Book of Tarnogrod;
in Memory of the Destroyed Jewish Community
(Tarnogród, Poland)

50° 22' / 22° 45'

Translation of
Sefer Tarnogrod; le-zikaron ha-kehila ha-yehudit she-nehreva

Edited by: Sh. Kanc

Published in Tel Aviv 1966



Project Coordinator

Tom Merolla


With thanks to Lorraine Rosengarten who started this project, donated her time to scan
Sefer Tarnogrod, as well as extensive transliterating, editing and formatting.

In memory of Louis Rosengarten, son of Yitzhak and Mali, who immigrated to America in 1913.
In memory of Alan Rosengarten, son of Louis, who presented Sefer Tarnogrod to his children,
encouraging its translation and publication so the perished would not be forgotten.

In memory of Louis and Hannah Strassberg, born in Tarnogrod, married there in 1904,
who left to start a new life in America; and with thanks to their daughter Ruth who started
me on my efforts to remember Tarnogrod and the people who lived and died there.

In memory of Morris Gradel, translator of the Tarnogrod chapter of Pinkas Hakehillot Polin, who died in 2010


This is a translation from: Sefer Tarnogrod; le-zikaron ha-kehila ha-yehudit she-nehreva
Book of Tarnogrod; in memory of the destroyed Jewish community, Editor: Sh. Kanc,
Organization of Former Residents of Tarnogrod and Vicinity in Israel, United States and England, Tel Aviv 1966 (592 pages H,Y)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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In Memory of the Destroyed Jewish Community

Editor: Shimon KANC

Editorial Board: M. Ringer, N. Krymerkopf, M. Sprung, J. Hering, M. Bornstein, Sh. Futer, Sh. Fefer

Published: Tel Aviv 1966

Organization of Former Residents of Tarnogrod and Vicinity in Israel, United States and England


Table of contents translated by Zvika Welgreen and Martin Jacobs

Edited by Lorraine Rosengarten


  H Map of Tarnogrod Shoshana Sprung  
  H Kaddish B. Mordechai 9
  H We Will Remember K. Shimon 10
  Y Our Gathering at the Chamber of the Holocaust on the Mountain of Remembrance K. Shimon 11
  H I Shall Take Up Weeping and Lamentation K. Shimon 17
  H Those I Shall Remember K. Shimon 18
  H On The Threshold Book Committee 21
  H “Remember What Amalek Did to You” Shimon Kanc 23
  H Once there was a Tarnogrod Community Meir Ringer 29
  H There Once Was a Jewish Community in Tarnogrod Meir Ringer 31
I Town History
  H The History of the Town Shimon Kanc 35
  Y The History of the Town Shimon Kanc 42
  Y The Jewish Community in Tarnogrod Nachum Krymerkopf 51
  Y Prayer Leaders of the Period Between the Two World Wars Nuchim Krymerkopf 74
  Y Chol Hamoed Nuchim Krymerkopf 84
  Y The Shvartse Khupe at the Cemetery Nuchim Krymerkopf 95
  Y The Origins of the Polish State Nuchim Krymerkopf 99
II Known Persons, Characters and Folklore
  H Shimon Kanc   119
  H The Rabbis of Tarnogrod   121
  Y My Great Father Eliezer Teicher 127
  Y Our rabbi Alter Zitz-Tishbi 130
  H The Rabbi's pipe Yechiel Muterperl 133
  H Rabbis and Hasidim of Tarnogrod Meir Ringer 135
  H How the Enlightenment and Zionist Movements Arose in Town Meir Ringer 141
  H The Home From Which the Haskalah Movement and Zionism Emerged Meir Ringer 147
  H Town figures Meir Ringer 150
  H Trifling Stories About Prominent Men in Our Town Moshe Lemmer 160
  H Town of my youth S. Chaper 166
  H Cantors and prayers A. Zitz-Tishbi 169
  H During the first world war A. Zitz-Tishbi 171
  H The power of the cradle of childhood A. Zitz-Tishbi 173
  H Celebrations and children's games Alter Zitz-Tishbi 178
  Y Mere figures Meir Ringer 180
  Y Schools and Teachers Meir Ringer 192
  Y The Song of My Town Yitzhak Karper 205
  Y Not the Song They Sang in my Town Shmuel Eliyahu Puter 213
  Y The World of our Yesterdays Shlomo Mantel 226
  Y The Religious Life Y. Ben-Efraim (Yechiel Hering) 229
  Y “Yavneh” School Y. Ben-Efraim (Yechiel Hering) 233
  Y Bais Ya'akov Y. Ben-Efraim (Yechiel Hering) 237
  Y Tarnogrod Between the Two World Wars S. Chaper 241
  Y Days of fasting A. Tishbi 256
  Y Sabbath Eve in the Town Yechiel Muterperl 260
  Y The Brothers Yakov and Zalke Akerman Tzvi Rozenson 262
  Y My Father Fajwel Kenigsberg 264
  Y My parents' house Yosel Schorer 270
  Y Our former Tarnogrod Moshe-Naftali Mantel 275
  Y The Woodbinders of Kneshpol P. Lumerman 282
  Y Our Teacher and Friend Meir Ringer 284
  H His Great Love A. Dror 293
III Death and Destruction
  Y Cry Out, My Murdered Folk Yitzhak Katsenelson 296
  Y The Invasion by the German Hordes Nuchim Krymerkopf 297
  Y The Ghetto Nuchim Krymerkopf 319
  Y God, Take Revenge Nuchim Krymerkopf 330
  H Shabbat Teshuvah 1939 Tzvi Ben Efraim 331
  Y In the Time of Kiddush Ha–Shem Tsvi ben Efraim (Yehiel Hering) 333
  Y Through Inhuman Suffering and Pain Shlomo-Yitzhak Sprung 335
  H The beginning of the end Simcha Statfeld 350
  Y The Testament of Shmuel Peretz Shprung Shmuel Peretz Shprung 353
  Y Documents Simcha Statfeld 357
  Y The Study Houses of Tarnogrod Eliezer Teicher 364
IV Heroism
  Y Heroes   367
  H Acts of Heroism   370
  Y The heroic struggle of the two heroes, the Adler brothers K. Shimoni 373
  Y Through Rivers of Tears and Seas of Blood Avraham Haler 381
  Y Annihilation and the struggle for life Sender Spiegler 464
  Y In memory of my parents Yosef Fink 466
V On The Ruins
  Y I Walk Upon Ruins B. T. Boim 468
  Y On the ruins   469
  Y Tarnogrod's survivors Nachum Krymerkopf 470
  Y Searching for the life that was* Nachum Krymerkopf 481
  Y On the Ruins of My Hometown, Tarnogrod Yekhezkel Agiert 493
  Y A Word and a Tear Yekhezkel Agiert 501
  Y Surviving Auschwitz   503
  H In the Footsteps of the Town which is No More Amnon Dror 505
  H With the Souls of our Holy Martyrs Zushe Fester 520
  Y Potok Gorny Moshe Sprung 524
  Y Olchowiec Rafael Wasserman 528
  Y The Tarnogrod Organization in Israel   531
  Y And There Was … Shimon Kanc 533
  Y Do Not Sing   536
  H These I shall remember Shimon Kanc 538
  H Necrology   540
  H Obituaries   569
* This chapter does not appear in the Table of Contents but was translated in From A Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry.
Edited and Translated by Jack Kugelmass and Jonathan Boyarin. New York: Schocken Books, 1983. 215-216

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Contact person for this translation Tom Merolla
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Updated 27 Jul 2023 by LA