Tarnow; The Life and Destruction of a Jewish City
(Tarnów, Poland)

50°01' / 20°59'

Translation of
Tarnow; Kiyuma ve-Hurbana Shel Ir Yehudit

Published in Tel Aviv, 1954-1968




Project Coordinator


Ann Drillich (emerita)


This is a translation from: Tarnow; kiyuma ve-hurbana shel ir yehudit;
(The Life and Destruction of a Jewish city (2 vols)),
Editors: A. Chomet, Tel Aviv, Association of Former Residents of Tarnow, 1954-1968
(H, Y, 1381 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tarnow (1954)

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Volume I

Introduction   XI
Forward from the Editor   XVIII
The History of Jewish Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 3
The Religious Jewry
Tarnow – A Center of Torah, Hasidus, Zionism and Culture Rabbi Avraham Kahane 189
From the beginning of the Jewish community in Tarnow, its rabbis, communal workers, Torah scholars and writers Chaim Dov Friedberg 201
The Jewish Religious in Tarnow Rabbi Yehuda Gefen (Ausabel) 205
A Survey of Religious Jewry in Tarnow Yitzhak Blazer 217
The Tarnow Kloyz Yosef Margoszes 225
The Jewish Economic Life in Tarnow
Clothing Industry in Tarnow Dovid Zayden 235
Jewish Economic Institutions Dr. Avraham Chomet 240
The Part of the Tarnow Jews in Science, Art, Literature and the Press
Reb Mordechai Dovid Daniel Leibel 264
Dr. Leon Kellner Dr. Shmuel Shpan 270
Ignacy (Yitzhak) Schiper Dr. Rafael Mahler 282
Ben-Zion Rappaport and his book “Nature and Spirit” S.H. Bergman 296
Ben-Zion Rappaport Ben-Zion Zangen 298
One of the First Zionists - Chaim Neiger Dr. Shmuel Spann 300
Dr. Max Bienenstock Dr. M. Rosenbush z”l 302
Dr. Zeev Berkelhammer Yeshayahu Fejg 307
A bundle of memories of the grammarian, Moshe Aharon Wiesen z'l Ben-Zion Zangen 313
Daniel Leibel B. Weingrieb 315
The writer Yehuda Yaari (Yudke Wald) W. Brachia 316
The Young Karol Radek Dr. S. Scheinfeld, z”l 318
Jewish Scholars, Men of Letters and Commentators in Tarnow Dr. Abraham Chomet 320
Zionism in Tarnow
Tarnow in the Geography of Zionism Dr. V. Berkelhamer (of blessed memory) 348
The Zionist Movement in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 351
The “Po'alei Zion-Left” in Tarnow (1926-1939) Yitzhak Bietner (Mader) 596
Poalei Zion (united with Z.S.) Yosef Streim 608
From “Bar–Giyora” to “Gordoniya” Dr. Yeshayahu Shapira 612
In those days.. Abraham Kahana 615
Toward tomorrow Koba Fleischer 618
With the ship “Tiger-Hill” to Eretz-Israel Chaim Hertzberg 622
From Tarnow to Tel Aviv with Aliyah B' (Memoirs) Y. Shpieler 626
The JPS (Jewish Socialist Party) and the Bund
The Jewish Socialist Party – Zh. P. S. Yehosha Landau 632
The General Jewish Labor Union – Bund Oren Sporn 641
On the Jewish Workers' Struggle in Tarnow Eliezer Wurzel 667
About the Jewish Cultural System in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 670
About the Jewish Sports–Gymnastics Organizations in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 714
Charitable Unions and Committees in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 733
Memories, Personalities and Types
Memories Dr. Yeshayahu Feig 764
From my memories Yosef Heiman z”l 769
Memories of a graduate of the “Safa Berura” high-school in Tarnow Gershon Argov (Reev) 774
Jewish Life in Tarnow B. Weinreb 778
Wolf Getzler Dr. Shmuel Shpan 782
Maurycy Hutter Dr Avraham Chomet 785
To the memory of Milek Schiff Zev Kimel 789
Reb Leibish Yanowitzer Avraham Kahana, Avrech 792
Tarnow Types Dr. Yeshayahu Fajg 794
Wolf Wachskertz Dr. Avraham Chomet 798
The last ones Dr. Avraham Chomet 801
The Suffering and the Destruction of the Tarnow Jewry
The Annihilation of the Jews of Tarnow Dr. Abraham Komet 808
The World Saw and Did Nothing (pages from the Tarnow ghetto) Dvoyre Abramovitz–Horwitz 871
The Last Days of Dr. Yitzhak Shifer I. Likhterman 876
The Jewish Hospital During the Nazi Occupation Dr. Bernard Tesse 879
Reflections Rokhl Postrang 884
My Town – A Cemetery Dr. David Aykhenholts 887
Tarnow Jews around the world Dr. Avraham Chomet 890
Alphabetical list of names   919

Volume II

Yiddish TOC translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Hebrew TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Preface Editorial board 7
A. Past Eras  
There Was Once a Jewish City Tarnow Ahron Szporn 15
Tarnow “In The Old Days” [H] Dr Z. Kasif 18
Tarnow - My Old Home Avraham Zinger 25
To My Beloved Town That Is No More [H] Yaakov Fleisher 31
Contribution to the History of Jews in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chust (Comet) 37
Adolf Rudnicki – A Jew from Tarnow Menashe Unger 53
The Way of Life of the Village Jews in Tarnow County Dr. Yeshayahu Fajg (Fagi) 59
What I Remember of Jewish Tarnow Yitzhak Blazer 62
Information About the Jewish Cemetery in Tarnow Dr. Avraham Chomet 76
Our First Steps Dr. Naftali Szwarc 87
The “Hashomer Hatzair” Movement in Tarnow [H] Mink 95
From My Memories Josef Hayman 98
A Polish Poet Tells of Jewish Tarnow Abraham Chomet 106
B. In Memory of the Departed
Yoseph Umanski z”l – devoted to Hebrew language [H] Ben–Tzion Uman 113
Dr Shmuel Szpan of blessed memory (z”l) Yaakov Fleisher 115
Daniel Leibl of blessed memory Krassel 116
Zev Bloch (Webtchyu) z”l [H] Y. Fleisher 118
Dr Naftali Szwarc z”l A.Kh. 118
In memory of Ehud Shachar (Schwarz) [H] A.Kh. 119
C. Fragments of Tarnow's Jewish Community of the Past
In Pictures   121
D. The Holocaust 147
The Road of Pain and Suffering Yosef Kornila 149
The Trial of Wilhelm Heinrich Rommelmann, may his name be erased 196
A Mother's Prayer [H] Nathan-Ari Ginzberg 213
Tarnow Rabbis Who Perished oyf Kiddush haShem Menashe Unger 219
The ADMOR [Hasidic rabbi] of Grudzisk [H]   233
About the Heroic Role of the Jewish Children During Nazi Rule Ahron Szporn 234
Children Accuse   240
A Collection of Memories of the Hitlerist Hell Ruchl Goldberg-Klimek 248
Memories of the Uprising in the Tarnow Ghetto Hela Bornsztajn-Ross 257
How Miriam Korn Heroically Died Yakov Kener 261
Memories of Those Terrible Times Lily–Wider Rozenberg 264
Belzec, the Place of Death of the Tarnow Jews Yezshi Bergman 268
The Belzer Rebbe Gave Me His Blessing Dr. Yeshayahu Hendler (Tel-Aviv) 272
The Social Aid in Jewish Tarnow During the German Occupation Dr. Avraham Chomet (Khumit) 277
Christians Who Saved Tarnow Jews Dr. Avraham Chomet, Josef Kornilo 301
After the Holocaust
What Remained of Our Jewish Tarnow Yosef Kornilo 315
The “Bund” and its Activities in the Jewish Committee Tarnow after the Holocaust Ahron Szporn, Montreal, Canada 326
Tarnow Jews in Israel and Abroad
10th of Tevet, General Day of Kaddish and Remembrance of the Community of Tarnow [H] Zvi Ezrachi (Matt) 330
The Activity of the Tarnower Landsmanschaft in Montreal Ahron Szporn 331
From the Landsmanschaft in Toronto Abraham Singer 334
From the Tarnow Landsmanschaft in New–York L. Gottleib 337
From the Tarnower Landsmanschaft in Paris Abraham Chomet 339
From the Tarnower Landsmanschaft in Israel [H] Abraham Chomet 340
List of Holocaust victims 343
Memorial Pages 369
Tarnow Book Index
Tarnów Necrology Supplement


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