 398


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Contact person for this translation Dan Feder
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 28 Dec 2019 by LA