Memorial book of Tomaszow-Lubelski
(Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland)

50°28' / 23°02'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron shel Tomaszow-Lub.

Editor: Moshe Gordon

Published in Jerusalem 1972

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron shel Tomaszow-Lub.
(Memorial book of Tomaszow-Lubelski),
Editor: Moshe Gordon, Jerusalem 1972 (H 577 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tomaszow-Lubelski (1972)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


The Tomaszow-Lubelski Memorial Book I-XXIV
Foreword Moshe Hacohen-Gordon 1
History of the Jews in Tomaszow-Lubelski Mordechai Bernstein 5
The Holy Man R'Pinchas of Tomaszow Shalom Lavie 20
The woman, a holy martyr S. Lamed 22
The Synagogue Pinkas [register] S. A. Braner 23
Sources for the 1648-49 pogroms From the book Pinat Yikrat 26
ADMORs in Tomaszow from Izbitza and Radzin Israel Idelman 49
The Holy Rabbi of Radzin z”l The Editor 80
The ADMOR R'Mordechai from Kuzmir in Tomaszow Moshe Ben Israel 89
"Tomaszow of Heaven" Moshe Hacohen-Gordon 101
The past ADMORs in Tomaszow Moshe Hacohen-Gordon 104
   Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kock
   Rabbi Yitzhak Meir of Gur [Gora]
   Rabbi Shlomo Eger
   Rabbi Yosele Yartzover
   Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Label
   Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner
   Rabbi Yehuda Leib Eiger
   Rabbi Yakov Leiner
   Rabbi Gershon Heinich Leiner
   Rabbi Yehoshua Rokach
   Rabbi Yissachar Dov of Belza
   Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen of Lublin
   Rabbi Arie Leibush Neuhaus
   Rabbi Yehoshua'le Tomaszower
Prayer Houses in Tomaszow-Lubelski Shalom Lavie 139
The Central Synagogue and the Bet Hamidrash Israel Silberman 152
Rabbis in Tomaszow Moshe Gozitchenski 159
   Rav and great scholar R'Moshe Roygenfisch
   Rav and great scholar R'Shmuel Hacohen Singer
   Rav R'Pinchas Menachem Singer
   Rav R'Nachman Neuhaus
   Rav R'Yosef Arie Leibush
   Rav R'Chaim Aharon Zvi Schidkovski
   Rav R'Zvi Yehezkel Michelsohn
   Rav R'Arie Leibush Rubin
   His son Rav R'Shalom Yechezkel SHLITA
   Rav R'Zev Stockhammer
   Rav R'Yerachmiel Mordechai Weinberg
A few facts about my family in Tomaszow Yitzhak Bashevis [from Yiddish: M. Ben-Israel] 180
The Rabbis of Tomaszow S. Licht 184
The Rav and great scholar R'Mordechai Rokach Moshe Gordon 187
Rav Israel Dov Hacohen Firstman, may God avenge his blood 191
The Neuhaus Rabbis Dynasty Yosef Halevi 193
Personalities: R'Nathan Nay, R'Israel Gozitchenski 197
Personalities in the Hussyatin Hassidic House in Tomaszow Ch. Y. Lehrer 206
   R'Shmuel Lederkremer
   R'Gershon Silbergeld
   R'David Goldstein
Two persons: R'Israel Hacohen Gorzitchenski, R'David Weizman Ch. Y. Lehrer 209
The letter Israel Idelman 214
R'Tevel z”l Israel Silberman 216
Memorial to one of the first Hasidim Yosef Halevi 218
R'Shalom Silberman Ch. I. Ben-Aharon 220
About my family Israel Silberman 223
My father, R'Aharon Eliezer Hacohen Lehrer z”l Ch. Y. Lehrer 225
   R'Dov Berish Weltcher
   R'Kalman Ehrlich
   R'Avraham Goldschmid
The personality of R'Shlomo Goldsamd H. Gomel 233
My grandfather R'Pinchas and "Eliyahu's Chair" in the synagogue Roy Faust Lehrer 235
Nachum Shemesh, may God avenge his blood S. Licht 237
   Shmuel Melding
   Arie Heller
   Yakov Lederkremer
   Yitzhak Karper
   Shalom Singer
   Yakov Mordechai Gutherz
   Shlomo Akst
   Gershon Brand
   Yechezkel Lehrer
   Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Schlagbaum
   His son Shmuel
   His son Yakov
   His daughter Esther and her husband Ben-Zion Honigsfeld
Alter Schtul S. Lamed 245
   Moshe Spurer
   Mordechai Gelehrnter
   Yerachmiel ben R'Arie Hacohen Mermelstein
   Yakov Yoel Shafran
   Avraham Yechezkel Biederman
   Baruch Goldstein
Mechl Yehuda Flug I. Leibowitz 251
   Shabtai Friedlander
   Bavid Herzstock
   Heinich Koch
   Alter Faber
Mendel Tepler S. Shraga 255
   Gedalia Tepler
   Shalom Tepler
   Israel Tepler
   Binyamin Weiberg
   Yitzhak Dachs
David Schwindler Dov Ben David 259
Noach ben Avraham Herbsman Asher Herbsman 260
In memory of my son Moshe, may God avenge his blood Zusha Kwenstock 261
Avigdor Eidelsberg, Moshe Reichenberg, Pinchas Goldstein S. Zamoyski 262
The Town Tomaszow-Lubelski Moshe Gozitchenski 267
Tomaszow-Lubelski, my home town Mordechai Ehrlich 272
Our town Yakov Lanyel 282
Remarks Ch. Y. Lehrer 288
The ritual slaughterers in town S. Zamoyski 291
Yeshivas in Tomaszow 293
The Novharidok Yeshiva Yosef Friedlander 295
The character of the Tomaszow people, in past years (Translated) 298
The fires in 5678-5679 [1918-1919] (Translated) 300
Jewish way of life in Tomaszow Yosef Moskop (translated) 303
How the Zionist ideas spread in our town Tomaszow M. Gozitchenski 312
The Mizrahi Organization in Tomaszow Chaim Yosef Lehrer 319
The Mizrahi leaders: Ch. Y. Lehrer 329
   R'Eliezer Lederkremer
   R'Shalom Silberman
   R'Binyamin Tepler
   R'Yakov Arbisfeld
The Organization of Young Mizrahi in Tomaszow Nachum Retzimer 336
The “Yavne” School Arie Arbesfeld 340
The Aguda Movement S. Licht 348
Halutzim (pioneers) in Tomaszow Fishel Hammer (translated) 352
The Jewish youth in Tomaszow Pinchas Ehrlich (translated) 357
Foundation of the General Zionists Organization Yakov Schwartz (translated) 366
The life and destruction of our town Tomaszow-Lubelski Yakov Schwartz (translated) 371
Short review of the “Working Eretz Israel” Asher Herbsman 377
The last remnant of survivors in Russia Chaim Yosef Lehrer 384
Memories from Tomaszow-Lubelski Shmuel Schiflinger (translated) 391
Unforgettable impressions Yakov Minkovski (translated) 394
The War and the establishment of Tze'irei Zion Association Roy Faust Lehrer (translated) 400
Establishment of the Hashomer Hatza'ir branch in Tomaszow David I. Loewenfuss 408
The “Bund” Movement in Tomaszow Lubelski David Geier (translated) 411
The “Bund” conventions David Geier 414
   Yakov Shiye Gruman
   Mordechai Weinberg
   Shlomo Lieber
    Paltik Lederkremer
   Leibish Kaftenbaum
   Shevach Kornwurzel
   Machum Schuldiner
   Kopel Spiezeisen
At the outbreak of the War Shamay Drillman 427
The bread of the poor Yona Feldsohn 432
The Yizkor Book publication committee in Israel Yakov Herbsman 434
The first communication in 1951, on the history of the “Organization of Former Residents of Tomaszow”
Organization of Former Residents of Tomaszow: the Free-of-Interest Loan Fund Zusha Kwenstock z”l 442
Writing a Torah Scroll by R'Yakov Arie Weitz Israel Silberman 443
The years of the Holocaust 1939-1945 The Editor 447
Eli, Eli [a lament, after the Piyut: Eli Zion] R'Yehuda Leib Bialer 449
Remember, do not forget M. Ben Israel 453
Lament on Tomaszow Yakov Herbsman 456
The poet: To the martyrs (poem) 463
The cruelties of the Germans in Tomaszow Chaim Yehoshua Biederman 464
Destruction and collapse Yakov Schwartz 472
Upon the ruins Dov Ben David Schwindler 474
Nachum the Blind Yakov Schwartz 476
At a time of downfall and death S. L. 480
Years of horror Rachel Schwarzbaum 486
My life under German rule Avraham Singer 503
R'Oyzer Schtul z”l M. Honigsfeld 513
Yizkor - in memory of the Holy Community of Tomaszov 515
   At Har Zion [Mount Zion] 544
Photographs of the members of the Tomaszow Committee in America 545
Photographs of the members of the Tomaszow Committee in America 546
Photographs of a Memorial Service in Haifa 547
Appendix Ch. Y. Lehrer 549


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